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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-12-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:52 jri joined #dataverse
04:38 nanozz joined #dataverse
06:52 jri joined #dataverse
07:59 jri joined #dataverse
08:16 jri joined #dataverse
08:43 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
08:46 juancorr joined #dataverse
09:57 nanozz left #dataverse
11:42 pdurbin joined #dataverse
11:54 jri joined #dataverse
12:04 jri_ joined #dataverse
12:34 poikilotherm Morning pdurbin
12:34 poikilotherm Welcome to another week of madness ;-)
12:36 poikilotherm Thx for fixing #5349 :-)
12:37 poikilotherm Lets hope that MrK has some time in spare to tackle this. Just left a review on it, too.
12:45 poikilotherm pdurbin I remembered what I dislike about IRC: when you loose your connection, it is a burden to readup what happened in between. This hit me a few times now when on WLAN or mobile.
12:52 MrK joined #dataverse
12:58 jri joined #dataverse
13:01 jri joined #dataverse
13:05 jri_ joined #dataverse
14:08 pdurbin poikilotherm: yes, but iqlogbot helps us read up by logging messages, of course. IRCv3 will have a "chathistory" extension: . Sorry for the inconvenience.
14:08 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:08 pdurbin MrK: I hope my changes to your flyway branch look ok to you.
14:13 MrK Ah yeah you just merged with develop.
14:13 pdurbin MrK: yes, and I also make the diff smaller. Fewer whitespace changes. Long lines still long. :)
14:14 MrK Ah yeah I don't have problem with that, it's  Intellij formating during push.
14:17 pdurbin MrK: if you could avoid reformatting entire files, it would be appreciated. Thanks again for the pull request! I'm hoping it'll be discussed after standup today or tomorrow.
14:18 MrK Yeah I will uncheck the option, poikilotherm added some comments which I will adress after I'm done with my tasks.
14:18 pdurbin Great! Thanks!
14:18 pdurbin I learned that DSpace uses Flyway. "The database schema used by DSpace is initialized and upgraded automatically using Flyway DB."
14:19 pdurbin I don't see any guidance for DSpace developers though. I guess Flyway "just works" and is magic. :)
15:05 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:06 poikilotherm pameyer pdurbin : I just created
15:07 * poikilotherm is crossing fingers this makes sense to you guys
15:09 pameyer pdurbin poikilotherm - web based installer?
15:09 poikilotherm That's a dream of pdurbin... :-D
15:10 poikilotherm It might be cool, but it needs more work... ;-)
15:10 poikilotherm And there are some difficulties to tackle first, like reloading and stuff
15:12 pameyer reminds me of having the force piwiki to be installable non-interactively :(
15:13 pameyer but yeah, it's probably down the road
15:14 poikilotherm force? piwiki?
15:15 pameyer was looking into piwik; my usual assumption is that anything I'm going to use seriously has to be something where I can check the install into config management
15:16 pameyer piwik support for that was "call us" - ended up being run manual install once, do surgery to make templateable and disable phoning home
15:16 pameyer it's mameo (or something close to that spelling now)
15:16 poikilotherm Matomo
15:16 poikilotherm ;-)
15:17 pameyer yup :)
15:18 poikilotherm IMHO there should be both options
15:18 poikilotherm Actually when the bootstrapping is done from within the code, that would make the DevOps stuff easier... You don't need to call the installer
15:18 poikilotherm And of course this can be extended further
15:19 Sherry joined #dataverse
15:19 poikilotherm But changing runtime config most certainly should not be part of the boostrapping
15:20 pameyer I'm generally in favor of making devops type stuff easier ;) but sometimes you do have to duct tape things
15:20 Sherry UVa's Dataverse (V. 4.8.6) has stopped twice a day over the weekend (it also stopped each of the prior three days).
15:21 Sherry What can we send (log-wise) for someone to look at tthings for us?
15:22 pameyer Sherry : that sounds like things are getting worse
15:23 pameyer glassfish log is one of the usual recommendations (but make sure you don't post it publicly, or scrub the DOI credentials).  thinking on what other system logs would be helpful...
15:24 Sherry We have done nothing with the dataverse app (no upgrades, no database updates) in months. But just last week it's been "falling over" (as my sysadmin says) at least once a day.
15:24 pameyer I use that phrase too - although usually with some additional adjectives/adverbs
15:25 pameyer two first possibilities I'd think of - more crawler/bot/unauthenticated traffic, or increase in users doing more upload/ingest type stuff
15:26 pameyer apache (or httpd) logs might be helpful for the first one
15:26 pameyer do you know the OS and distribution of your server(s)?
15:28 Sherry Will have to ask about OS
15:28 pameyer ok - it would make a difference for what system logs are available, and what they're called
15:29 pdurbin Sherry: please email your server.log file to
15:29 pameyer if you're asking your sysadmin, it would also be worth asking if systat logs are availble
15:29 Sherry Thanks, Phil and Pete Our sysadmin is packaging them and will get them out later today.
