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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-03-05

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:17 danmcp joined #dataverse
01:23 danmcp joined #dataverse
03:23 tyrel joined #dataverse
03:36 tyrel joined #dataverse
04:22 tyrel joined #dataverse
04:51 tyrel joined #dataverse
05:53 tyrel joined #dataverse
08:06 jri joined #dataverse
12:06 pdurbin joined #dataverse
12:37 jri joined #dataverse
12:45 pdurbin tyrel: awesome that you got `vagrant up` working.
12:48 jri_ joined #dataverse
13:03 danmcp joined #dataverse
13:08 jri joined #dataverse
13:10 danmcp joined #dataverse
14:01 danmcp joined #dataverse
15:05 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:07 pameyer pdurbin: did you see ?
15:13 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
15:14 pdurbin_m pameyer: yes! I tried to give you a shout out at
15:15 pdurbin_m I need to get in touch with aculich, obviously.
15:18 pameyer it sounds like he'll be back online (probably with students) earlier Friday - but it might be good to connect before then (if possible) for some more precise scheduling
15:18 pameyer glad you saw it!
15:20 pdurbin_m Ah, "with the students there is a time next friday earlier in the day." I glossed over that. Thanks.
16:30 danmcp joined #dataverse
16:38 jri joined #dataverse
16:40 jri joined #dataverse
17:36 pdurbin pameyer: do you have any thoughts on ? "As a sysadmin, I'd like to know how much usage (hits, etc.) my Dataverse installation is getting". Maybe this is a question for andrewSC bricas and knikolla as well.
17:37 pameyer pdurbin: the awstats one?
17:38 pdurbin Yeah, as a starting point I documented `yum install awstats` etc at and I stood up the awstats web interface at (blocked by IP but anyone here can PM me if they want to see it).
17:40 pameyer I've seen the awstats interface before - anything non-standard that would be worth unblocking an IP?
17:42 pdurbin Probably not. It's awstats 7.0 from EPEL. Very standard.
17:43 pameyer might be worth a look - but it seems essential the same concept as awstats
17:44 pameyer I think awstats would be a useful tool, but probably not top of my list
17:48 pdurbin awstats is just something we happened to use two jobs ago so I'm vaguely familiar with it. GoAccess doesn't seem to support Glassfish out of the box according to but that's not especially surprising.
17:48 pdurbin "Predefined options include, Common Log Format (CLF), Combined Log Format (XLF/ELF), including virtual host, W3C format (IIS) and Amazon CloudFront (Download Distribution)."
17:48 pameyer ah - I'd thought you were going with apache and X-Forwarded-For
17:48 pameyer missed the bit about glassfish logs
17:50 pdurbin Right now I'm using awstats to process Apache's /var/log/httpd/ssl_access_log (and rotated logs) as-is. I haven't re-configured Apache to show the X-Forwarded-For header in the logs.
17:50 pameyer google analytics / piwik might also be useful; but complementary to log analysis.  Can't get page load times from server side log analysis; but ga/piwik would probably be uninformative for scripts/apis/my normal browsing profile
17:52 pdurbin Right, Google Analytics and Piwiki rely on cookies and I think I'll walk down the hall and see if I can get access to our GA data but I'm thinking that a server-side log analytics solution would probably give a more comprehensive picture of what's going on because it wouldn't rely on cookies.
17:54 pameyer cookies / javascript / hidden "pixel" images / other annoyances - browsers with cookies disabled would still show up
17:54 pameyer but if I'm remembering correctly, dataverse with cookies disabled is already unhappy
17:55 pameyer …. that translates in to me agreeing with you about log analysis here
17:55 pdurbin Yeah, the jsessionid goes in a cooke. What about the ELK stack? (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana.) Is it still popular? Is it worth learning and using? I see bencomp wrote a "grok pattern" for Glassfish server.log and access.log at
17:57 pameyer haven't gotten into ELK, so I don't have a useful opinion there
18:00 pdurbin Ok, no worries. If someone else here has an opinion on ELK, please let me know.
18:05 pdurbin pameyer: have you used GoAccess?
