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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-04-09

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:11 jri joined #dataverse
09:24 jri joined #dataverse
11:19 pdurbin joined #dataverse
13:05 andrewSC joined #dataverse
14:14 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:33 Thali_UM joined #dataverse
14:33 Thali_UM Good morning
14:34 Thali_UM Philip
14:34 Thali_UM I have a question about controlled vocabulary value
14:35 Thali_UM Can I add a datasetfieldtype to metadatablock citation_Metadata?
14:37 Thali_UM I was able to add another metadatablock, but can I add values to the citation metadatablock?
14:38 pdurbin Thali_UM: I don't think you should modify the citation metadata block. I think it's better to create your own custom metadata block. I'm glad to hear you got it working!
14:43 pameyer Thali_UM: my experiences with modifying the citation metadata block frequently had unexpected problems (pdurbin and others had told me that it was almost certainly a bad idea)
14:43 pdurbin pameyer: is there stuff you wanted to add to the citation metadata block?
14:44 Thali_UM yes
14:45 Thali_UM I want to add after description, description type
14:45 pameyer pdurbin: there are a few ideas I have for changes to the citation block (changing the type of related dataset, giving authors contributor roles, probably some others I'm forgetting).  All my experiments (except for removing all but one subject for an empty dataverse install) ended in brokenness and failure
14:46 pdurbin Thali_UM: what would the types of descriptions be?
14:46 pdurbin pameyer: thank goodness the sun is shining today :)
14:47 pameyer ... my tendency for sounding excessively negative is in full force on a Monday morning ;)
14:50 Thali_UM
14:51 pdurbin I could use some more coffee myself.
14:51 Thali_UM "Abstract", "Methods", "Series Information", Table of contents, Other
14:52 pdurbin Thali_UM: that sounds like a reasonable feature request to me! Can you please make a GitHub issue about it? That way I can point our metadata experts to the issue and they can have a nice debate about it.
14:52 Thali_UM and I like and I want to add it after the description field, although I know that that goes according to the displayorder
14:53 Thali_UM ok
14:53 pameyer I think "Series Information" may already be in the citation block
14:55 pdurbin pameyer: you've studied it more than I have
14:58 pameyer pdurbin: somewhere I've got a "monster" (JSON file for creating a dataset with all the citation block fields filled out)
14:59 pdurbin pameyer: I just pushed a similar file into a pull request on Friday. "scripts/api/data/dataset-creat​e-new-all-default-fields.json" at
14:59 pdurbin But not just the citation block. All the blocks that are installed by default. Astrophysics, journals, etc.
15:00 pdurbin Thali_UM: after the description field sounds good to me.
15:00 pdurbin But it can be debated in the GitHub issue you create. :)
15:00 Thali_UM yes
15:01 Thali_UM
15:01 pdurbin Thali_UM: thank you!!
15:01 Thali_UM Thank to you
15:05 pdurbin Thali_UM: would you be willing to attach the tsv file for your custom metadata block to the GitHub issue? In order for it to upload, you probably have to add ".txt" to the end of the filename.
15:08 Thali_UM Yes. first I finish completing it and then upload it
15:09 pdurbin Perfect. Thanks.
15:15 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:16 pameyer donsizemore: awesome upgrade tips!
15:16 donsizemore @pameyer when i ran ibiblio the graduate students made constant fun of me for being squeamish
15:18 pameyer I've been called paranoid (with justification); but hadn't heard squeamish
15:36 pdurbin paranoid in a good way
16:29 Thali_UM Ready :D
16:38 Thali_UM Philip
16:38 Thali_UM Dataset Save Failed  -​mmand.exception.CommandException: Dataset could not be created. Indexing failed
16:44 pameyer Thali_UM: I think both pdurbin and I forgot to mention that you probably need to change the solr schema (schema.xml) when you change/add metadata blocks
16:45 Thali_UM How ??
16:47 pameyer it's more complicated than I'd like :(
16:48 pameyer but also may not be the first thing to check
16:48 pameyer it looks like there may be a typo in the `customMRA.txt` TSV file you attached to 4575
16:49 pameyer ... may not be a typo too; may be oddness w\ my TSV viewer
16:50 Thali_UM and that I can change it from the database or I have to reload the file.tsv
16:50 pameyer ok - not a typo; problem was on my end
16:53 pameyer ... yet another correction - what I'd at first thought was a typo wasn't.  but it looks like the multiple "#datasetField" lines may be confusing things
16:53 pameyer there should only be one at the top
16:54 pameyer it might also be worth disabling faceting for all of the new fields during the first pass (aka - add non-facetable, make sure things work as expected, enable faceting if desired and make solr happy with it)
16:56 Thali_UM Dataset Save Failed  -​mmand.exception.CommandException: Command​ommand.impl.UpdateDatasetCommand@44ecac63 failed: null
16:57 Thali_UM ok
17:05 Thali_UM still marks the following:​mmand.exception.CommandException: Command​ommand.impl.UpdateDatasetCommand@7683e1e3 failed: null
17:05 Thali_UM and I already put facetable to false
17:06 pameyer is this a new dataset, or an existing one?
