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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-05-24

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:52 jri joined #dataverse
07:05 jri joined #dataverse
07:30 jri joined #dataverse
10:22 juancorr joined #dataverse
11:54 danmcp joined #dataverse
13:19 danmcp joined #dataverse
13:42 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
13:42 dataverse-user hi
13:42 dataverse-user left #dataverse
13:48 danmcp joined #dataverse
13:58 Venki joined #dataverse
14:01 Venki Hi Phil
14:01 Venki Quick question on metadatablock deletion
14:02 Venki I have sent an email to the google usergroup
14:06 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:07 pameyer Hi Venki
14:08 pameyer which version of dataverse are you trying to delete the metadata / metadata block from?
14:08 pameyer it's possible that the database schema has changed since that sql was posted to the google group
14:25 Venki Hi @pameyer
14:25 Venki Latest version
14:25 Venki I did the testing even few days back and I deleted the metadatablock after creation but no datasets were created.
14:27 pameyer was this before or after creating datasets with the new block?
14:27 Venki after creating the datasets with the new block
14:27 Venki delete from datasetfield where in  ( select from datasetfield join datasetfieldtype on datasetfield.datasetfieldt​ where datasetfieldtype.metadatablock_id=12 );
14:28 Venki ERROR:  update or delete on table "datasetfield" violates foreign key constraint "fk_datasetfieldcompoundva​lue_parentdatasetfield_id" on table "datasetfieldcompoundvalue"  DETAIL:  Key (id)=(11481780) is still referenced from table "datasetfieldcompoundvalue".
14:28 Venki This is the error I get for deleting the data from the datasetfield table..
14:29 pameyer have you tried deleting / destroying the dataset?  I'm assuming that this isn't a production system, and that that would be a viable option - but let me know if I'm wrong
14:29 Venki This is in the development server so no worries...
14:30 Venki I was trying to use the metadata delete sql that you had posted in the google groups...
14:30 * pameyer sigh of relief
14:30 Venki It worked previously for other metadatablock that I had created but did not create any datasets.
14:30 pameyer I *think* that if you destroy the dataset, then you'll be able to satisfy the constraint without more sql
14:31 Venki Oh yeah... I remember now....I did delete the datasets from the UI and then delete the metadata blocks...
14:32 Venki Let me try it now.. Hang on..
14:40 Venki I tried to delete the dataset from the UI but it doesnt work. I go through the process of delete successfully and receive a message that the dataset has been successfully deleted
14:40 Venki But the dataset still exists under that dataverse
14:41 Venki @pameyer any help?
14:42 pameyer has this dataset been published?
14:42 Venki nope..
14:43 pameyer I vaguely remember that there's a difference between destroy and delete
14:43 pameyer but if it hasn't been published, that may not matter.  taking a look to see where/if there's a destroy api
14:44 pameyer yup - looks like there is
14:45 pameyer DELETE to `api/datasets/$id/destroy`
14:45 Venki wow is it to delete or destroy the dataset?
14:46 pameyer that's to destroy the dataset - if you're still seeing it, it might be worth a try.  definately an API to be careful with though
14:46 Venki I found this from the guides page
14:46 Venki curl -u $API_TOKEN: -i -X DELETE https://$HOSTNAME/dvn/api/data-deposit/​v1.1/swordv2/edit/study/doi:TEST/12345
14:46 Venki how to get the datasets ID?
14:47 Venki From db?
14:47 pameyer from the db would do - $id is the database id
14:47 pameyer it should be in the dataverse json produced by the native API too; but if you're already in the db, that's probably easier
14:48 Venki ok will give it a try now..
14:48 * pameyer cross my fingers for good luck
14:49 * pdurbin crosses his fingers too
14:52 pameyer pdurbin: when / if you've got time, I'm curious if you think is worth another PR (short version, docker-aio setup for running integrations tests is "run this script")
14:54 pdurbin pameyer: correct me if I'm wrong but this looks like a single script to run instead of half a dozen commands.
14:57 pameyer pdurbin: exactly
14:58 pdurbin pameyer: I'd probably be more likely to use it (but time would tell). Ship it! :)
14:58 pameyer pdurbin: will do ;) going a add a sentence about what's assumed to be installed to the readme first (aka - javac, mvn, docker, make)
14:58 pameyer low urgency, and maybe not today - but will be incoming
14:59 pameyer @Venki - any change after destroy?
15:00 pdurbin pameyer: ah, sure. I added checking for if mvn is even installed here:
15:02 Venki @pameyer still figuring out how to use the destroy api since I had created the dataset under some other person's dataverse
15:05 pameyer @Venki - definately worth taking your time with it
15:05 pdurbin Venki: here's how to destroy a dataset:
15:11 Venki @pdurbin I used the code as shown in the github issue 2593 but I get the following error curl: (35) Encountered end of file
15:13 pdurbin Venki: huh. Could it be an SSL problem? Maybe try it from localhost?
