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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-09-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:51 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:17 axfelix joined #dataverse
08:32 soU joined #dataverse
11:57 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:59 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:02 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
14:04 Thalia_UM Philip
14:04 Thalia_UM Help me
14:04 Thalia_UM Good morning
14:04 Thalia_UM :)
14:05 pdurbin Thalia_UM: good morning. I'm at an airport flying to San Francisco for JavaOne to give a talk about Dataverse: :)
14:05 Thalia_UM I already installed dataverse, but when I enter the link I get white screen
14:08 Thalia_UM Do you broadcast live or is it only live?
14:08 donsizemore @pdurbin jelly! i can hear the cable cars now
14:10 pdurbin I think it's only live. Not recorded. Not mine anyway. Michael and Matthew's talk will probably be recorded since it's during the day instead of an evening "birds of a feather" talk like mine and Steve's or like Gustavo and Danny's.
14:11 pdurbin Thalia_UM: does your server.log file have errors like the ones at ?
14:13 pdurbin You can see all three talks at JavaOne about Dataverse with this link:
14:16 pdurbin donsizemore: do you think the white screen is because "setup all" hasn't been run yet? That's what that issue is about. ^^
14:16 pdurbin Whelp, my flight is boarding. I'll be back later. Have a good weekend everyone!
14:17 pdurbin left #dataverse
14:18 donsizemore @Thalia_UM would you be willing to send me your server.log and/or the output from Dataverse's setup scripts?
14:19 donsizemore @Thalia_UM and if you're behind an Apache proxy, what do you get when you try curl http://localhost:8080 from the machine's console?
14:23 Thalia_UM yes
14:23 Thalia_UM like the first link
14:26 Thalia_UM I do not know what you mentions at the end
14:27 Thalia_UM Where do I share the file?
14:27 donsizemore @Thalia_UM did you set this up in vagrant, or on your own server?
14:27 Thalia_UM In my own server
14:32 donsizemore @thalia_um on the server there are files starting with server.log probably in /usr/local/glassfish4/glas​sfish/domains/domain1/logs
14:32 donsizemore @Thalia_UM there shouldn't be any state secrets in them, if you don't mind zipping them up and sending them to ?
14:32 donsizemore i'll be right back, my boss wants to talk to me really quick
14:43 Thalia_UM yes
14:51 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:59 donsizemore @Thalia_UM I'm back. Are you able to see the log files?
15:02 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
15:03 pdurbin_m free Wi-Fi on JetBlue. typing with thumbs though :)
15:07 Thalia_UM Hiiiii
15:07 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:07 Thalia_UM Now present other problem
15:08 Thalia_UM already enters localhost: 8080 but it shows the page of glassfish and no dataverse
15:09 Thalia_UM Have a good trip, Philip.
15:16 Thalia_UM I already sent the mail
15:17 Thalia_UM I already sent the mail donsizemore
15:17 donsizemore @Thaliu_UM just got it =)
15:17 Thalia_UM
15:18 Thalia_UM Wiiiiiiiii
15:18 Thalia_UM please help me
15:18 Thalia_UM What's your name?
15:20 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
15:20 djbrooke Hey Thalia_UM - Phil mentioned you were asking some questions and he had to take off (literally) - are you all set or can I help? Will need to get up to speed
15:23 Thalia_UM I just installed dataverse on ubuntu 16.04
15:23 donsizemore @pdurbin the error is Caused by: javax.persistence.NoResultException: getSingleResult() did not retrieve any entities. -- i've seen it before but forget what caused it off the top of my head
15:24 Thalia_UM But it does not show me the dataverse home page, it shows me that the glassfish server is working, I configured localhost: 8080 for dataverse
15:26 donsizemore @Thalia_UM dataverse didn't deploy. can you see the Postgres credentials in /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/d​omains/domain1/config/domain.xml ?
15:27 Thalia_UM yes
15:27 donsizemore @Thalia_UM in a terminal, can you verify the Postgres connectivity? $ psql -U dvn -d dvndb -h localhost -W should do the trick
15:28 Thalia_UM What do I check in domain.xml?
15:28 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
15:29 donsizemore @Thalia_UM the database username and password you gave it. just to be sure dataverse can talk to postgres
15:29 donsizemore the properties are in the "jdbc-connection-pool" section
15:29 Thalia_UM what is the password to dvn?
