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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-08-22

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:06 jri joined #dataverse
06:53 jri joined #dataverse
06:55 jri joined #dataverse
06:56 jri joined #dataverse
10:59 jri_ joined #dataverse
12:22 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:55 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:05 soU joined #dataverse
16:38 jri joined #dataverse
17:59 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
18:00 dataverse-user Hi all
18:06 pdurbin hi
18:39 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
18:39 Thalia_UM Hello
18:39 Thalia_UM Thank you for the link
18:40 pdurbin Thalia_UM: hi! welcome!
18:41 Thalia_UM Thanks
18:41 Thalia_UM I already downloaded Netbeans
18:41 Thalia_UM 8.2
18:42 pdurbin I'm using 8.2 too.
18:42 Thalia_UM I push Run of the project and Netbeans is downloading several packages
18:43 pdurbin ah, before you run, please try a "clean and build"
18:45 Thalia_UM But It shows me mistakes for lack of libraries
18:45 Thalia_UM Continue downloading, how long does it take?
18:46 pdurbin the first time take a while. then files are cached
18:47 pdurbin takes
18:48 Thalia_UM Thanks for the information
18:48 pdurbin sure
18:48 pdurbin at you said you want to attach other links
18:48 Thalia_UM i'm wait that finish the downloading
18:49 Thalia_UM Yes
18:49 Thalia_UM other links with information
18:50 pdurbin information about a dataset?
18:51 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
18:56 pdurbin dataverse-user: are you Thalia_UM?
18:57 dataverse-user yes
18:59 pdurbin dataverse-user: I was curious what you meant by "other links with information". Information about what? About a dataset?
19:02 dataverse-user no, Information about our institution, like About us..
19:02 pdurbin dataverse-user: oh! There's a new feature where you can configure an "About" link.
19:03 dataverse-user Really??
19:03 pdurbin dataverse-user: here you go:
19:04 dataverse-user You are good ^^
19:05 dataverse-user And If I want a page only with a list of names, How do I attach a blank page to write?
19:06 dataverse-user like Authors that contributed to the content of the page
19:10 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
19:13 pdurbin dataverse-user: a blank page?
19:14 dataverse-user Yes, as a about us but have other information.
19:15 pdurbin dataverse-user: you can replace the whole homepage with a custom HTML file if you want.
19:16 dataverse-user OK
19:17 pdurbin dataverse-user: please see
19:18 dataverse-user I do not know how the Curl command line works and the information I have to offer
19:18 pdurbin Are you installing Dataverse on Linux? Linux should have curl.
19:19 dataverse-user Centos 7
19:19 dataverse-user but
19:20 dataverse-user I connect in a Laptop with windows and I  am using MobaXterm to have a linux interface
19:20 dataverse-user and I connect with SSH
19:20 pdurbin ok. interesting. I've never heard of MobaXterm
19:21 dataverse-user I connect to a virtual machine that is where this dataverse is installed
19:22 pdurbin ok
19:22 pdurbin dataverse-user: did you see this reply by Mike?
19:22 dataverse-user yes
19:24 dataverse-user My question is whether I should apply the command like this, or should I modify
19:25 dataverse-user Failed connect to localhost:8080; Connection refused
19:25 dataverse-user With the NavbarAboutUrl
19:26 pdurbin are you already ssh'ed into the virtual machine?
19:27 pdurbin is glassfish running?
19:27 pdurbin can you log into the dataverse web interface?
19:41 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:48 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:51 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:55 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:58 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:03 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:25 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
20:28 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
20:28 dataverse-user Hi
20:35 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
20:35 dataverse-user left #dataverse
20:35 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
20:36 Thalia_UM Can I save the conversations?
20:36 Thalia_UM34 joined #dataverse
20:49 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
20:51 dataverse-user I have a question with the Curl command
20:52 dataverse-user I don't understand How I us this command
20:52 dataverse-user I want to run curl -X PUT -d '/logos/navbar/logo.png' http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:LogoCustomizationFile
20:52 dataverse-user { status:"error", message:"Endpoint available from localhost only. Please contact the dataverse administrator"}
20:53 dataverse-user In the console shows me that
21:00 dataverse-user thanks Philip
21:00 dataverse-user Really You are great ^^
21:09 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
21:09 dataverse-user Hello
21:19 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:22 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:46 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
21:53 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:58 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
21:58 dataverse-user hi
22:13 pdurbin hmm, need to try from localhost
22:26 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
22:26 dataverse-user I have an error
22:26 dataverse-user when i use netbeans
22:26 dataverse-user Failed to execute goal on project dataverse:
22:28 pdurbin dataverse-user: are you doing a "clean and build"?
22:30 dataverse-user YES
22:30 pdurbin Hmm. What's the error?
