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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-09-21

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
09:45 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
12:59 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:00 pdurbin donsizemore: oh hey, I was just mentioning you here in a comment:
13:03 donsizemore any chance we could just try an ansible update? i also like your suggested_repo additions
13:06 pdurbin So I would enable EPEL before installing Ansible?
13:14 donsizemore yes, it's part of the epel repo
13:21 * pdurbin tries it
13:30 pdurbin donsizemore: how does Ansible 2.6.4-1.el7 sound?
13:31 donsizemore excellent =) (for some reason i see 2.6.3 in ibiblio's epel mirror)
13:31 donsizemore no, that's just the metadata. it wants to install 2.6.4
13:37 pdurbin donsizemore: the problem is that --extra-vars doesn't work
13:38 donsizemore is it ignoring the -e you're passing, or throwing an error?
13:38 pdurbin The 4.9.2 release is being deployed rather than the branch I specified.
13:38 donsizemore can you send me the output from the run?
13:38 pdurbin yep, one sec
13:39 pdurbin I can even let you ssh into the ec2 instance if you want.
13:44 pdurbin donsizemore: I just emailed you the output and the private key. No bitcoin mining, please. :)
13:45 donsizemore muahahahahaaaaa
13:45 pdurbin heh
13:47 donsizemore yeah, it ignored your --extra-vars (and it skipped two solr tasks it shouldn't have skipped)
13:50 donsizemore @pdurbin a) are you running the version of the script at and are you passing the extra_vars as 'dataverse.git.branch' and 'dataverse.git.repo'? (just double-checking)
13:50 donsizemore oh wait, i should SSH in
13:51 pdurbin donsizemore: I'm not because it didn't work.
13:51 pdurbin I tried many things including passing in JSON.
13:54 donsizemore okay. will you do me a favor, and re-run the script (or i can if you like) and ask to echo the ansible-playbook command before running it? the simplest answer is a variable mismatch
13:55 pdurbin sure, echoing
13:56 pdurbin This takes a while.
13:57 pdurbin ansible-playbook -i dataverse/inventory dataverse/dataverse.pb --connection=local --extra-vars branch=4610-upload-dual-mode repo=
13:58 pdurbin donsizemore: ^^
14:21 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:23 pameyer pdurbin: does using the `--check` option on the ansible-playbook call produce anything useful?
14:24 pdurbin pameyer: I could try that
14:27 pdurbin I'd love for you or Don to try the script. :)
14:28 pdurbin So far it seems like adding --check doesn't have an effect. It's just running the playbook like normal.
14:31 pdurbin weird, adding --check let to this error: TASK [dataverse : create glassfish postgres database] ************************** fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "the python psycopg2 module is required"}
14:31 pdurbin led*
14:31 pameyer ah - not too shocking.
14:32 pameyer check shouldn't do anything; which means it hasn't installed the dependency it needs to check downstream stuff
14:32 pameyer oddness
14:32 pameyer but doesn't fail with a syntax/parsing error
14:35 pdurbin pameyer: what's your reading of  in terms of if I'm on the right track adding variables in curly braces to the ansible side such as '{{ branch }}'
14:36 pdurbin Don doesn't seem to like the curly braces but it seems to be the only way to get --extra-vars to work.
14:36 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:37 pameyer pdurbin: that I don't think you're trying to *use* the variables, you're trying to assign non-default values to them
14:37 donsizemore @pdurbin it's not that i don't like the curly braces, it's that if anyone runs ansible-playbook without explicitly assigning those variables the role breaks
14:38 pdurbin donsizemore: yeah, like in Travis, which I broke
14:38 donsizemore @pdurbin we could just add those two --extra-var arguments to the usage instructions to call it good, but if ansible would respect variable precedence we'd be done
14:38 pameyer double curly braces is the normal jinja2 templating (from the rendering context); but what you want to do is change the variable in the context prior to rendering
14:39 pdurbin donsizemore: how come you keep giving me dotted examples like "dataverse.git.branch" but there are no dotted examples in the Ansible docs?
