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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-06-05

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:15 axfelix joined #dataverse
10:55 pdurbin joined #dataverse
12:04 petrichor left #dataverse
12:07 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:24 andrewSC_ joined #dataverse
12:54 pdurbin andrewSC bjonnh bricas donsizemore: what makes more sense to you, /usr/local/dataverse/branding/custom-footer.html or /etc/dataverse/branding/custom-footer.html or some other path?
12:55 pdurbin This is for
12:56 donsizemore @pdurbin most unixes stick stuff beneath /var/html or /var/www/html, unless you want to keep everything beneath /usr/local/dataverse?
12:58 pdurbin Hmmm, good point. And you're reminding me that I put the custom 503 page at
12:59 pdurbin I'm trying to get away from putting stuff in that "vagrant" directory, though. These days I'm trying to put the examples in the guides as downloadable files, which I can also reference from Vagrant if need be.
12:59 donsizemore @pdurbin they just need to be readable by glassfish, but great to gather them together
13:00 andrewSC I'd agree with donsizemore, I think served pages should exist within the /var/www/* path while anything that is explicitly dataverse backend customizable should exist in /usr/local while the install may exist in /etc/
13:01 pdurbin andrewSC: the thing is, they aren't directly served. They get included by Glassfish using `<o:resourceInclude...` which is an OmniFaces thing.
13:01 andrewSC hmmmmm
13:01 pdurbin So the files could live anywhere Glassfish can read.
13:02 andrewSC I think in that case they should exist in a directory that contains templates?
13:02 andrewSC IIRC we kept our frontend templates in the pub dir at adobe but made sure you couldn't access them directly/only for code use/api calls
13:03 pdurbin Right, we'd ship a template for a footer, for example. Installations could tweak it to their hearts' content.
13:03 andrewSC mhmm
13:05 pdurbin donsizemore andrewSC: so are you thinking /var/www/dataverse/custom-footer.html?
13:14 andrewSC pdurbin: how is that 503 doc generated?
13:22 pdurbin andrewSC: wait, you didn't answer my question :)
13:22 pdurbin neither did donsizemore :)
13:22 andrewSC hahah
13:23 donsizemore @pdurbin /var/www/dataverse is great by me
13:23 andrewSC same
13:24 andrewSC I was wondering though about the /src/main/webapp folder.. that folder is supposed to contain "non-customizable" templates right?
13:24 donsizemore @pdurbin it would be great to duplicate the customizable stuff with a .dist extension so upgrades don't overwrite customization (depending on what isn't template-ized)
13:24 andrewSC ooo good call
13:24 andrewSC that could be hella painful/annoying to overwrite customizations :o
13:25 pdurbin src/main/webapp is all the JSF stuff
13:25 andrewSC gotcha
13:26 pdurbin The .dist idea is a good one but I have no plans to overwrite anything. All I'm doing is making a sample custom-footer.html downloadable from the installation guide and suggesting where you could stick it on disk.
13:36 bjonnh pdurbin: /usr/local/share/dataverse/templates/branding ?
13:36 bjonnh ;)
13:38 bjonnh custom-footer is used as an include in a template right?
13:38 bjonnh usually we don't put templates in /var/html
13:39 bjonnh because they are used by the application not the web server
13:42 bjonnh pdurbin: if there is a comment on rights management, /var/html may be ok
13:54 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
13:59 donsizemore @pdurbin how about a check for a preferred /var/www/dataverse/custom-footer.html, then a fall-back to default version somewhere beneath /usr/local/dataverse. expensive disk-wise, but safe for upgrades
14:00 pdurbin The path is not hard-coded. You'll be able to put the files wherever you want. I'm just trying to suggest a sane location in the Installation Guide that people won't laugh at. :)
14:46 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:49 pdurbin andrewSC: I pushed that 503.html doc into the git repo. It's just an example.
14:50 andrewSC cool, I'll take a look
14:51 pdurbin andrewSC: you might find this helpful or interesting: configure Vagrant to use custom 503 error page #131 · IQSS/dataverse@aba7cd2 -
14:51 pdurbin oh hey, pameyer is back
14:52 pameyer yup - it's been a while with meetings / meeting prep
14:52 andrewSC ahhh
14:52 andrewSC nice
14:52 pameyer things like that make me appreciate the log-bot
14:53 * pdurbin tosses iqlogbot a snack
14:53 pameyer :)
14:59 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:33 pameyer joined #dataverse
16:42 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:01 bjonnh pdurbin: /var/share/dataverse/templates/custom-footer.html ?
17:01 bjonnh sorry
17:01 bjonnh /var/lib
17:02 bjonnh that would make sense to me
17:02 bjonnh pdurbin: /var/lib/dataverse/templates/custom-footer.html ?
17:02 bjonnh more than /var/html or /var/www
17:34 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:56 pdurbin bjonnh: it sounds like you and andrewSC need to arm wrestle over it
17:57 andrewSC lmao
17:58 andrewSC I think it honestly depends on how you've structured your application
17:58 andrewSC Keep like code close to like code
18:05 bjonnh I usually split my apps in three, static, templates/configs and code…
18:06 bjonnh I would just avoid /var/{html,www} just because it implies managing rights to not share templates (if it matters)
18:06 bjonnh not worth an arm wrestling :p
18:16 andrewSC bjonnh: I agree on the splitting of a project like you described.. Honestly this is pretty nitpicky stuff.. I'm fine with either place. Perhaps putting the 503 is var/www is an anti-pattern in the first place?
18:17 bjonnh If it is not templated, it can go here (I mean if it is served as static
18:17 bjonnh but yeah that's nitpicky
18:17 andrewSC right
18:17 bjonnh pdurbin: just flip a coin :p
18:17 andrewSC ditto
18:19 * pdurbin flips a coin
19:09 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:48 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:29 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:36 pdurbin Dataverse 4.6.2 is out:
21:28 pameyer joined #dataverse
21:35 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:03 bjonnh \o/
22:58 pdurbin heh

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.