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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-10-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:02 jri joined #dataverse
09:15 jri joined #dataverse
09:29 capsloth joined #dataverse
13:13 jri joined #dataverse
13:29 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
14:10 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
14:12 Thalia_UM Good morning! :)
14:13 pdurbin mornin' Thalia_UM
14:16 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:18 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:21 Thalia_UM Philip
14:21 Thalia_UM I have a question, is the last conversation
14:21 Thalia_UM at weekend
14:22 Thalia_UM Where do I find the java files from terminal? I want to find, Because I have to add a web services that throw me XML files and that deploy it in the metadata of dataverse, when i register a dataset.
14:23 pameyer Thalia_UM: $REPO_ROOT/src/main/java/edu/harvard/iq/dataverse
14:23 pameyer where $REPO_ROOT is where you cloned the repository into
14:23 pameyer unless there's a source tarball, which I don't *think* there is
14:24 Thalia_UM dvinstall?
14:26 Thalia_UM What is REPO_ROOT?
14:27 pdurbin Thalia_UM: you're trying to create datasets in Dataverse using XML?
14:27 Thalia_UM No
14:28 Thalia_UM I want to find the Java files to apply GET to some web services
14:29 Thalia_UM I want to find
14:29 pameyer is in the source, which I don't think gets copied to
14:30 pameyer Thalia_UM: are you farmiliar with git?
14:30 Thalia_UM So that when creating a dataset, other contents (web services) are loaded in the field fill options
14:30 Thalia_UM yes
14:30 Thalia_UM but
14:30 Thalia_UM I already have it installed but I can not find the file
14:31 Thalia_UM and in github I already saw the file but in my installation I do not know where to find it
14:33 pameyer right - the source files aren't in the installation.  the source files you see it github are compiled into class files, which are packaged into a war file, which then gets included into (with some other necessary parts)
14:33 pameyer does that help, or am I confusing things more?
14:34 pdurbin Thalia_UM: you want to apply GET to some web services? What web services? What does the GET do?
14:38 Thalia_UM It is called catalogs, and those catalogs must be loaded into the fields when creating a dataset, for example author, in code it is like this: <dc: creator id = "info: eu-
14:38 Thalia_UM repo / dai / mx / typeid / identifier "> Name </ dc: creator> and this should unpack in the repository the total names of authors that have.
14:38 Thalia_UM <dc: creator id = "info: eu-repo / dai / mx / typeid / identifier "> Name </ dc: creator>
14:41 Thalia_UM I have to consume some web services
14:42 pdurbin Thalia_UM: is "Catalogs" open source? Does it support OAI-PMH?
14:43 Thalia_UM yes
14:43 Thalia_UM
14:44 pdurbin Thanks. Unfortunately, my high school Spanish is failing me. :/
14:45 Thalia_UM They are all those catalogs, but only some I have to consume, those that I will need
14:46 Thalia_UM Well I shared it, so you see that I have to consume many fields there
14:46 pdurbin Are you trying to copy datasets from Catalogs to Dataverse or from Dataverse to Catalogs?
14:46 Thalia_UM to give me to understand a little of what I'm looking for
14:47 Thalia_UM No
14:48 Thalia_UM I have to consume data from there to fill fields when I create a dataset in dataverse
14:48 Thalia_UM webservices-> dataverse
14:49 pdurbin Ok. Does Catalogs support OAI-PMH? If so, you can "harvest" datasets from Catalogs into Dataverse.
14:49 Thalia_UM so that when you create a dataset, in the page of dataverse, the author show menu of all the information on that page about author.
14:50 Thalia_UM yes
14:51 Thalia_UM I don't think it's that
14:57 pdurbin Thalia_UM: what is the OAI-PMH URL for ?
14:58 Thalia_UM It has nothing to do with OAI-PMH
14:59 Thalia_UM There are only web services that return information
14:59 Thalia_UM for example
14:59 pdurbin Ok, so Catalogs does not support OAI-PMH. Bummer.
14:59 Thalia_UM
15:00 Thalia_UM All that information must have the fill fields when creating a dataset
15:01 Thalia_UM,  Here only is a field
15:04 pdurbin These don't look like datasets.
15:04 pdurbin Where is the title of the dataset?
15:06 pdurbin Where is the author?
15:15 Thalia_UM That is about knowledge area
15:38 pdurbin Where's the one for datasets?
15:44 Thalia_UM No
16:36 rebecabarros joined #dataverse
16:50 rebecabarros pmeyer hi, I saw you answer for my question. So, I am a little confuse because I'm not familiar with Vagrant or Ansible. I have a local Dataverse installation in an Ubuntu server.  Can I install DCM using Ansible in this same server and be able to work with my dvn installation?
16:54 jri joined #dataverse
17:38 pameyer rbecabarros: DCM creates limited OS accounts for data transfers, so you would probably not want to install it on the same system as your dataverse application.  The initial assumption was that a DCM would run on a "disposable" VM, which is how we're running - but with the precursor of the DCM, we haven't had to dispose of the VM yet (the accounts are very limited, they expire, and number of accounts hasn't been an issue).
17:50 jri joined #dataverse
18:18 rebecabarros pameyer: I see, so the ideal is to have a VM (Vagrant + Ansible) for DCM and connects this vm with the server of my dataverse application?
18:18 jri joined #dataverse
18:20 pameyer rebecabarros - the VM doesn't need to be vagrant, but yes
18:24 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:29 pdurbin rebecabarros: is Dataverse also installed in a VM for you?
18:39 rebecabarros pdurbin: no =/
18:45 pameyer containers might be an alternative - I'm not yet sure how happy the new containerization stuff is with non-http access though
19:29 pdurbin pameyer: maybe we should just say "server" instead of "VM". Dunno.
19:33 pameyer "something where you don't mind creating an arbitrary number of OS accounts"
19:36 pdurbin heh, sure
19:36 pdurbin pameyer: not the same server as the one you're running Dataverse on, right?
19:37 pameyer you could, but I wouldn't recommend it
19:38 pdurbin makes sense
19:38 pdurbin kinda fun to have our first customer
19:38 pdurbin or second customer or whatever

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