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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-03-20

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:59 jri joined #dataverse
15:11 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:25 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:28 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:49 directxman12 joined #dataverse
16:09 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:15 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:31 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:44 donsizemore @pdurbin i'm finally back at my desk and jdk 1.8.0_162 made payara5 happy. now on to a different error and building dataverse with your changes to
17:46 pdurbin donsizemore: ok, but what changes?
17:47 donsizemore and
17:48 pdurbin man that brings me back
17:50 donsizemore the install script thinks it's running in docker (which is indeed installed and running)
17:56 pdurbin sorry, I don't follow
18:17 Shirley-CCG joined #dataverse
18:26 SamiSousa joined #dataverse
18:27 pdurbin hi Shirley-CCG
18:29 Shirley-CCG Hello Philip, I'm contacting you to know some details about the use of JSON file as you said on emails before.
18:31 Shirley-CCG I sent you an email days ago but I think that you didn't receive it
18:32 pameyer joined #dataverse
18:34 pdurbin Oh! Did you send it to ?
18:36 pameyer donsizemore: when you're looking at payara5, have you checked with apache in front of it?
18:36 pameyer I have vague and possibly inaccurate memories that there were issues with glassfish5 + apache that didn't show up with glassfish5 only, curious if the same is true for payara
18:37 donsizemore @pameyer i've tried several builds of different dataverse branches, and it keeps failing to create the EJB table in the DB
18:37 donsizemore @pameyer but i'll definitely stick it behind apache if i get that far
18:37 pdurbin Shirley-CCG: I found the email you sent. It's in . Let me read it now.
18:37 pameyer donsizemore: sounds like a plan.  I probably can't help much with EJB-created tables
18:38 donsizemore @pameyer on intuition i blame payara5 and case-sensitive table names
18:39 pameyer I have an irrational dislike of case-sensitive table names
18:46 Shirley-CCG I wrote a reply over one of your mails
18:47 pdurbin Shirley-CCG: yes I see it now. Sorry that I missed it back on May 15th.
19:36 Shirley-CCG joined #dataverse
19:43 SamiSousa joined #dataverse
20:32 pameyer joined #dataverse
21:11 pameyer joined #dataverse
21:40 SamiSousa joined #dataverse
21:42 SamiSousa In the API guide, the Data Access API outlines how to download a file and a set of files by id. Is there a shortcut to download a dataset directly?
21:42 pameyer hi SamiSousa - I don't think that there is
21:43 SamiSousa Okay, will download files within a dataset individually. Thanks!
21:43 pameyer no problem - I'll take a quick look to double-check though
21:44 pameyer double-check is negative :( there isn't a shortcut
22:10 Shirley-CCG joined #dataverse
22:43 pdurbin SamiSousa: there's an option to download all the files a zip but you have to feed it a list of file IDs
22:44 pdurbin You should feel free to open a GitHub issue as a feature request.
22:45 SamiSousa @pdurbin will do!
22:47 SamiSousa Actually, I'm having a bit of trouble using the data access api to search for all the files in a dataset.
22:48 SamiSousa I have a particular dataset in mind, which I'm able to single out with the API. Is there a way for me to list the files in the dataset? I'm thinking there might be something in the 'citation' field
23:00 pdurbin SamiSousa: you should look at the "native" JSON at the dataset level. One sec.
23:00 pdurbin This dataset of mine for example:
23:01 pdurbin Click "Metadata" and then "Export Metadata" and then "JSON".
23:01 pdurbin You should end up at this URL:
23:03 pdurbin I can get a list of file IDs like this: curl '' | jq '.datasetVersion.files[]'
23:03 pdurbin SamiSousa: I hope that helps.
23:07 SamiSousa Yes! Thank you! I think I can get a similar result using the Native API, too
23:08 pdurbin Yeah. It's kind of weird that we have both. Maybe there's a difference in the output. I'm not sure.
23:09 pdurbin SamiSousa: did I already ask you which language you're using?
23:12 SamiSousa For now, Python
23:13 SamiSousa I'm planning on using Go and maybe JS later
23:13 pdurbin SamiSousa: mmm, you should write client libraries for Go and JS for us. :)
23:14 SamiSousa I'm no expert, but would love to help!
23:15 pdurbin Nice. All of our client libraries are community-contributed. I create an empty git repo under IQSS and let people who are interested push code:
23:16 pdurbin Recently I was encouraging someone to create a PHP library for Dataverse:
23:16 pdurbin It's worked out pretty well so far.
23:16 pdurbin We're sort of looking for a maintainer for the Python library though.

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.