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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-08-06

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
08:09 jri joined #dataverse
12:17 andrewSC joined #dataverse
12:21 pdurbin joined #dataverse
12:23 pdurbin jri: hi! I saw you had a question about docker-compose at and I'm wondering if you ever got an answer.
12:34 jri Hi pdurbin
12:34 jri I've made my own file :)
12:35 pdurbin jri: great! You might also want to look at docker-compose.yml at
14:33 smartinez joined #dataverse
14:36 smartinez I would like to ask a question regarding a closed topic:
14:36 smartinez I don't know if you solved this, but I just realised I am not getting access to the Dataverse with my Uni's login
14:36 smartinez University of Glasgow
14:38 smartinez Has there been any updates to that issue? It was closed because of its low impact
14:39 djbrooke joined #dataverse
14:47 pdurbin smartinez: hi!
14:49 pdurbin Are you trying to log into Harvard Dataverse or your own installation of Dataverse?
14:56 smartinez log in
14:58 pdurbin Ok, I assume you mean Harvard Dataverse. You haven't installed Dataverse yourself. I'm sorry that you're affected by this bug. The workaround is to create a different type of account. Username/Email, ORCID, GitHub, or Google.
14:58 smartinez awesome!
14:58 smartinez Thank you
14:59 smartinez Would you mind waiting a second while I try to get the data I need?
14:59 pdurbin You're welcome. If you want, please go ahead and leave a comment on that issue saying that you are affected.
15:01 smartinez Ok,so I am able to log-in
15:02 smartinez thank you
15:02 smartinez but now I have another problem
15:02 smartinez It seems like I do not have access to the files I would like to download
15:03 smartinez Replication files related to this article:, using this DOI: doi:10.7910/DVN/29199
15:08 pdurbin smartinez: interesting. "Replication codes are available at Dataverse (doi:10.7910/DVN/29199)". But the dataset hasn't been published.
15:08 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:09 smartinez hm, weird. The article was published more than 2 years ago
15:09 smartinez Is there any chance the data can be made public?
15:10 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:11 pdurbin You would need to ask the author.
15:12 djbrooke_ joined #dataverse
15:13 djbrooke_ joined #dataverse
15:14 smartinez I see. Thanks very much! Very helpful
15:15 pdurbin you're welcome. good luck
15:19 smartinez left #dataverse
15:30 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:03 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:03 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:37 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:02 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:08 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:11 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:13 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:16 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:33 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:36 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:56 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:58 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:24 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
19:25 dataverse-user left #dataverse
19:25 cthao joined #dataverse
20:00 jri joined #dataverse
20:02 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:03 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:04 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:06 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:06 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:31 jri joined #dataverse
20:48 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:49 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:07 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:32 jri joined #dataverse
21:55 djbrooke joined #dataverse
22:25 djbrooke joined #dataverse
22:32 jri joined #dataverse
22:53 sivoais joined #dataverse
23:33 jri joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.