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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-08-20

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:16 julia10br joined #dataverse
04:17 julia10br58 joined #dataverse
04:17 julia10br58 left #dataverse
04:17 julia10br left #dataverse
08:18 jri joined #dataverse
10:24 jri joined #dataverse
10:25 pdurbin joined #dataverse
11:57 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:19 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:19 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:19 donsizemore @pdurbin knock knock?
14:21 donsizemore just curious when you all updated to 4.9.2
14:30 pameyer @donsizemore I think IQSS upgraded last week
14:41 donsizemore @pameyer it's been within the last 12 days =) mandy is noticing some return-to-author funsies and will open a support ticket
14:43 pameyer @donsizemore interesting co-indidence; one of the things on my list for this morning was testing return to author to make sure it still worked
14:43 pameyer is this something you're seeing on 4.9.2?
14:44 donsizemore @pameyer yes. i offered mandy one of our 4.9.2 boxes to try to recreate the problem but she said she'd just open a ticket
14:44 pameyer @donsizemore "ticket" meaning github issue, or meaning
14:47 donsizemore i think she's starting with a support ticket. is an issue preferable?
14:50 pameyer I'm not sure which is preferable - but I'm not on IQSS's ticketing system
14:50 pameyer will let you know if I see anything, and you can tell me if it sounds similar (if you're online/not busy)
15:02 pdurbin Harvard Dataverse was upgraded to 4.9.2 last Tuesday, August 14th. Heads up that later in the week we patched it. If memory serves it was to fix
15:03 pdurbin Thanks for the heads up about emails that created support tickets. I'm looking at and
15:04 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:04 pdurbin Speaking of upgrades, what do people think of ?
15:04 pdurbin andrewSC bricas_ donsizemore jri pameyer ^^
15:05 pameyer pdurbin: that I've got a long wishlist
15:06 pameyer @donsizmore re: return to author, it looks to me like curators/admins can't edit meta-data while a dataset is in review.  I *think* this is not the intended behavior
15:07 pdurbin For the upgrade issue, should we use the new "Design Project Template"? . It provides some structure.
15:10 pameyer pdurbin: did you mean to link to a doc that isn't shared publicly?
15:33 donsizemore @pameyer mandy can't click the "return to author" button to return the record to the authors so they can update their files, make edits as necessary
15:34 pameyer @donsizemore that sounds different from what I'm seeing
15:35 pameyer I was able to have my test curator click "return to author".  but it just occured to me that my test curator user is also an admin user
15:36 donsizemore @pdurbin
15:36 donsizemore @pameyer mandy says she's an admin
15:37 pameyer @donsizemore you know about the return to author API?
15:37 pdurbin pameyer: huh. Maybe that doc isn't fully baked yet.
15:38 donsizemore @pameyer she corrects: she's only an ajps admin. i wondered when she said that
15:39 pdurbin donsizemore: same question. Did you know "return to author" has an API?
15:39 pdurbin You can even add a "reason for return". :)
15:39 pameyer @donsizemore not yet sure if it's significant; still investigating
15:41 donsizemore @pdurbin my standard reason for return
15:43 pdurbin :)
15:43 pdurbin donsizemore: you're a busy man
15:47 pdurbin pameyer: check this out: "if the Harvard Dataverse were to partner with Harvard's Research Computing group to provide compute resources"
15:48 pameyer pdurbin: I wonder why they named something we've been doing for years after their project ;)
15:49 pdurbin sorry, named what? "Binder Pattern"?
15:49 pameyer apparently
15:49 pdurbin it reminds me of how someone named "devops"
15:49 pdurbin but names are useful
15:50 pameyer @donsizemore I've got a "return to author" button that works on the develop branch (bec8015f2fc9ca3331d585a9dc8ebf15c3508bf1)
15:50 pdurbin I hope someone wrote down what "Binder Pattern" means.
15:56 donsizemore @pameyer woo woo! with the addition of the "Linux subsystem for Windoze 10" Mandy is a happy curler
15:56 pdurbin nice
15:56 andrewSC pdurbin: commented :)
15:57 donsizemore @pdurbin I think Binder Pattern means Put It In a GitHub Repo
15:58 pdurbin andrewSC: nice comment! Thanks!
15:58 andrewSC ywyw!
16:00 pameyer @donsizemore nice!
16:00 pameyer on develop, the new edit API appears to work when datasets are in review
16:03 pdurbin donsizemore: I hope there's more to "The Binder Pattern" than that. I'm asking at
16:03 pdurbin pameyer: oh, the new lightweight edit API. Hmm. Sounds like an issue.
16:06 pameyer @donsizmore the return to author API is working for me on develop.  not sure how much that means if I'm seeing a working button too
16:17 pdurbin donsizemore: the summary is that "Binder Pattern" is not a thing but that dataset creators are encouraged to look at
16:17 pdurbin And thanks for commenting on the upgrade issue.
16:43 cwillis joined #dataverse
16:44 cwillis @pdurbin -- following you here with a Dataverse question.
16:45 cwillis What is the best way to programmatically deposit into Dataverse?  SWORD API?
16:49 pdurbin cwillis: SWORD or "native":
16:50 pdurbin I'm off to lunch. Back soon.
16:50 cwillis Enjoy. Thank you.
16:56 pameyer cwillis: the native API works reasonably well once you've got the json sorted
17:00 cwillis pameyer: Thank you. So the Native API will allow me to deposit on behalf of a user into a Dataverse not under my control? (When I read Native, I often think I need to have admin access)
17:02 pameyer cwillis: it definately doesn't require admin access.  Dataverse users have API tokens, which reproduce the access they'd have through the UI
17:03 pameyer so it may depend exactly what you mean by "on behalf of a user" - there's nothing comparable to oauth grants, for example
17:03 pameyer but if you have an application that prompts the user for their API token, that application can deposit datasets to a Dataverse installation on that user's behalf
17:18 cwillis joined #dataverse
17:18 cwillis Thanks pameyer. That sounds promising.
18:01 cwillis41 joined #dataverse
18:37 pdurbin cwillis: by "native" we just mean that it isn't based on any standard such as SWORD or OAI-PMH or whatever
18:51 cwillis Makes sense. Thank you.
18:54 pdurbin cwillis: sure! Looking forward to meeting you at the Whole Tale workshop. I need to book my flights.
19:43 jri joined #dataverse
20:38 pdurbin flights booked :)
21:43 donsizemore joined #dataverse
21:44 donsizemore15 joined #dataverse
22:33 pameyer left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.