22:31 dataverse-user Stop the downloads and send the  message error
22:31 dataverse-user Failed to execute goal on project dataverse: Could not resolve dependencies for project Failed to collect dependencies for [junit:junit:jar:4.8.1 (test), org.glassfish:javax.json:jar:1.0.4 (test), commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:jar:3.0.1 (compile), org.swordapp:sword2-server:jar:classes:1.0 (compile), org.swordapp:sword2-server:war:1.1-SNAPSHOT (compile), org.apache.abdera:abdera-core:jar:1.1.
22:32 pdurbin Does it say "Service Temporarily Unavailable"?
22:33 pdurbin I'm seeing "Service Temporarily Unavailable" at
22:33 dataverse-user This message is displayed here
22:35 dataverse-user That shows me
22:41 pdurbin dataverse-user: I just posted this:
22:41 pdurbin It may be that there's a temporary problem with Maven Central.
22:44 dataverse-user I worked with other repository
22:44 donsizemore joined #dataverse
22:45 dataverse-user and It sends the same error and it was due to user permissions
22:46 dataverse-user But with Netbeans I don't know What happen
22:46 pdurbin dataverse-user: what commit are you on?
22:47 dataverse-user I don't understand
22:47 dataverse-user What is commit?
22:47 dataverse-user What do i do?
22:48 pdurbin 9978672 or 9978672ecddac7a872866cf1a2fee6304bf99a2f is the latest
22:49 dataverse-user ???
22:49 pdurbin this one:
22:49 pdurbin dataverse-user: don't worry about it. What is your goal? You want to modify the code? You want to make a pull request?
22:52 dataverse-user I want to design the repository according to some guidelines that ask you to have a home page, information pages, user list, etc. We chose this repository because it is focused on datasets, but we have to have an interface according to the guidelines that ask us, so I want to know how I can modify apart from the links that already shared me with colors and attach logos.
22:53 dataverse-user I can not work with the one they already installed and I do not have the computer to install it.
22:53 pdurbin Interesting.
22:55 dataverse-user Yes
22:55 pdurbin You're saying that Dataverse doesn't currently meet all of the guidelines?
22:56 pdurbin What is an example of a guideline that Dataverse does
22:56 pdurbin whoops
22:56 dataverse-user Yes
22:56 pdurbin What is an example of a guideline that Dataverse doesn't meet?
22:56 dataverse-user Yes is perfect the repository
22:57 dataverse-user the guideline are colors, logos, links
22:57 dataverse-user Style for the page
22:57 dataverse-user only that
22:57 pdurbin Ok. You can use your own custom CSS with Dataverse.
22:58 dataverse-user Yes I understand that
22:58 pdurbin See
22:58 dataverse-user but Why
22:58 dataverse-user I try install netbeans and work there
22:58 dataverse-user but i don't know How work with the project that I download
22:59 pdurbin We have tried to make it somewhat easy to customize Dataverse without having to change the code. In theory, you shouldn't need to change the code. You should be able to configure the software with a custom logo, a custom CSS file, etc.
22:59 dataverse-user I download here
22:59 dataverse-user Yes
23:00 dataverse-user I read about that
23:00 dataverse-user but i can't change In the dataverse that they installed
23:01 pdurbin Why can't you help them customize the installation of Dataverse they installed?
23:02 dataverse-user Because other people are testing and told me that they download the project and will work in netbeans
23:05 dataverse-user Because other people are testing and told me that I download the project and I will work in netbeans
23:06 pdurbin Well, if they are telling you that you should work in Netbeans... you should work in Netbeans. :)
23:06 pdurbin How can I help? What do you need?
23:08 dataverse-user Is it better to install dataverse and work there or if you can work on netbeans?
23:08 pdurbin It's better to install Dataverse and try to configure it the way you want it.
23:08 dataverse-user Ok
23:08 dataverse-user I try install dataverse
23:08 dataverse-user Thank you so much
23:09 pdurbin any time
23:09 dataverse-user You are very tolerant with me
23:10 pdurbin I practice a lot. :)
23:10 dataverse-user How long?
23:11 pdurbin How long have I been practicing tolerance? Uh, I'm not sure. :)
23:12 dataverse-user That is sure
23:12 dataverse-user Thanks Philip for help me
23:12 pdurbin You're welcome.
23:13 pdurbin All those configuration options are new so we are eager to receive feedback on them.
23:13 dataverse-user I keep trying and there you will see me in the forums in case something happens.
23:13 dataverse-user OK
23:13 dataverse-user it's great
23:13 pdurbin That's fine. Good luck.
23:14 dataverse-user I install With Centos 7 ?
23:14 dataverse-user Is better that ubuntu? or red hat?
23:14 pdurbin CentOS 7 is fine. Ubuntu may not work as well.
23:15 dataverse-user Ok thanks
23:15 dataverse-user Can it be in a virtual machine?
23:15 pdurbin yes
23:16 dataverse-user Thaksn again
23:21 dataverse-user See you soon
23:21 pdurbin bye

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.