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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-09-07

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:36 garnett joined #dataverse
03:03 yoh joined #dataverse
03:15 jri joined #dataverse
07:03 jri joined #dataverse
07:05 jri joined #dataverse
07:05 jri joined #dataverse
10:47 andrewSC joined #dataverse
12:01 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:01 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
15:03 Thalia_UM Hi Philip
15:03 pdurbin Thalia_UM: good morning
15:04 Thalia_UM What is it for? :BlockedApiPolicy
15:05 Thalia_UM BlockedApiEndpoints This ir for protected my contacts and that they will not define one as administrator
15:05 pdurbin Well on some test servers I like having the APIs completely open for testing. In production, we limit the "admin" API to localhost.
15:09 Thalia_UM Would you be applying the bloked terminating of configuring the dataverse?
15:09 Thalia_UM Good morning
15:12 pdurbin I'm reading and I think it's a little misleading. I think it's a little out of date. When you install Dataverse, the API should be locked down.
15:12 pdurbin I'm looking at
15:12 pdurbin And it blocks "admin" and "test", which is good.
15:13 pdurbin Good for a production setup.
15:13 pdurbin and :BlockedApiPolicy is set to "localhost-only" which is also good
15:14 pdurbin So I think the Installation Guide should be rewritten a bit to be less scary.
15:14 pdurbin Thalia_UM: would you like to create a GitHub issue about this?
15:15 Thalia_UM What would be the question on this topic?
15:17 Thalia_UM I have doubts because I'm just reading in that section, but I don't know more doubts about it.
15:18 Thalia_UM Thanks you for the links
15:42 soU joined #dataverse
15:43 soU Hello there, I opened a support ticket on Aug31, could someone help me with, please
16:45 jri joined #dataverse
17:59 Thalia_UM Philip
18:00 Thalia_UM The Max File Upload Size is 2 GB??
18:46 Thalia_UM Generate error if it passes the maximum size?
19:23 pdurbin Thalia_UM: by default the max upload size is unlimited
19:36 Thalia_UM then, It is then optional to limit the size of files
19:37 Thalia_UM then, It is optional to limit the size of files
19:39 pdurbin right
19:39 pdurbin if your users fill up your hard drive :)
19:40 Thalia_UM Thank you Philip
19:40 Thalia_UM :)
19:42 pdurbin soU: have you seen the reponsed on ?
20:21 bjonnh pdurbin: neat
20:21 bjonnh (re docker/openshift)
20:22 pdurbin bjonnh: I'm glad you approve! :)
20:22 bjonnh I was worried it woulndn't run with only 1GB
20:22 bjonnh I may have something left against java ;)
20:29 pdurbin heh
22:55 jri joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.