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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-09-05

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
14:22 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:56 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:57 donsizemore @pameyer thanks for all of your hard work on the resource leaks
14:57 pameyer @donsizemore you're welcome.  I'm in favor of not having apps I'm admining crash because pages get loaded ;)
14:59 pameyer I haven't checked, but I believe that a 5019 patch would merge cleanly into 4.8.6.
15:00 donsizemore @pameyer I'm teetering dangerously on asking you an embarrassing question about the default.config stuff, but I haven't had the uninterrupted attention span to devote to troubleshooting enough not to be embarrassed
15:01 pameyer @donsizemore not knowing something is a good reason to ask questions
15:01 pameyer I've gotten past the point where I get embarrassed by asking stupid questions…
15:03 donsizemore @pameyer i'm getting uninitialized values (but only in an ansible run) but i haven't had time to trace the breadcrumbs (order of variable assignment)
15:03 donsizemore @pameyer if it weren't for that i think i'd have the default.config issue closed, and at the risk of irking phil i rolled in some other stuff i had been meaning to fix
15:04 donsizemore but that's on the back burner today, one of our vmhosts died
15:05 pameyer @donsizemore some of the openshift-related installer work let some uninitialized variables slip through.  I fixed some of them, will have to check to see if that's out in a release yet.  wouldn't surprise me if there were more
15:05 pameyer @donsizemore - yeah, keeping VMs happy is generally a top of the list thing to fix.  good luck
15:15 pameyer @donsizemore when your vmhosts are happy, the uninitialized variables I fixed in the installer were in 4.9.2; and it looks like that's what dataverse-ansible is using.  Definitely not ruling out there being ones that aren't fixed though.
15:39 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:26 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:50 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:53 Mahsa joined #dataverse
17:54 Mahsa Hello
17:55 Mahsa I have been trying to set up SSO using Shibboleth for a dataverse installation we have but the DiscoFeed /Metadata urls are not working
17:55 Mahsa This is the error I see:  Internal Error - Failed to download metadata from /Shibboleth.sso/DiscoFeed.
17:55 Mahsa Can you please share your ideas with me on where to look to fix this ?
17:56 Mahsa BTW the CURL command to those URLS is "timedout"
17:58 Mahsa Our Dataverse version is 4.9.1
18:03 pameyer hi Mahsa - if you're seeing timed-out on curl calls to Shibboleth.sso/Discofeed, that sounds to me like apache may not be running, or not correctly configured for shibboleth
18:04 pameyer but I know very little about shibboleth, so might not be able to help too much
18:05 Mahsa Thank you , that is at least a place to start for me
18:06 pameyer it might be helpful to try too
18:07 Mahsa Sure, I will see if Apache is running and if so I will try that email
18:18 donsizemore @Mahsa do you have the Shibboleth locations specified in your ssl.conf?
18:20 donsizemore @Mahsa (and, while I'm remembering things, do you have these lines included so that Apache doesn't send Shibboleth requests to Glassfish?)
18:20 donsizemore ProxyPassMatch ^/Shibboleth.sso ! ProxyPassMatch ^/shibboleth-ds !
18:23 pameyer joined #dataverse
18:27 pameyer joined #dataverse
18:50 Mahsa I will just check  these
18:50 Mahsa I just made sure Apache is running
19:01 pameyer joined #dataverse
19:04 Mahsa @donsizemore I just checked my ssl.conf file
19:04 Mahsa and these lines are included
19:05 Mahsa I copied the sample ssl.conf file provided on dataverse Shiboleth page and modified the servername to mine
19:05 Mahsa sorry, I think I mixed things up :D LOL
19:05 karissa left #dataverse
19:05 Mahsa no, I copied these lines from dataverse website into ssl.conf
19:05 Mahsa they are there
19:08 Mahsa So bottomline, Shibboleth locations and ProxyPassMatch lines are both in ssl.conf
19:09 Mahsa any other suggestions ?
19:10 pameyer is there anything informative in the apache error log?
19:29 pameyer joined #dataverse
19:36 Mahsa Is this line helpful ?   httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name
19:36 Mahsa Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
19:36 Mahsa It is just a warning , I checked the logs, there is nothing there other than a single warning
19:37 pameyer @Mahsa - that message is fairly normal, and doesn't seem to suggest a problem
19:37 Mahsa Well, checking the logs
19:37 Mahsa got me thinking
19:37 pameyer this may be something you mentioned that I missed, but is your dataverse installation working normally (through apache) other than shibboleth?
19:37 Mahsa shouldn't there be some rows in the ssl_access_logs ?
19:37 pameyer I'm wondering about a possible issue with the apache <-> glassfish connection
19:38 pameyer there should be rows in either ssl_access_logs or access_logs; which one depends on your apache configuration
19:38 Mahsa That is exactly what I think  (with my poor knowledge of Shibboleth , etc)
19:39 Mahsa well, the ssl_access_logs is empty
19:39 Mahsa so that might support your guess
19:39 pameyer one way that I find helpful to test is to make curl calls to the `api/info/version` endpoint (aka - `curl` for apache, or `curl http://localhost:8080/api/info/version` for glassfish)
19:41 Mahsa Thank you ! I will try them in a bit
19:42 pameyer you're welcome
19:49 Mahsa so as expected, curl line for apache is not responding
19:52 Mahsa meaning that my installation is not working through apache
19:52 Mahsa @pameyer now that you have guided me through this far , what I should I do next ? :-)
19:53 pameyer @Mahsa - glad to hear we're narrowing down the source of the error :)
19:54 pameyer I think the next thing to check is the configuration of your apache modules - which OS are you using?
19:54 Mahsa centOS 7
19:55 pameyer do you have a line that looks like `LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/` in `/etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-proxy.conf`?
19:56 pameyer wait; my bad - that's a non-standard path on my system
19:57 Mahsa no, I found it
19:57 Mahsa I am looking for the line
19:57 pameyer ah - good.  it was in my configuration scripts to create it if it didn't exist for some reason
19:58 Mahsa Yes, the line is there
20:00 pameyer do you see any mention of `ajp://localhost` in your apache error logs?
20:02 Mahsa It does not seem like it, but let me check closer
20:02 pameyer "apachectl -M | grep ajp" might be another option
20:03 pameyer if that doesn't snow any matches, then the apache module for apache<-> glassfish isn't loaded
20:09 Mahsa I just checked the log files,
21:11 pameyer joined #dataverse

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