15:15 Venki @pdurbin oops it works now... I changed from HTTPS to HTTP..
15:15 Venki But I get the error message as {"status":"ERROR","message":"Dataset with Persistent ID 10.5072/FK2/ITI8AB not found."}
15:15 Venki But I am able to see the details from the UI?
15:19 Thali_UM joined #dataverse
15:31 Venki Oops...I found the problem.... Solr index didnt get updated after I deleted the dataset from the now when I run the reindex command the datasets doesnt show under the Dataverse
15:36 pameyer ah - that makes sense
15:36 pameyer surprised that delete doesn't reindex though
15:39 Venki yeah but I am still not able to use the delete sql and it still throws the foreign key constraint issues..
15:39 Venki I think the deletion was not complete or perfect...
15:46 pameyer can you still see a dataset with that identifier in postgres?
15:50 Venki yes
15:50 Venki I am able to see it in the dataset table
15:52 pameyer that does sound like the delete didn't work
15:54 Venki so what is the best way now to get rid of those dataset and its values and field types from the db?
15:55 Venki74 joined #dataverse
15:55 pameyer I think it's back to postgres; looking like datasetfieldcompoundvalue
15:56 venki83 joined #dataverse
15:56 venki83 sorry @pameyer
15:56 venki83 Connection lost and back again as venki83
15:56 pameyer no problem
15:57 venki83 Any help to do a cascading delete of the two tables datasetfield and datasetfieldtype?
15:57 pameyer and it looks like there's a typo in that sql - it's *trying* to clean up the compound fields, and I'd guess failing because it's trying to delete from `datasetfield_controlledvocabularyvalue`
15:57 pameyer instead of `datasetfieldcompoundvalue`
15:58 pameyer so I *think* if you change that delete / subquery, it's got a chance of working.  I'd also run it in a transaction, even if it's a non-production site
15:58 venki83 which sql is that?
15:58 pameyer "delete from datasetfield_controlledvocabularyvalue where datasetfield_id in"
15:58 pameyer from the google group posting
15:58 venki83 oh ok
16:00 pameyer ... and from slightly closer reading, this wasn't a typo - this was missing the datasetfieldcompoundvalue table
16:00 pameyer didn't notice it because I didn't have any in my block
16:01 pameyer may need to adjust the subquery...
16:04 pameyer depending on how many compound fields were in your custom block, it may be easier to do manual deletes from that table
16:05 pameyer subquery is looking non-intuitive to me, and probably not something I could figure out with testing it
16:08 venki83 delete from datasetfieldcompoundvalue where parentdatasetfield_id in  (  select from datasetfield join datasetfieldtype on datasetfield.datasetfieldt​  where datasetfieldtype.metadatablock_id=12 );
16:08 venki83 Still shows the error..
16:09 venki83 How do do manual deletes from the table?
16:09 venki83 Since the foreign key is set...
16:10 pameyer select from datasetfieldvalue join datasetfield on         join datasetfieldtype on datasetfield.datasetfieldt​         where datasetfieldtype.metadatablock_id=7
16:10 pameyer ^ should tell you the ids of the dataset fields
16:11 pameyer for each of those, `delete from datasetfieldcompoundvalue where parentdatasetfield_id=$datasetfield_id`
16:24 venki83 nope...for that select query I get zero rows for metadatablock_id=12 if I change this value to other metadatablocks then I get some rows returned...
16:25 jri joined #dataverse
16:27 venki83 ok @pameyer I am taking a break now...if you think of any other sql statement that would help to delete the two tables please help to post it in the google groups... I will check tomorrow morning..
16:27 venki83 Thanks for all your kind help.. Really appreciate it...
16:27 pameyer glad to help
17:12 Thali_UM Help me whith this problem:
17:13 Thali_UM Attempting to deploy the application.
17:13 Thali_UM Command line: /usr/local/glassfish4/bin/asadmin deploy dataverse.war
17:13 Thali_UM remote failure: Error occurred during deployment: Exception while loading the app : CDI deployment failure:Truncated class file. Please see server.log for more details.
17:13 Thali_UM Command deploy failed.
17:13 Thali_UM Failed to deploy the application! WAR file: dataverse.war.
17:13 Thali_UM (exit code: 256)
17:13 Thali_UM Aborting.
17:35 pdurbin Thali_UM: bleh. Can you please email your server.log file to
17:40 pameyer Thali_UM: does `jar tf dataverse.war` return any errors?
17:40 pameyer might've been a build failure
17:43 pdurbin pameyer: commencement today. I'm disappointed that I didn't see you at the beer tent. :)
17:43 pameyer pdurbin: I'm on the wrong side of the river :(
17:43 pameyer ... but also generally in favor of avoiding crowds
17:44 pdurbin I was just told about this article written by the guy in the office next to mine:
17:48 Thali_UM It doesn't throw errors
17:51 pameyer that's a good sign - it should've listed the contents of the war file
17:53 Thali_UM Yes it is
17:53 pameyer just to double-check - you followed the instructions in the guides for the weld/osgi jar removal and replacement?
