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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-11-30

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:23 jri joined #dataverse
05:24 jri joined #dataverse
08:36 jri joined #dataverse
13:16 ruben48 joined #dataverse
13:18 ruben48 so.. what time do you guys have now? seems like you are arriving at work when I am leaving :)
13:28 pdurbin ruben48: hi! It's 8:30am here. You must have seen my note at
13:29 ruben48 ok, I have 2:30pm
13:29 ruben48 yes, I saw your comment
13:29 ruben48 it helped.. I have now gotten to the next error ;)
13:30 pdurbin sounds like progress
13:30 ruben48 hehe, yes
13:31 ruben48 to get started quickly since I'm not a Java developer I am massaging the Orcid code until it fits
13:33 pdurbin That's cool. The weird thing about the ORCID OAuth stuff to me it that the responses are XML whereas the responses from Google and GitHub are JSON, which I find easier to work with.
13:34 ruben48 aha.. that may explain my next problem
13:34 pdurbin I mean, if your national auth provide uses XML rather than JSON, you might be better off starting with the ORCID code. I don't know which it uses.
13:35 ruben48 Dataporten that I use also returns JSON
13:36 pdurbin Ah, ok. I would recommend using the GitHub code as a starting point then. I would first make it so you can log in with GitHub to Dataverse running on your latop. Google's interface to get set up is more complicated.
13:37 ruben48 that explains my next error.. Dataverse cant exchange code for token or something like that.. makes sense since it's getting json and expecting xml
13:37 pdurbin yeah, makes sense
13:37 pdurbin What I'm trying to say is that I find the "Obtain Client ID and Client Secret" step easiest with GitHub rather than ORCID or Google:
13:38 pdurbin Again, I would make sure you get GitHub login working before you start writing any code.
13:38 ruben48 I see
13:38 pdurbin If anything in the guides is confusing, please feel free to open a GitHub issue. Those guides are in the same git repo.
13:40 pdurbin I'm impressed that Norway is supporting OAuth. At Harvard my choices are SAML or CAS.
13:40 ruben48 should be easy, I have actually set up OAuth with Google before for a Calendar project, so if Github is easier it should be no problem
13:41 pdurbin should be easier, lemme know if it's not :)
13:41 ruben48 Dataporten is the new version of Feide
13:43 pdurbin gotcha
13:47 ruben48 got OAuth against Github working
13:50 ruben48 you can try too if you like:
13:52 ruben48 I'm testing a national cloud provider at the same time that's why I have a public url ;)
13:53 pdurbin ruben48: yep! works great! good job
13:54 ruben48 so now all I need to do is the same against Dataporten and I'm golden
13:55 pdurbin yep
13:57 ruben48 correct me if Iæm totaly in the wild, but could I just make a DataportenApi with the GitHubApi as a base
13:58 ruben48 and then just make a DataportenOAuth2AP and modify the "parseUserResponse" function
14:07 ruben48 I need to go, but type your thoughts and I will read them tomorrow
15:09 jri joined #dataverse
15:17 jri joined #dataverse
15:40 pdurbin Well, I could expect a new class in that's called something like that extends AbstractOAuth2AuthenticationProvider the way that
15:41 pdurbin does. That's where you put your `parseUserResponse` method. I hope that makes sense, ruben48
18:18 jri joined #dataverse
22:42 jri joined #dataverse

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