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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-01-16

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
08:13 jri joined #dataverse
12:19 pdurbin joined #dataverse
14:44 andrewSC I was just looking over the documentation, is there a way to delete a user once they've signed up? As in, it was a test/temporary account to test something?
14:47 pdurbin andrewSC: it's possible, especially if the user hasn't created anything
14:48 andrewSC nice yeah this was just to conifrm the signup url changes I made
14:48 andrewSC do i just need to a delete from within the db or is there an api endpoint or?
14:48 pdurbin curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/admin/authenticatedUsers/myself
14:49 pdurbin That example is from
14:49 pdurbin ... because I recommend creating a test account using the TestShib service before bothering you identity people.
14:50 pdurbin see also
15:20 pameyer joined #dataverse
16:24 jri joined #dataverse
16:24 jri_ joined #dataverse
16:34 jri joined #dataverse
16:38 jri_ joined #dataverse
16:47 jri joined #dataverse
16:58 jri_ joined #dataverse
17:02 zer0G joined #dataverse
17:03 zer0G joined #dataverse
17:04 jri joined #dataverse
17:06 pdurbin The community call is starting:
17:12 jri joined #dataverse
17:47 pdurbin welcome, zer0G
18:07 zer0G pdurbin, thanks.
18:10 pdurbin Here are the notes from today's community call:
18:11 zer0G I joined this channel just stumbling around IRC channels... this turned out to be a really interesting find.
18:14 pdurbin zer0G: cool, what are some of your other favorite IRC channels?
18:17 zer0G Well I was looking for reddit's #datahoarders community. This is tangentially related though...
18:19 zer0G Is the dataverse project only the software backend? Or is part of the project to accumulate publically accessible data sets
18:20 pdurbin I've never heard of it, but I like how it starts. "We are digital librarians" at
18:20 zer0G does the project interface with alternative repositories like sci-hub ?
18:22 pdurbin Well, the software is called Dataverse. There are 30 installations of it around the world and each installation has its own way of doing things. Most are oriented toward hosting data generated by the researchers at their institution.
18:23 pdurbin That said, I feel like Harvard Dataverse (one of the 30) will sometimes do outreach to people and offer to host their datasets. I'm not sure though. I'm just a developer. :)
18:24 pdurbin In terms of interfacing with other projects, Dataverse supports the OAI-PMH protocol for "harvesting" metadata from other repositories.
18:24 pdurbin And there are other APIs for getting data in and out.
18:25 zer0G So the target (user) audience is Academic researchers, and the software is generally used by academic institutions (who can host giant datasets)
18:26 pdurbin yep
18:26 zer0G What's the size of these data repositories? How big is harvards?
18:28 zer0G Do you guys have a bug bounty program?
18:28 pdurbin says the number of files is 223,547. That's across 23,000 or so datasets.
18:28 pdurbin No but we have lots of bugs if you want to help. :)
18:37 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:19 pameyer joined #dataverse
21:04 pameyer joined #dataverse
21:46 pameyer joined #dataverse
22:10 pameyer joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.