17:10 Thali_UM both
17:12 jri joined #dataverse
17:12 pameyer puzzeling
17:12 pameyer Thali_UM: I'm about to be offline, so may be some lag on my end
17:15 Thali_UM Don't worry, from everything you've told me, I'm still looking for, thank you pameyer
17:16 pameyer left #dataverse
17:45 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
18:13 pdurbin Thali_UM: sorry, I stepped away to learn about git internals:
18:13 pdurbin Do you still need anything?
18:21 pdurbin donsizemore: still there?
18:27 Thali_UM Yes
18:28 Thali_UM they still mark error messages, pameyer told me that because I had to index the schema.xml
18:31 pdurbin Thali_UM: right. You have to add your new fields to schema.xml and restart Solr.
18:32 Thali_UM Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu
18:32 Thali_UM Thank you
18:32 Thali_UM You are the best with Pameyer
18:33 Thali_UM I'm still hanging on how to add datasetsfield to metadatablock citation
18:33 pdurbin It's difficult. Did you look at the Google Doc linked from ?
18:34 pdurbin It's called "Dataverse 4.x Metadata Blocks syntax/semantics"
18:36 Thali_UM yes
18:39 Thali_UM Other question Philip
18:40 pdurbin hit me
18:41 Thali_UM When adding values in controlledvocabulary can I determine if I want it to be a checklist or a select?
18:41 Thali_UM what's mean "hit me"??
18:43 pdurbin "hit me" means "go ahead and ask me your question"
18:44 Thali_UM Ooooh Thank you
18:46 pdurbin Thali_UM: I think it's controlled by "allowmultiples"
19:50 Thali_UM What is that mean?
19:51 pdurbin allowmultiples is a boolean (true/false) on the datasetfieldtype table:
19:52 Thali_UM yes
19:52 pdurbin If you set allowmultiples to true, you get a checklist. If you set it to false you get a select. I think!
19:53 pdurbin Actually... wait. I think I'm confused.
19:53 Thali_UM but  50/5000 so if I put false it becomes a select?
19:55 pdurbin Ok, I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. allowmultiples is for if you can have more than one title (false) or more than one author (true). It controls if you see a "plus" (+) button or not.
19:58 Thali_UM NO
19:59 Thali_UM you are right about the select and checkbox
19:59 pdurbin really?
19:59 Thali_UM Yes
19:59 Thali_UM :D
19:59 pdurbin \o/
20:01 Thali_UM Thank you Philip
20:01 Thali_UM a question philip
20:03 Thali_UM Can I export the metadata?
20:04 pdurbin Yes.
20:05 pdurbin Try it. :)
20:05 Thali_UM and can they be harvested?
20:06 Thali_UM Yes, I only see them in the JSON Archive
20:09 pdurbin Yes, and they can only be harvested via "native JSON" rather than Dublin Core, DDI, or JSON-LD. The full list of formats can be found at
20:10 pdurbin In practice, this means that only another Dataverse installation will be able to harvest your custom metadata block, unfortunately.
20:10 pdurbin Because only Dataverse knows about the "native JSON" format. I think we recommend using Dublin Core or DDI for harvesting.
20:11 pdurbin We probably recommend DDI.
20:11 pdurbin Both Dublin Core and DDI are XML.
20:12 pdurbin Dublin Core is required by the OAI-PMH specification but Dataverse supports DDI pretty well.
20:12 Thali_UM and if I want to harvest from another repository like DSpace and also use Dublin Core?
20:16 pdurbin You're still talking about your custom metadata block, right? Your custom fields? Your custom fields are not part of Dublin Core. So no, they are not harvestable using Dublin Core.
20:24 Thali_UM you're right
20:24 Thali_UM I get a little confused with that of dublin core and oai-pmh
21:30 donsizemore joined #dataverse
21:31 donsizemore @pdurbin I'm back. they sent me home for looking terrible (in the "might-have-the-flu" sense)
21:45 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
21:46 pdurbin_m donsizemore: I hope you feel better! I was just going to ask about this:
21:54 donsizemore i think you can close that.
21:55 donsizemore or i will, if you want. the build failures stemmed from shibboleth rpms being installed by default, then the config disabled by default in one of the last steps. i just made shib.enabled default to "false" and Travis is happy
22:57 pdurbin awesome, I just left a comment on the issue, thanks!
23:22 jri joined #dataverse

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