15:31 Thalia_UM I already entered postgres with psql -U postgres -d dvndb -h localhost
15:31 Thalia_UM 83 tables
15:31 pdurbin_m donsizemore: that error is expected if you haven't run the setup all script yet
15:32 donsizemore @Thalia_UM do you have your terminal output from running the install script?
15:33 Thalia_UM I don't understand that part
15:33 Thalia_UM about script
15:33 Thalia_UM ./install???
15:35 pdurbin2 joined #dataverse
15:36 pdurbin2 left #dataverse
15:39 Thalia_UM Reinstall?
15:41 philipdurbin joined #dataverse
15:42 philipdurbin I can't ssh to the server where I'm running weechat in my screen session so I'm trying Adium instead.
15:43 philipdurbin First world problems that ssh is blocked on this flight. :)
15:44 Thalia_UM :)
15:48 Thalia_UM Reinstall all?
15:56 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: I'm confused about your current status. Are you doing a fresh install of Dataverse on a brand new server?
15:56 donsizemore @Thalia_UM the path of least resistance might be to drop the database and remove /usr/local/glassfish4, if it's a new server?
15:58 Thalia_UM I  have not installed anything, but now they asked me to install dataverse on the laptop where I am working. I already install dataverse but it does not show me the home page
15:59 Thalia_UM I'm installing everything new on a laptop
16:00 Thalia_UM I already did all the steps, but when entering the link that I configured to dataverse, it does not show me anything
16:03 Thalia_UM I want to know if there is any configuration or something that is causing me not to show the page?
16:07 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: ok, so do you want to install the latest release of Dataverse (4.8) or do you want to set up a dev environment and run the latest from the "develop" branch? You mentioned you're running Ubuntu, which is less well supported than RHEL/CentOS (release) or Mac (dev environment).
16:07 Thalia_UM dataverse 4.7
16:07 Thalia_UM Ubuntu 16.04
16:08 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: can you please open a new issue asking for Ubuntu support?
16:09 Thalia_UM I think that the problem is with my configuration
16:09 Thalia_UM I don't know where change the configuration
16:09 philipdurbin donsizemore: how well does your stuff work with Ubuntu?
16:10 philipdurbin donsizemore: I see you just bumped to 4.8. Awesome.
16:11 Thalia_UM I am installing this version 4.7 and in ubuntu because they asked for it in my work area
16:11 Thalia_UM Yes I know, I want install the new version
16:11 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: do you mind creating an issue about Ubuntu support?
16:12 Thalia_UM About What?
16:13 donsizemore @philipdurbin i do all my vagrant testing on ubuntu 16
16:13 donsizemore @philipdurbin i actually need to do a 4.7.1 install to test what we think /might/ be an ingest regression, i'll do that on ubuntu 16 soon-ish
16:14 donsizemore @philipdurbin i say soon-ish because our director ordered us pizza for lunch!
16:15 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: The Dataverse team supports installing Dataverse on RHEL/CentOS but not Ubuntu. Can you please open an issue about how you'd like to run Dataverse on Ubuntu instead?
16:17 donsizemore @philipdurbin SoU isn't here right now, but after yesterday's question of RAM: one of our test boxes has 64GB of system RAM and a 48GB JVM heap, and the kernel invoked the OoM killer this morning. guess which single process was consuming the most memory and was therefore the best candidate for sacrifice =)
16:17 philipdurbin You sacrificed Glassfish?!?! How could you? :)
16:17 donsizemore Don't look at me! /I/ didn't do it!
16:18 philipdurbin donsizemore: you never opened an issue about how we're all stuck on Glassfish 4.1. Still thinking about what you want instead?
16:20 philipdurbin Would Tomcat be better? :)
16:22 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:23 Thalia_UM Oh I understand
16:23 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: "RHEL/CentOS is highly recommended since all development and QA happens on this distribution" is what we say at which is why I'm asking you to open an issue if you'd like support for Ubuntu.
16:24 Thalia_UM Thank you
16:29 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: if it makes you feel any better, I ask *everyone* to create GitHub issues. Just a minute ago: :)
16:30 Thalia_UM Thank you Philip
16:30 Thalia_UM :)
16:42 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: sure. Please drop a link in here after you create that issue.
16:45 Thalia_UM Sure Philip :D
16:55 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:59 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:01 philipdurbin joined #dataverse
17:07 philipdurbin donsizemore: did you see ?