18:29 dimitri joined #dataverse
18:38 andrewSC pdurbin: for something fairly comprehensive i'd recommend (if you're able to get funding/pay for it)
18:38 andrewSC I've used it personally at Adobe for a handful of projects and it was pretty nice
18:39 andrewSC where i work now we don't have it and we honestly haven't had any discussions around analytics yet
18:39 andrewSC we probably should though....
18:39 andrewSC I know i'm using GA to track a couple projects i maintain here but that's only for my own personal info
18:40 andrewSC I'm not entirely sure what the open source variant of datadog would be?
18:42 pdurbin I think people in my building are starting to use Datadog for monitoring. Different group than the one that hosts our production installation though. Thanks, andrewSC.
18:43 andrewSC mmmmmm nice
18:43 andrewSC and for sure :)
18:44 pdurbin This post is from November so I have the impression that analyzing logs is a relatively new feature of Datadog:
18:44 pameyer pdurbin: did a little investigation into goaccess, but it hasn't been high priority enough to get it (or awstats) converged
18:45 andrewSC you know what, i think we used something else for parsing logs
18:45 pdurbin pameyer: ok, thanks
18:45 andrewSC i can't remember the name though
18:45 andrewSC lemme ask a buddy of mine
18:45 pdurbin andrewSC: ok but no worries
18:46 pdurbin Whatever we come up with for making sense of access logs, I think it would be nice to write up in the Dataverse Admin Guide as a suggested approach.
18:47 pdurbin There are 32 production installations of Dataverse around the world and I wonder if anyone else already has a server-side solution in place. Something other than Google Analytics or Piwik, I mean.
18:47 andrewSC mmmmm
18:47 andrewSC pretty sure it was this
18:48 pdurbin andrewSC: I haven't heard of it but thanks!
18:48 andrewSC npnp
18:50 pameyer andrewSC: for some reason, that made me think of P =?= NP
18:50 andrewSC hahah
19:57 andrewSC do you guys use another service or tool to handle other types of submissions?
19:57 andrewSC i know that sounds overly vague lol
19:57 andrewSC basically i'm trying to figure out if there's something out there that's open source that is a submission management system?
19:57 andrewSC or if i need to build something in house
19:59 pdurbin What do you mean by submission?
20:04 andrewSC so for example outside of publications we also have a couple larger planning/process? sprints throughout the year around gathering research proposals for the coming year, people submitting research posters for the symposium we host every year, project leads submitting the final output of their project's etc
20:05 andrewSC some of these things end up in dataverse while others are more ephemeral? in nature
20:05 pdurbin People submitting talk ideas for the next Dataverse Community Meeting?
20:05 andrewSC hmmmmm that could be something similar
20:05 andrewSC yeah
20:06 andrewSC how do you guys handle that now? just a google form or is there some tooling or is it via email or?
20:07 pdurbin I want to say we used a Google Form but I can't remember or tell by looking at
20:08 pdurbin Probably either Google Forms or Qualtrics. It sounds like you were looking for an open source solution, though.
20:08 pameyer andrewSC: it might be worth looking at conference management software
20:09 pameyer I don't have any recommendations, but it sounds like that might be a name for useful searching
20:10 pdurbin andrewSC: "an easy submission process" at ... "A free poster and presentation sharing service for academic meetings and conferences"
20:11 andrewSC nicee
20:11 andrewSC thanks for the suggestions :)
20:13 pdurbin sure
22:28 pameyer pdurbin: do you have strong opinions about APIs "returning what you sent" and binary data?
22:54 pdurbin pameyer: are you testing a Dataverse API?
22:54 pdurbin This might be a good question for #rest here on freenode.
22:55 pameyer every time I run integration tests I get a bell in my terminal because the thumbnail APIs return the thumbnail
22:56 pdurbin Oh. I wrote that API endpoint. I wanted to be able to test that the thumbnail was correct. :/
22:58 pdurbin In this case, the binary data is probably a PNG, which doesn't strike me as weird to return.
22:58 pameyer np
22:58 pameyer thanks
23:08 pdurbin sorry about the bells
23:08 pdurbin :)

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.