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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-03-23

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
08:01 jri joined #dataverse
11:11 jri joined #dataverse
11:18 jri joined #dataverse
11:58 andrewSC morning all :)
12:12 pdurbin mornin' andrewSC
12:22 andrewSC so getting closer to the bottom of this email sitch it appears the uni has added a google suite policy that is stopping me? Not sure what that's about but I've cut over to mailgun and now i'm having trouble with the email addresses... redeploying a couple more logging changes locally and i should have some more info
12:23 pdurbin you're doing a great job troubleshooting this, andrewSC
12:24 andrewSC I appreciate it :)
12:24 pdurbin Please don't be shy about pushing more commits to if you'd adding stuff you think others will benefit from.
12:24 andrewSC for sure!
12:25 andrewSC I may add one more catch to that block for addresses but I want to get to the bottom of what I'm hung up on first.. it just super annoying (since I have a ticket open on my end to fix the forgot password feature) lol
12:25 pdurbin sounds fine
12:26 pdurbin Or you could make a second pull request that bigger and more complicated.
12:26 pdurbin It's really up to you.
12:26 andrewSC ;)
12:27 pdurbin Sometimes I like to make the smallest change possible in one pull request. And a more extensive fix in a second one. Even more in a third. Rarely, all this. But the thought goes through my head at least. :)
12:27 andrewSC mhmm
12:27 pdurbin I forget if I mentioned that you can also tweak logging levels on the fly without restarting Glassfish:
12:49 andrewSC ahhhhhhhhh
12:49 andrewSC this is already done, just not released yet ;)
12:49 andrewSC that's what was causing mailgun to explode
12:50 andrewSC I was reading through RFC 2822 trying to figure out where it says to use quotes within brackets
12:50 andrewSC do you remember/know what RFC specified the quotes in brackets?
12:51 andrewSC this is the section of 2822 i'm looking at now
12:52 pdurbin Yep, merged as part of for
12:53 pdurbin andrewSC: if you want, leave a comment on that issue about mailgun
12:54 andrewSC oooo v. nice
12:55 pdurbin sorry, I don't know about the brackets
12:55 andrewSC no worries no worries
12:55 andrewSC i was just going through it like "what is the deal, this worked fine a little while ago" lol
12:55 andrewSC started reading the rfc and was like hmmmm
12:58 pdurbin :)
12:59 andrewSC ;)
19:19 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
19:21 dataverse-user Hi, I was just wondering if anyone would know if the dataverse developers have file visualization in their plans in near future. It would be a great feature added to dataverse if users can also get a visualization of their data specially if they are in PDF or PPT formats. Any information on this is appreciated.

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.