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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-10-26

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:08 jri joined #dataverse
06:08 jri joined #dataverse
07:04 jri joined #dataverse
12:01 pdurbin joined #dataverse
13:22 jri joined #dataverse
13:57 Thalia_UM joined #dataverse
13:57 Thalia_UM Good morning! :)
13:59 jri_ joined #dataverse
14:00 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:04 jri joined #dataverse
14:06 pameyer morning Thalia_UM
14:13 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:17 Thalia_UM :-[
15:33 pdurbin morning all
15:33 pdurbin Thalia_UM: why :-[ ?
15:34 Thalia_UM Because I like it when it's morning
15:36 pdurbin mornings are good
15:36 pdurbin but it's been rainy here lately
15:37 Thalia_UM But I already remember that I still can't consume the web services, I have to investigate how through AJAX or JQuery
15:38 Thalia_UM here it is cold and I am wearing dress
16:30 jri joined #dataverse
16:31 pdurbin pameyer: is on your radar?
16:34 pameyer yeah
16:35 pameyer why?
16:35 pdurbin my name's on it
16:35 pameyer that part I don't know about
16:38 pameyer short version on that is that the change to sending value (instead of display value) to solr, and display value filters for null; value doesn't
16:39 pameyer there apparently shouldn't be null values in postgres - but in at least one installation there are, and that breaks things
16:49 pdurbin pameyer: ok, I think nulling out the description of a dataset is how I'm going to reproduce the bug.
18:02 pameyer pdurbin: I haven't yet reached the stage of java enlightenment where java lambda's make sense to me
18:03 pdurbin me neither but I'm looking at
20:36 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:37 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:39 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:41 garnett joined #dataverse
21:33 donsizemore joined #dataverse
23:06 jri joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.