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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-04-07

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:19 axfelix joined #dataverse
07:00 axfelix joined #dataverse
08:49 axfelix joined #dataverse
10:33 axfelix joined #dataverse
12:06 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:22 pdurbin knikolla: when you have a moment, there's a form you need to fill out so that the Harvard IdP will release attributes to your installation of Dataverse. I wish this wasn't required but the Harvard IdP isn't part of the Research & Scholarship (R&S) category of InCommon:
14:04 djbrooke joined #dataverse
14:09 donsizemore @pdurbin if you need a Shibboleth Administrative Assistant through the long, hot summer I volunteer to process the digital paperwork
14:10 donsizemore @pdurbin also, does/would Dataverse be interested in a contrib/ playpen, to hold silly little scripts the community writes for bolt-on functionality?
15:02 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:06 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:09 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks for volunteering! :)
15:09 pdurbin donsizemore: YES, SEND SCRIPTS!
15:10 pameyer pdurbin, donsizemore: something like a dataverse-contrib repo?
15:12 pdurbin there's already
15:13 pdurbin donsizemore: please feel free to make a pull request
15:24 donsizemore @pdurbin thanks for the link! all mine does is download all files in a given dataset in original format writing out the original filename, but it could be smartly rewritten and extended
15:25 pdurbin sounds handy
15:25 pdurbin donsizemore: how about a pull request against the API Guide?
15:26 pdurbin In the past, people have asked for more of a HOWTO style, a tasked-based approach rather than just a list of the API endpoints.
15:28 donsizemore @pdurbin i love the idea of a Dataverse Archivist's Toolbox. let me see what else Thu-Mai might need and then I can send it what I have
15:34 pdurbin sounds good
15:35 pdurbin donsizemore: if you don't think it makes sense in the API Guide, lemme know if you want a new GitHub repo under IQSS.
15:35 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:38 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:41 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:46 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:54 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:12 soU joined #dataverse
16:32 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:06 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:08 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:09 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:21 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:27 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:08 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:24 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:48 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:53 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:12 pdurbin knikolla: I've got two things for you. One about SAML and one about Swift. When you have a moment.
19:12 knikolla pdurbin: sure, go ahead.
19:15 pdurbin Let's talk SAML first. I opened a ticket with the HarvardKey folks so look for an email that has either INC02179756 or INC02180104 in it (I opened two tickets by mistake). In the meantime, there is a four page form you need to fill out.
19:15 pdurbin The form is here:
19:16 pdurbin For more context, please see the "Registering Your App with Harvard" section of
19:16 pdurbin knikolla: if that makes sense I can give you an update on Swift.
19:18 knikolla pdurbin: makes sense.
19:19 pdurbin djbrooke: I'm just noticing that the form has "Harvard email" all over it. Hopefully that's just a suggestion. :)
19:19 knikolla btw, the bu login thing should be fixed by sunday. they added dataverse.harvard and will rollout in production during the sunday window.
19:19 pdurbin knikolla: nice!
19:20 pdurbin knikolla: uh, wait
19:20 pdurbin dataverse.harvard is the SP. I assume you mean Harvard's IdP
19:20 pdurbin a* SP (not the only one)
19:20 knikolla i mean the github issue should be resolved.
19:20 pdurbin knikolla: oh, oh, I understand
19:20 pdurbin they'll start releasing the attributes. cool
19:20 knikolla pdurbin: as in BU's IdP should trust Harvard's dataverse.
19:21 pdurbin yep, I'll probably leave the issue open though because BC and a couple others are affected as well
19:21 * pdurbin looks at
19:22 pdurbin affected institutions: , , , and
19:24 pdurbin anyway
19:26 pdurbin knikolla: so, the Swift update is that I just put into Swift mode by deploying a branch that hasn't yet been merged: 3747-swift-and-compute-button. Do you think you could have Radoslav deploy that branch? The only gotcha is that there are some SQL updates he'll have to run.
19:27 knikolla pdurbin: is there a documentation on how to run the sql migrations?
19:28 pdurbin knikolla: we post updates to our dataverse-dev list. Hold on, please.
19:29 pdurbin knikolla: here are the three ALTER TABLE's you need as of this writing:
19:29 pdurbin in order to run that swift branch
19:31 knikolla pdurbin: emailing rado and cc-ing you
19:37 pdurbin knikolla: got it. Thanks.
19:37 knikolla left #dataverse
19:38 knikolla joined #dataverse
19:38 pdurbin knikolla: you should know that I only *just* fixed a couple critical bugs today. There are other bugs and some behavior that we expect to change.
19:38 pdurbin djbrooke has the list
19:38 pdurbin but it's incremental progress
19:38 pdurbin it gets the files onto Swift at least
19:38 pdurbin and it's been great work by everyone involved
19:44 knikolla pdurbin: yep, i realized when it  said "this branch is 4 commits ahead of develop"
19:52 pdurbin knikolla: I should probably build a war file for Rado to download shouldn't I?
19:52 knikolla pdurbin: That would be great.
19:53 knikolla My java is fairly limited.
19:53 pdurbin ok. I'll set up a Jenkins job
20:07 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:10 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:12 pdurbin knikolla: are you able to click and download dataverse-4.6.1.war under "Build Artifacts" at$dataverse/ ?
20:13 knikolla pdurbin: yes
20:13 knikolla pdurbin: reply to the email with that link
20:14 knikolla pdurbin: i haven't touched .war files since undergrad
20:14 pdurbin knikolla: I will. I added you and Sarah and will reply via this ticket
20:15 knikolla pdurbin: the ticket link asks me to login
20:21 pdurbin knikolla: I slacked you some credentials
20:32 pdurbin knikolla: ok, I just replied on the ticket. You should have gotten an email.
20:53 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:59 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:32 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:35 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.