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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-01-22

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:56 Deepa joined #dataverse
06:56 Deepa hi
06:57 Deepa i want to understand if i can download reports data available here
06:57 Guest7808 almsot all are shown as lock
06:57 Guest7808 for example i wanted to see the report OMNIBUS SURVEY SUMMARY DRAFT REPORT_10DEC13.doc
06:58 Guest7808 but i am not finding any download button- pls explain
10:08 soU joined #dataverse
11:23 jri joined #dataverse
11:47 jri joined #dataverse
12:04 soU joined #dataverse
12:05 jri joined #dataverse
12:17 pdurbin joined #dataverse
12:17 pdurbin shoot, missed them
12:19 jri_ joined #dataverse
12:29 jri joined #dataverse
12:34 jri_ joined #dataverse
12:59 jri joined #dataverse
13:04 jri_ joined #dataverse
13:11 jri joined #dataverse
13:17 jri_ joined #dataverse
13:20 jri_ joined #dataverse
13:28 jri joined #dataverse
13:30 jri__ joined #dataverse
13:34 jri joined #dataverse
13:53 jri Hello :) I've some Datasets which are in " Deaccessioned Reason: Not a valid dataset. " state
13:54 jri Is this deactivation automatically done by dataverse ?
13:54 jri Is it possible to re-enable a Deaccessioned dataset ?
15:24 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:25 jri joined #dataverse
15:27 jri_ joined #dataverse
15:29 pdurbin jri: hi! No, deaccessioning does not happen automatically. Someone must have clicked a button and chosen that reason about the dataset not being valid. The feature is described here:
15:33 jri_ Ah thx pdurbin ! I was not sure
15:34 jri_ So the users have recreate a new dataset ?
15:34 jri_ have to*
15:35 pdurbin I can't remember if it's possible to create a new draft based on a deaccessioned dataset or not. That's sort of what you're asking, right?
15:36 pdurbin I guess those docs I linked to say this: "If you deaccession the most recently published version of the dataset but not all versions of the dataset, you are able to go in and create a new draft for the dataset."
15:37 jri_ (I'm not sure of what I'm asking) But if my memories are good, once a user deaccession a dataset there no way to "undeaccession" it ?
15:37 jri_ In my case there is juste version 1.0
15:38 jri_ so all the dataset is deaccessioned
15:38 pdurbin sounds like it
15:38 pdurbin I mean your experience seems to match what the documentation says. You are welcome to try in at and open a GitHub issue if the documenation is wrong.
15:39 pdurbin You could even open a issue for the typo ("vresion") in that section. :)
15:40 jri_ I think that my users don't understand that publication is a big deal, so they create a dataset and publish it before checking that everything is ok and then try to delete it by deaccession
15:40 pdurbin Ah, interesting.
15:40 pdurbin Yeah, I think of publication as an event.
15:40 jri_ And now they asks me to unlock it
15:41 jri_ but I can't
15:41 pameyer I usually think of publication as a one way trip
15:41 pdurbin pameyer: you don't let your users click "Publish", right? You do it yourself after you've checked the dataset over?
15:42 pameyer pdurbin: me, or in theory another reviewer/curator
15:42 pdurbin no takebacks :)
15:42 pdurbin once we have pameyer as a service other pameyers can click Publish ;)
15:42 pameyer part of it is also that we replicate data files - so once it's replicated, there isn't a way to "un-replicate" it
15:43 pameyer well, things *should* work for non-pameyer curators; otherwise there's the whole "truck number == 1" problem
15:44 pdurbin I wonder if this topic deserves a mention in the "going live" section of the installation guide. "Think about permissions and who you want to be able to click Publish."
15:44 pdurbin jri_: I'm not sure if this is helping with your immediate problem. :)
15:44 pdurbin jri_: do they want to use the same DOI? Does the DOI matter to them?
15:46 jri_ Not exactly but it's interesting. I think I should suggest to do like pameyer with reviewers.
15:46 jri_ I don't know for the DOI
15:47 jri_ I think not
15:47 jri_ they have already created a new dataset
15:47 pdurbin When authors are not allowd to publish the see a button called "Submit for Review" rather than "Publish". Then the curator gets a notification and takes a took.
15:47 jri_ Ah cool
15:49 jri_ Now my actual problem is to have deaccessioned datasets, is it ok if I delete them through the API ?
15:49 pdurbin It's technically possible to "destroy" datasets via API using a superuser API token.
15:50 jri_ But I shouldn't ? :)
15:50 pdurbin jri_: I wrote about destroying datasets here:
15:51 pdurbin I give a bunch of warnings and eventually the curl syntax. :)
15:52 jri_ Ok thanks for all those informations
15:52 jri_ that helps me
15:54 pdurbin jri_: sure. I would be good to share all this great discussion with the dev team or the community in some way. If you can think of a GitHub issue or two you want to create based on all this, please go ahead. Better documentation? More explanation of configuration options?
15:56 pdurbin Anyway, I mentioned it on Slack at least.
16:31 jri_ Ok pdurbin I'll think about an issue
16:31 jri_ but you don't have to think that is a problem from dataverse
16:32 jri_ I think people here who manage this project don't really know how dataverse works and they have bad practices
16:33 jri_ apart from that, do you know if it's possible to know which user did the deaccession ?
16:34 jri_ I have access to the DB if it can help
16:46 pdurbin jri_: let me check if it's a command. Commands are logged in a table.
16:46 pdurbin jri_: please look for DeaccessionDatasetVersionCommand in your "actionlogrecord" database table:
16:52 jri_ ok, found it!
16:52 jri_ thanks !
16:52 jri_ I'm keeping this command in a safe place :)
16:54 pdurbin The SQL command for searching the actionlogrecord? Good idea. :)

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.