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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-10-20

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:49 axfelix joined #dataverse
01:58 jri joined #dataverse
07:16 jri joined #dataverse
12:55 jri joined #dataverse
13:14 jri joined #dataverse
13:43 rebecabarros joined #dataverse
13:52 rebecabarros Hi everyone. Anyone can help me pointing out the instructions to upload large files? I saw this but I do not understand how to allow uploads using rsync in my dataverse installation
13:56 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
14:55 pdurbin rebecabarros: hi! You might be our first rsync customer apart from the customer we built this feature for. :) Where are you stuck? What's confusing?
15:01 rebecabarros Hi pdurbin! Nice to here that. I can share my test experiences later with you guys. So, in order to upload using rsync I have to install and use DCM, is that right? I could not understand how to install DCM, is only valid with Ansible?
15:03 pdurbin rebecabarros: that's correct, you must install a Data Capture Module (DCM) to allow rsync uploads. You don't *have* to use Ansible, though. The Ansible playbook shows all the steps that are necessary to configure a DCM.
15:10 rebecabarros But it's possible install DCM in a local instalation? without ansible or vagrant?
15:14 pdurbin rebecabarros: yes. In development I just use Vagrant/Ansible to create a DCM virtual machine on my laptop but for production you would install a DCM on a server.
15:16 rebecabarros right, how do I do that? in the instructions seems only for ansible option.
15:19 Thalia_UM Good morning Philip :) What is the file?
15:53 pdurbin Thalia_UM: please try clicking "Find File" at and typing the name of the file. This is a relatively new feature of GitHub.
15:58 Thalia_UM I already did it, but in a presentation mentions that you can configure the language
16:01 pdurbin Thalia_UM: I see what you mean. I'm looking at the doc now.
16:04 pdurbin the presentation
16:05 Thalia_UM Yes
16:05 Thalia_UM :)
16:07 pdurbin Thalia_UM: I see that Amber wrote this: "Thalia: we will reach out to you with regards to the current state of our internationalization efforts, for now our instance is both English and French. I'll cc Dataverse on this as well."
16:09 Thalia_UM Yes
16:17 pdurbin Thalia_UM: did she reach out to you yet?
16:19 Thalia_UM No, but yesterday pameyer gave me a presentation on your part and I read about, "4. Bundle - Simple text file, which can be easily translated into different languages for internationalization of the application"
16:21 pdurbin Yeah, that's what I see in the presentation too.
16:22 jri joined #dataverse
16:33 Thalia_UM1 joined #dataverse
16:41 Thalia_UM1 but What's that mean??
16:41 Thalia_UM1 What does that mean?
16:45 pdurbin It means it's possible. The technology we use supports internationalization. Other Java apps support multiple languages.
16:55 Thalia_UM1 but how do you change that part, you know something?
16:56 pdurbin Thalia_UM1: you should probably wait for Amber to email you. Or you could email her.
16:58 Thalia_UM1 Ok, Thank you Philip :)
17:51 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
17:55 capsloth joined #dataverse
18:06 capsloth The first reboot after I install dataverse the glassfish service won't start..
18:06 capsloth Can someone help with the server.log?
18:06 capsloth
19:14 pdurbin hey capsloth, great nick :)
19:15 pdurbin Are you starting Glassfish manually or with an init script?
19:16 capsloth pdurbin, thanks! :p
19:16 capsloth systemd unit
19:17 capsloth from the documentation
19:17 pdurbin ok, these docs:
19:17 pdurbin honestly, I'm still on CentOS 6
19:17 pdurbin systemd is this newfangled thing to me
19:18 capsloth yes.. these docs
19:18 pdurbin capsloth: are you familiar with the equivalent asadmin commands?
19:18 capsloth but if I try via command line I wont star either..
19:19 capsloth like su -c '/usr/bin/java -jar /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfis​h/lib/client/appserver-cli.jar start-domain' glassfish
19:19 capsloth no.. asadmin is alien to me
19:22 capsloth the ansible role with vagrant wont work either
19:39 Thalia_UM1 Philip
19:39 Thalia_UM1 Where do I find the java files from terminal?
19:40 Thalia_UM1 i want to find
19:41 pdurbin capsloth: sorry, people were in my office. Let me check if we wrote any documentation on asadmin
19:42 Thalia_UM1 Because I have to add a web services that throw me XML files and that deploy it in the metadata of dataverse, when i register a dataset.
19:43 pdurbin capsloth: what do you get when you run `./asadmin list-applications` ?
19:43 Thalia_UM1 left #dataverse
19:50 pdurbin capsloth: also, I'll need to head out in about half an hour
20:34 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:36 pameyer rebecabarros: looks like I missed you; but the DCM installation documentation is something that I need to improve.  It is possible to install without ansible or vagrant (although ansible may make sense for general production use - we use it for most of our systems).

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.