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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-11-13

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:40 axfelix joined #dataverse
07:59 jri joined #dataverse
08:04 jri joined #dataverse
12:06 pdurbin joined #dataverse
13:27 andrewSC joined #dataverse
13:55 djbrooke joined #dataverse
14:03 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:09 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:11 pdurbin pameyer: SELinux strikes again: . And good morning. :)
15:11 pameyer pdurbin: morning, was just catching up
15:20 pameyer rebecabarros: are you seeing request files moving from $UPLOAD/requests to $UPLOAD/processed ?
16:08 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:18 andrewSC hey guys, can someone remind me how to check the status of a reindex? I'm in the process of upgrading from 4.3->4.4 right now and i'm at step 6 (run the incremental index...)
16:19 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:20 andrewSC Got this msg:
16:20 andrewSC should i be concerned that it's reporting 0 datasets? (There were about 600 before the upgrade)
16:30 pameyer andrewSC: I'm not the best person to know about the upgrade process; but you might be able to get some more information if you could connect to the solr admin interface
16:35 andrewSC pameyer: no worries, I'm in the admin console now and I see the data still there
16:35 andrewSC it's just not showing up on the dataverse page?
16:36 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:37 andrewSC searching seems to return results as well
16:37 andrewSC actually searching is only returning files, not datasets
16:46 pdurbin andrewSC: geez, you're making me go to page 2 of our releases ;)
16:47 andrewSC oh i know ;)
16:47 andrewSC and i think i found the issue... the schema.xml for 4.3 on my end is custom
16:47 pdurbin ok, so step 6 of "Upgrade" at
16:47 andrewSC so i'm making the updates to the 4.4 schema.xml now
16:47 andrewSC then i'm going to continue with the reindex
16:48 pdurbin andrewSC: are you aware of ?
16:48 andrewSC yup, that's what I've been looking at for the reindex/clear bit lol
16:48 andrewSC :)
16:48 pdurbin ok, good
16:49 pdurbin And you're not worried about "0 datasets"? Maybe you should be. :)
16:52 andrewSC there we go :)
16:52 andrewSC It's populating again now
16:52 andrewSC solr admin console logging saved me this time...
16:53 andrewSC I'm gonna take the install all the way to 4.8.2 today
16:54 pdurbin andrewSC: go go go!
16:54 andrewSC we need SSO for shib badddd
16:54 pdurbin shib is a popular feature
16:54 andrewSC mhmm
16:57 pdurbin Ah, 4.4 is when we make Shib support non-experimental.
16:57 pdurbin But yeah, you might as well go all the way.
16:57 pdurbin andrewSC: is your installation on the map at ?
17:00 andrewSC unfortunately not.. At least not yet... We will eventually offer a public service but right now it's internal to the lab since it's semi-sensitive/needs to be reviewed
17:44 jri joined #dataverse
17:47 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:10 pdurbin andrewSC: ok, I wonder if I have you on my "trial installations" list
18:10 andrewSC hmm
18:11 pdurbin nope. added :)
18:14 pdurbin andrewSC: there's definitely interest in a better python library for Dataverse, by the way. We linked to the "dev efforts" spreadsheet from
18:15 andrewSC mmmmmmmmm
18:15 pdurbin heh
19:07 andrewSC Good work guys!! Took it from 4.3 to 4.8.2 without a hitch
19:07 andrewSC except for that first little bit
19:07 andrewSC ;)
19:33 pdurbin andrewSC: nice! Congrats. You upgraded to 4.8.2 before Harvard Dataverse did. :)
19:33 andrewSC :D
19:34 pdurbin but after Heidelberg University :)
23:16 djbrooke joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.