14:41 pameyer I'd guess because that's how you'd access nested dictionaries from a jinja2 template
14:41 pdurbin Yeah but have either of you tested it? It's not documented and it doesn't work.
14:42 pdurbin In my mind adding a curly brace variable like {{branch}} is the hook I need to use --extra-vars. Otherwise, it just doesn't work.
14:42 pameyer which suggests I'm guessing wrong
14:42 pameyer haven't tested it in that role; but that's how it works in jinja2
14:42 pameyer and I have used it there
14:43 pdurbin ok, do either of you want to give the script a try?
14:45 donsizemore @pdurbin that's why i was asking about what you were passing to ansible-playbook: i'd pass dataverse.git.branch and dataverse.git.repo. i haven't tested it because i hadn't yet because i went home yesterday evening. okay for me to run yours as-is, or should I request permission to spend some $$$ on AWS (another department on campus is paying our bill)
14:45 donsizemore @pdurbin i was really asking about the full output of the run, as the script only produced stdout and for debugging seeing the exact ansible-playbook command would be very helpful.
14:45 pdurbin donsizemore: let me see if I can create an account on our AWS stuff
14:47 donsizemore @pdurbin that would be awesome, thank you!
14:47 pdurbin donsizemore: I see an "Add User" button. What do you want your username to be?
14:51 donsizemore dls or donsizemore would be wonderful
14:51 pdurbin I'll go for donsizemore so people here know who it is.
14:54 pdurbin donsizemore: ok, please check your email
14:56 donsizemore many thanks, cloning the 4990 branch now =)
14:56 pdurbin perfect. thanks!
14:57 pdurbin donsizemore: I got it working with non-IQSS repos, by the way. Thanks for adding the "repo" config
14:57 donsizemore no, thank you. this stuff is fun but without an instance i could only guess
14:57 pdurbin It's good for me to go through the process of creating an AWS account because we'll need to create one for Tania, Derek, and others who have expressed interest in spinning up arbitrary branches.
14:58 pdurbin donsizemore: now that you're in there I'll be a little more careful with the script, which I just ran. :)
15:00 donsizemore @pdurbin won't hurt me none
15:01 pdurbin well, I don't want to destroy an EC2 instance you're in the process of spinning up. I'll check using first.
15:06 donsizemore @pdurbin blindly firing away, as I do...
15:07 pdurbin only way to fly
15:07 pdurbin donsizemore: I just want you to feel my pain :)
15:13 donsizemore @pdurbin i'm being obstinate/methodical and running it as-is first
15:13 pdurbin perfect. should work!
15:14 pdurbin I can see your instance with
15:24 donsizemore @pdurbin while we wait, may i ask a pesky question?
15:35 donsizemore @pdurbin so mine spun up 5009-svg-footer at as evidenced by (i think?)
15:35 donsizemore @pdurbin so mine spun up 5009-svg-footer at as evidenced by
15:36 donsizemore @pdurbin so mine spun up 5009-svg-footer at
15:36 donsizemore94 joined #dataverse
15:36 donsizemore94 sorry 4 spamming the channel, my message wasn't returning to me...
15:37 pdurbin sorry, was at standup
15:38 pdurbin yep, the SVG branch. worked
15:38 pdurbin I'm heading to lunch in about 10 minutes but hopefully I can answer your pesky question. :)
15:59 donsizemore94 @pdurbin trying again with 5027-dashboard-admin-guide
16:32 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
17:12 pdurbin cool
17:14 donsizemore94 @pdurbin woo woo i deployed 5027-dashboard-admin-guide to
17:15 donsizemore94 so... this was without my accepting your PR to dataverse-ansible...?
17:19 pdurbin donsizemore94: if you look at the script you'll see that I'm switching to the "extra-vars-travis" branch I pushed to the dataverse-ansible repo. I'm depending on that {{branch}} and {{repo}} I added.
17:25 donsizemore94 @pdurbin ah. saw that line and it didn't click. (full disclosure: we had a pizza party for our new interim director)
17:26 pdurbin heh
17:26 pdurbin you should see some FIXMEs in the script mentioning the pull request
17:26 pdurbin So it all works great. :)
17:26 pdurbin You just need to merge that pull request. :)
17:36 donsizemore94 @pdurbin i'm trying some tweaks to the ansible-playbook line without the travis branch
17:56 pdurbin donsizemore94: great! Thank!