17:08 donsizemore @philipdurbin about glassfish 4.1?
17:11 philipdurbin Yeah. You probably don't want to stay on it forever.
17:20 donsizemore i mean, if your lead developer had the t-shirt, i can't really argue with payara!
17:24 donsizemore @philipdurbin I just did a vanilla/manual 4.7.1 install with R on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
17:24 philipdurbin donsizemore: oh! Good! Should Thalia_UM try it?
17:25 donsizemore @philipdurbin she's welcome to. wait, did that error she got mean that the root dataverse wasn't published yet? i was going to ask her to look at the solr console next
17:26 donsizemore @philipdurbin (i do have the full server log, but it's been a surprisingly (and positively) busy morning here)
17:26 Thalia_UM What is thatt??
17:27 philipdurbin no, that error probably means that the "setup all" script didn't run. When you visit the home page and the root dataverse hasn't been created yet, in server.log you see `NoResultException: getSingleResult() did not retrieve any entities` like issue 3148 says.
17:28 Thalia_UM I am reinstalling but now when running ./install me appears Failed to deploy the application! WAR file: dataverse.war
17:34 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: I think you should try donsizemore 's ansible scripts if he agrees
17:35 Thalia_UM But I don't kno how use the scripts
17:44 philipdurbin but donsizemore does since he wrote them
17:45 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: are you still going to create that issue?
17:45 donsizemore @Thalia_UM you're welcome to try them:
17:48 philipdurbin donsizemore: on slack I'm asking about Glassfish vs Payara but no has responded yet. What does your gut tell you?
17:49 Thalia_UM I am very confused
17:49 donsizemore @philipdurbin Payara
17:49 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:51 Thalia_UM I want to reinstall it, but what do I have to do to erase the database and other settings?
17:51 Thalia_UM to remove glassfish?
17:54 philipdurbin joined #dataverse
17:57 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:57 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:57 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: have you seen ?
18:01 Thalia_UM Yes
18:01 Thalia_UM THank you
18:05 Thalia_UM Thank you philip
18:05 Thalia_UM Philip
18:05 Thalia_UM I have a suggestion
18:06 Thalia_UM You add this part to the reinstall section
18:07 Thalia_UM just so let me re-install the package
18:12 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: ah, good idea. Can you please open an issue about that?
18:13 Thalia_UM yes
18:13 philipdurbin thanks!
18:13 Thalia_UM I share my experience in case someone else has the same problem
18:13 Thalia_UM Where?
18:13 Thalia_UM :)
18:14 philipdurbin Thalia_UM:
18:14 philipdurbin one for the ejb/generated thing
18:14 philipdurbin one for ubuntu support
18:14 philipdurbin please! thank you!
18:16 philipdurbin donsizemore: sorry, I got disconnected (first world problems). So you're thinking Payara? Want to create an issue about that?
18:18 donsizemore certainly. i can do another run-through with payara5 and 4.8 to document exactly what's logged when things go splat? or just a generic payara 5 issue
18:27 philipdurbin donsizemore: generic is fine. We can link to your previous efforts if necessary. Thanks for all those efforts!
18:38 Thalia_UM Philip
18:38 Thalia_UM
18:45 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: thanks! Are you still interested in running Dataverse on Ubuntu? If so, can you please create an issue for that too?
18:47 Thalia_UM Sure
18:47 Thalia_UM but what can I expose there?
19:01 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: I don't understand
19:16 philipdurbin testing
19:49 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: the issue title can just be "Support Ubuntu" and in the body you can link to and quote the current recommendation: "RHEL/CentOS is highly recommended since all development and QA happens on this distribution"
19:51 philipdurbin Does that make sense?
19:55 philipdurbin joined #dataverse
20:01 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: are you still there? I keep getting disconnected.
20:14 Thalia_UM Yes
20:14 Thalia_UM I'm here
20:17 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: did you see ?
20:20 Thalia_UM yes
20:20 Thalia_UM I'm sorry, I did not read it, I went to eat
20:28 philipdurbin joined #dataverse
20:30 philipdurbin Thalia_UM: do worries, please let me know when you have read it
20:31 philipdurbin whoops! no worries, please let me know when you have read it :)
20:38 philipdurbin Landing soon. Have a good weekend, everybody. I'll be back in the office after Columbus Day.
20:40 Thalia_UM thanks
20:40 Thalia_UM see you soon

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