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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-06-11

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:50 jri joined #dataverse
06:55 jri joined #dataverse
11:13 jri joined #dataverse
12:28 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
12:44 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:09 jri joined #dataverse
14:23 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:27 jri joined #dataverse
14:46 donsizemore joined #dataverse
16:07 Mahsa joined #dataverse
16:07 Mahsa Hi, I have a problem installing Dataverse.
16:07 Mahsa The install fails where it is deploying the "war" using glassfish
16:08 Mahsa I am using the "interactive" install
16:09 Mahsa I have checked the glassfish username pasword and through the ineractive installation
16:09 Mahsa I am proving the username/pass I have set up for glassfish
16:10 Mahsa But the installation still fails
16:12 Mahsa This is where the error starts in the service.log:
16:12 Mahsa java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot create scratch directory : /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/doma​ins/domain1/generated/ejb/dataverse
16:12 Mahsa at org.glassfish.javaee.core.deployment.JavaE​EDeployer.prepare(
16:13 Mahsa The next error reads:
16:13 Mahsa Exception during lifecycle processing java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot create scratch directory : /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/doma​ins/domain1/generated/ejb/dataverse
16:14 Mahsa Hi Jri
16:14 Mahsa I am not sure if you remember me from Friday,
16:15 Mahsa I have made sure I am using the correct user/pass for glassfish when asked during installation
16:15 Mahsa but the deployment error is still the same
16:15 Mahsa Actually, there were no problems with my previously glassfish user/pass, I was using admin user with no password
16:16 pameyer Hi Mahsa
16:16 Mahsa Hello
16:17 pameyer when you're referring to the glassfish username/pass; is this an OS account or a glassfish account?
16:17 Mahsa glassfish account
16:18 Mahsa So during installation, dataverse asks for my service account
16:18 Mahsa which by default is set to my username (I do not modify that)
16:18 Mahsa but later it asks for glassfisg asadmin account
16:18 Mahsa That is where I provide my glassfish username/pass
16:19 pameyer have you tried leaving that password empty?
16:19 Mahsa This is after all the inputs are provided for installation script to start with
16:19 Mahsa It was actually empty to begin with
16:19 pameyer I believe that if you haven't configured a password for glassfish, that password is empty
16:19 Mahsa but I had the same error, I only modified it to make tings work
16:19 Mahsa that is correct!
16:21 pameyer ok - am I correct in assuming that you've run the installer multiple times (because of failures)?
16:21 Mahsa Yes
16:21 Mahsa but each time I have to provide a new DB name
16:21 Mahsa that part I figured :-)
16:21 pameyer have you tried removing the /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/doma​ins/domain1/generated/ejb/dataverse directory?
16:22 Mahsa no , I have not
16:22 pameyer yeah, the DB names can be an issue
16:22 Mahsa That is totally fine, that part is very easy to fix
16:22 Mahsa So you suggest I remove the dataverse directory
16:22 Mahsa from glassfish
16:22 pameyer assuming that directory exists, it might be worth removing it and trying again
16:22 pameyer correct
16:22 Mahsa and restart the installation and see how it goes ?
16:23 Mahsa Sure, Iw ill just give it try , Thanks
16:23 pameyer right - I'll keep my fingers crossed
16:23 Mahsa me too :-)
16:24 Mahsa So here is sth inetresting
16:24 Mahsa there is no dataverse directory in domain1
16:24 Mahsa :D
16:24 Mahsa should one be here ?
16:25 pameyer :) that tells us more about how things are failing.
16:25 Mahsa That is great
16:25 pameyer could you try creating that directory with the same account you're using to run the installer?
16:26 pameyer if that fails, it means that the permissions on your glassfish directory need fixing
16:26 Mahsa sure, just an empty dataverse dir  ?
16:26 pameyer with that full path (generated/ejb/dataverse)
16:27 pameyer Mahsa: I've got step out for a few, but I'll be back online later (probably in an hour or so)
16:27 Mahsa sure
16:27 Mahsa I will re run the installation, and look into the permissions on glassfish in the meantime
16:27 Mahsa Thanks Pameyer
16:50 jri joined #dataverse
17:01 Mahsa So, I get a permission error when trying to create a directory in ejb folder
17:01 Mahsa I need to use sudo for that
17:01 Mahsa I will look into glassfish to see how I can change permissions for admin
17:11 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:30 pdurbin joined #dataverse
17:30 pdurbin Mahsa: hi! Welcome.
17:30 Mahsa Thank you
17:31 Mahsa So I need the tema's help sorting telling me how to change glassfish permissions to allow creating directories in ejb folder
17:33 pdurbin Mahsa: ok. I'm reviewing what we wrote at
17:34 pdurbin this seems a little weird: chown -R glassfish:glassfish /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1
17:34 pdurbin I think it should say this instead: chown -R glassfish:glassfish /usr/local/glassfish4
17:34 pdurbin But the idea is that it's more secure to run Glassifish as "glassfish" (a user you create) rather than root.
17:35 pdurbin Does that make sense?
17:37 Mahsa I beleive I have run that command already to set the permissions on the domain1 folder
17:37 Mahsa I will change the permisison on glassfish4 now and will let you know how it goes
17:37 Mahsa It does make sense
17:37 Mahsa but it is not a concern for us at this time
17:38 pdurbin Mahsa: if it's easier to run Glassfish as root temporarily, you could try that.
17:38 Mahsa we are only assessing the software at this time and have a small internal user group so we are not worried about security at this time
17:38 Mahsa That sounds like a greta idea
17:38 Mahsa I will just do that
17:42 pdurbin Cool, please just remember to switch to an unprivileged user if you go into production.
17:49 Mahsa For sure, and Thank you very much
17:49 Mahsa I was just able to finish the installation!
17:50 pdurbin Mahsa: nice! Dataverse 4.9?
17:50 pameyer Mahsa: great, congratulations :)
17:53 donsizemore @pdurbin I did that because the unprivileged user only needs access to domain1
17:54 donsizemore @pdurbin ^^ write access
17:54 pdurbin hmm, ok
17:54 donsizemore @pdurbin it makes the rest of glassfish slightly less hackable
17:55 pdurbin Yeah, I guess. Seems a bit more complex though.
17:56 donsizemore @pdurbin the dataverse-ansible role does the same thing with solr
17:57 donsizemore er, did. i think i ripped it out with the move to 7
18:00 Mahsa I beleive it is 4.9. Thanks for your help all! I will check things out in a bit.
18:08 pdurbin cool
19:32 donsizemore joined #dataverse
20:39 jri joined #dataverse
21:49 donsizemore joined #dataverse
22:03 pameyer left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.