17:56 pdurbin Thali_UM: which version of Glassfish are you using?
17:58 Thali_UM 4.1
18:00 pdurbin Ok, that's the right version. Thanks.
18:00 Thali_UM Yesterday I did the following:
18:00 Thali_UM I could not start with asadmin start-domain so I applied asadmin start-domain --verbose, then I think glassfish was stopped and I set error, Philip suggested that I start from Netbeans, but send message that can not install dataverse because they are already being use the ports of the glassfish service.
18:01 pdurbin Thali_UM: are you coming to ?
18:05 Thali_UM Yesterday I did the following:
18:05 Thali_UM I could not start with asadmin start-domain so I applied asadmin start-domain --verbose, then glassfish was stopped and It send message error, Philip suggested that I start glassfish from Netbeans, but It send message error that can not install dataverse because they are already being use the ports of the glassfish service.ç
18:07 pameyer glassfish doesn't always stop cleanly. if you're trying to start from netbeans, I'd suggest doing `kill -9 $pid`, where $pid is the process id from `ps aux | grep glassfish`
18:07 pameyer you'd probably want to have netbeans not running when doing that ps command
18:11 pdurbin Thali_UM: When did you run the installer? Yesterday? Was Dataverse running after you ran the installer? One of the jobs of the installer is to get Dataverse running for the first time? The installer does this without Netbeans.
18:13 Thali_UM I executed the installer yesterday
18:13 Thali_UM It did not work because it marks me errors
18:14 pdurbin :(
18:17 Thali_UM yes but when starting glassfish from netbeans, does not recognize the service, mentions that the ports are used by other program. I tried to start with start-domain --verbose = true but It send me permission messages in java.
18:18 Thali_UM this message shows me in the server.log file
18:18 Thali_UM [2018-05-24T12: 01: 35.787-0500] [glassfish 4.1] [INFO] [] [javax.enterprise.system.conta​ $
18:18 Thali_UM No timers to be deleted for id: 100085350753370112]]
18:18 Thali_UM [2018-05-24T12: 01: 35.790-0500] [glassfish 4.1] [SEVERE] [] [javax.enterprise.system.core] [tid: _ThreadID = 45 _ThreadN $
18:18 Thali_UM Exception while loading the app: CDI deployment failure: Truncated class file
18:18 Thali_UM java.lang.ClassFormatError: Truncated class file
18:19 pdurbin I've never seen that error before.
18:20 pdurbin Thali_UM: you might want to run `mvn clean` based on what I'm seeing here:
18:21 Thali_UM in which directory do I apply the command?
18:23 Thali_UM already
18:23 pdurbin to run `mvn clean` you must be in the directory with pom.xml
18:24 Thali_UM The goal you specified requires a project to execute but there is no POM in this directory (/Users/luisolartegervacio/.m2/repository). Please verify you invoked Maven from the correct directory.
18:25 Thali_UM in the folder does not contain any pom.xml file
18:27 pameyer dataverse project root - the directory that you have the dataverse repository checked-out into from github
18:29 Thali_UM yes
18:29 Thali_UM already
18:29 Thali_UM build success
18:30 Thali_UM but in the .m2/repository with mvn clean install the answer is Build failure
18:30 pameyer that's expected - .m2/repository is where maven keeps a local copy of dependencies it has downloaded
18:34 Thali_UM ah ok
18:41 Thali_UM it always stops at the command line: / usr / local / glassfish4 / bin / asadmin deploy dataverse.war
18:43 pameyer it == the dataverse install script?
18:43 pameyer or netbeans?
18:54 Thali_UM dataverse install script
18:56 pdurbin A lot of people struggle to get a Dataverse dev environment set up. You're not alone, Thali_UM
18:57 Thali_UM Thank you Philip
18:58 pameyer depending on how you consider it, I still don't have a dataverse dev environment setup (never tried netbeans on os x)
18:58 pameyer without a vm/container, I mean
18:58 Thali_UM but I am not configuring for development, just install dataverse and visualize it in a web page or is it the same?
19:00 Thali_UM Yes, it is also the first time I try on MAC
19:00 pameyer it's debatable
19:00 pameyer might be worth a look.  it would mean installing docker on the mac you're using
19:01 pdurbin Thali_UM: ok you could use Vagrant for development if Docker doesn't work for you.
19:01 pdurbin or* you could use, I meant
19:01 pameyer pdurbin: right - I keep forgetting about vagrant
19:02 pameyer don't know why - I use it for other stuff
19:02 pdurbin it's a thing
19:02 pameyer my jenkins is in vagrant at the moment - I should remember
19:04 Thali_UM I'll try
20:20 Thali_UM joined #dataverse
20:32 danmcp joined #dataverse
21:54 pameyer left #dataverse
22:51 jri joined #dataverse

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