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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-07-31

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:41 deep-book-gk joined #dataverse
02:42 deep-book-gk left #dataverse
06:58 jri joined #dataverse
11:01 pdurbin joined #dataverse
13:50 djbrooke joined #dataverse
14:25 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:32 pdurbin pameyer: mornin'
14:32 pameyer morning
14:33 pdurbin Can I point you to a couple parts of the code in the 3942-DCM-notifications branch I have questions about?
14:34 pameyer ok
14:38 pdurbin pameyer: do you see this `@Path("import/datasets/fil​es/{doi1}/{doi2}/{doi3}")` stuff at ? We're planning on changing this, probably removing it from the path and moving the persistentId into query parameters. That way we can use the DCM with both DOI and Handle.
14:39 pameyer that's for batch-import, right?
14:40 pameyer shouldn't be a problem
14:40 pdurbin Yeah, I'm not even sure what we call it. It isn't documented in the API Guide and probably should be.
14:52 pdurbin pameyer: the next question is about making the "files.sha" file and directories like "/Users/pdurbin/dataverse/fil​​es/10.5072/FK2/WWXTUC/WWXTUC", the "uploadFolder". These aren't Dataverse's job, right? The DCM  create the uploadFolder directory and place a files.sha file into it, right?
14:54 pameyer mostly - files.sha comes from the user/upload script; not the dcm
14:55 pdurbin Sure but doesn't the DCM move files.sha from one directory to another? I'm not sure when that happens.
14:55 pdurbin (files.sha and the files themselves)
14:56 pameyer yup
14:57 pdurbin at I'm seeing UPLOAD_DIRECTORY and HOLD_DIRECTORY.
14:58 pdurbin The DCM moves the files and files.sha from UPLOAD_DIRECTORY to HOLD_DIRECTORY *before* it calls this new Dataverse API we're working on, right?
14:59 pameyer yes - but only if the checksums validate.  In other words, only for one of these APIs
15:00 pdurbin sure, sure, I'm talking about the happy path right now
15:01 pdurbin pameyer: so if it's the DCM's job to do this, do you want me and Steve to test the DCM doing this before we pass this issue to QA? Does the DCM already do this job or do you need to write more code?
15:01 pameyer the DCM's ability to do this is out of scope for this issue.
15:01 pdurbin ah, interesting
15:01 pameyer but it can do this, except for the part where it's calling the dataverse APIs that don't exist yet
15:14 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:27 andrewSC joined #dataverse
15:33 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:45 jhand joined #dataverse
15:56 andrewSC joined #dataverse
17:09 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:13 jri joined #dataverse
17:25 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:31 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:35 pdurbin pameyer: makes sense. Thanks!
17:41 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:41 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:50 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:11 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:14 pdurbin pameyer: do these screenshots and code snippets from Jenkins that I just posted help?
18:24 pameyer pdurbin: thanks - it'll probably take some time to digest (which I probably won't have today).  but it looks like a reasonable starting point for me. Thanks
18:25 pdurbin pameyer: oh sure. hey for 3942 are you expecting anything to be added to the guides? If so, what?
18:27 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:28 pameyer hadn't thought about it one way or the other. maybe example curl calls for each API, error conditions and maybe a pointer to the dcm config info that's already there
18:33 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
18:37 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:39 pdurbin pameyer: I'll see what I can do. Again, we're changing the API we're adding to support both DOI and Handle so it's still in flux. Thanks.
18:54 djbrooke_ joined #dataverse
19:04 garnett joined #dataverse
19:24 caseykoons joined #dataverse
19:26 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:36 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:38 garnett joined #dataverse
20:30 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:39 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:40 djbrooke_ joined #dataverse
20:42 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:55 garnett joined #dataverse
21:05 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:10 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:37 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:39 garnett joined #dataverse
21:56 agarnett joined #dataverse
22:27 agarnett joined #dataverse
23:24 jri joined #dataverse
23:27 djbrooke joined #dataverse
23:51 sivoais joined #dataverse
23:54 djbrooke joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.