17:56 pdurbin s
18:45 donsizemore94 @pdurbin (and i should have it working this afternoon)
18:46 pdurbin awesome
19:21 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
19:21 dataverse-user hi
19:22 pameyer hi dataverse-user
19:22 dataverse-user hello, what's up
19:27 pameyer well, do you have an opinion on jinja2 rendering vs context and ansible extra args?
19:29 dataverse-user no,
19:29 dataverse-user no idea what you're talking about
19:30 pameyer fair enough :) it's a bit into the guts of dataverse
19:30 pameyer but that's what was up this morning, at least
19:30 dataverse-user whats the dataverse
19:30 dataverse-user a bunch of data scientists here or something
19:32 pameyer
19:34 pdurbin pameyer is an actual scientist :)
19:34 dataverse-user typo in on the `about the project` page
19:34 dataverse-user and my sentence
19:38 pdurbin no worries
19:42 dataverse-user interesting
19:52 donsizemore94 @pdurbin meow?
19:52 pdurbin donsizemore94: 5009-svg-footer. good. You fixed it?
19:54 donsizemore94 @pdurbin you and pete were right. extra vars apparently can't be nested, still. so i renamed those two in dataverse-ansible and in the ec2-create script
19:54 donsizemore94 @pdurbin also stuck a yum -y update ansible just before the ansible-playbook call (for some reason, having it earlier in the EOF block didn't update it in the running instance
19:54 donsizemore94 @pdurbin anyway, a git diff is in your inbox. changes to two lines and you should be good?
19:56 pdurbin it sure is. Christmas came early!
19:56 donsizemore94 @pdurbin i would've been done sooner but life happens, even at work
19:57 pdurbin It's much appreciated. Lemme try it out. I see master on dataverse-ansible has already been updated.
19:58 donsizemore94 @pdurbin that's essentially what i changed to fix ec2-create =)
19:58 pdurbin donsizemore94: do you still want the newer version of Ansible? The one from EPEL?
19:58 donsizemore94 you should have it now. moving it down a few lines in the script made a difference for some reason
19:59 donsizemore94 argh, just checked again. no you don't, but you don't seem to need it anyway
19:59 pdurbin Ok. I guess the question is if you care either way.
20:00 donsizemore94 i only care when things are broken. fix it fix it and all that
20:02 pdurbin Your playbook installs EPEL anyway, right? So if someone gets on the machine and runs `yum update`, Ansible will be updated from the version in base Centos to the version in EPEL, right? If so, I'm thinking we should just use the version from EPEL.
20:07 donsizemore94 @pdurbin i pulled it from the playbook; the update call worked in vagrant but not quote-unquote bare metal
20:08 donsizemore94 @pdurbin and i had included it in part as a matter of policy but mostly to work around earlier version discrepancies that they've since ironed out
20:08 pdurbin ok, but you do enable EPEL?
20:08 donsizemore94 twice IIRC. in anticipation of splitting out the roles across machines
20:08 pdurbin heh. ok
20:10 pdurbin waiting for this: TASK [dataverse : build warfile. tail /tmp/dataverse/mvn.out for gory details.] ***
20:10 pdurbin any thoughts on how to speed that up?
20:13 donsizemore94 use an AWS image with more cores ;)
20:14 donsizemore94 or honestly you spend most of that step downloading maven dependencies. a zipped local repo or something to avoid the download step would greatly speed warfile compilation
20:17 pdurbin hmm, but we'd have to update the zipped local repo from time to time
20:18 donsizemore94 @pdurbin correct. but that could be periodically automated or something. anyway, the majority of that step is dependency download
20:19 pdurbin yeah
20:21 pdurbin donsizemore94: it works! Thank you!!
20:22 donsizemore94 excellent.
20:24 donsizemore94 i'm sneaking away for cider, hope you have a great weekend!
20:24 pdurbin you too! enjoy!
22:16 pameyer left #dataverse

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