15:30 pdurbin Sherry: did you show him or her yet?
15:31 Sherry Will do now.
15:32 pdurbin Thanks. Again, that's my home server but hopefully it'll prompt a discussion of monitoring stategies that they have already put into place for you.
15:33 pdurbin poikilotherm: how many minutes or hours until you leave today?
15:35 poikilotherm About 15
15:37 pdurbin !
15:37 poikilotherm pdurbin would you like me to open an issue + pr for the graphviz stuff?
15:38 poikilotherm That might fit in the timeslot left for today...
15:38 poikilotherm (at least the issue)
15:39 pdurbin poikilotherm: oh. Maybe. I was thinking that we (you :) ) could maybe write a little bit more on the page to explain that there are two options for creating images. Maybe pros and cons. Just an idea.
15:39 poikilotherm :-D
15:39 poikilotherm Alright, THAT won't fit in the timeslot ... ;-)
15:40 pdurbin poikilotherm: I'm also wondering if you have any feedback on my feedback. :) The half feedback I gave you at
15:40 pameyer dot -Tsvg $foo > $figure ;)
15:40 pdurbin I have more feedback to give on the second half of your post. But I thought I should pause and listen first. :)
15:41 poikilotherm Right. Feedback following
15:42 poikilotherm About the microservice vs monolith: actually I think this might have been misleading. It depends on what definition you read for microservices. Maybe lets stick with SOA
15:43 poikilotherm It doesn't really matter if Dataverse is a monolith or not, you guys keep integrating more components and services, so that at least makes a SOA
15:43 poikilotherm SOA = service oriented architecture
15:43 pdurbin ok
15:43 poikilotherm Of course you could split up Dataverse more, but that's not important right here, right now.
15:43 pdurbin agreed
15:43 pameyer centos7 sysstat looks like it's too old; doesn't have the new file descriptor stuff
15:44 pdurbin pameyer: what about sar?
15:44 pameyer sysstat is the package for sar
15:44 pdurbin oh :)
15:44 pameyer I was really excited to see that file descriptors were in the sysstat docs for a moment there
15:45 poikilotherm About people using Docker/Kubernetes: you are right that no current production instance is using it. I just had the impression that future production instances like DataverseEU, FZJ, and more might be an indication that there is a tendency to have both ways!
15:45 poikilotherm I meant not more = majority, just more = more than currently 35 prod. installations
15:46 pdurbin poikilotherm: sorry to interrupt but before you go, I forget if you're in Berlin or not but Slava and Jonas are having a Dataverse meeting there this week:
15:46 poikilotherm I am with you on wording about "should" and "must"
15:46 poikilotherm Nope, other side of Germany... ;-)
15:46 pdurbin ah, bummer, oh well
15:47 pdurbin poikilotherm: does Red Hat's interest in running Dataverse on OpenShift count as interest in Kubernetes?
15:47 poikilotherm About understanding of adoption of Microprofil APIs: I might have misinterpreted this...
15:47 poikilotherm Of course it does!
15:47 pdurbin ok
15:47 pameyer docker/kubernetes/etc does seem to be the way things are going.
15:48 poikilotherm And I think they actually did the groundwork stuff to get this stuff inside IQSS view of how people use Dataverse
15:48 pameyer I'd be curious to know where the tradeoff point for advantages vs complexity increases is for dataverse though
15:49 poikilotherm About your agony: will try my best :-)
15:49 poikilotherm And that's it for today for me. Sorry guys, gotta go now
15:49 pameyer have a good night
15:50 poikilotherm Maybe I can come back later, depends on my workload for the evening... ;-)
15:51 pdurbin I guess I want to hear more about the groundwork.
18:21 pameyer pdurbin: I checked wikipedia over the weekend, and a payara is a fish with fangs
18:43 pdurbin heh, that sounds right
20:00 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
20:01 poikilotherm Good evening dear IQSS devs and others
20:02 pameyer good afternoon, european devs ;)
20:04 pdurbin the Sun's getting real low
20:04 poikilotherm left #dataverse
20:05 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
20:05 poikilotherm Well, you should have about 1.5 - 2 hours of sunlight left, shouödn't you?
20:05 poikilotherm -ö+l
20:06 poikilotherm pdurbin pameyer : any feedback on #5361 at standup/...?
20:06 pdurbin about an hour until sunset, an hour and a half until dusk
20:07 pdurbin standup is not where we talk about new issues
20:07 pdurbin that happens when we estimate issues on wednesday afternoon
20:07 poikilotherm Alright :-)
20:07 poikilotherm Then I keep patient till Wednesday
20:07 pdurbin but only if the issue has been flagged as "ready for estimation"
20:07 pdurbin which is something only Danny does
20:07 poikilotherm *G*
20:07 pdurbin if you email him and ask nicely
20:08 pdurbin so, no, we didn't talk about it
20:08 poikilotherm Maybe we should just have a VC about 5292 and related... :-D
20:08 pameyer I'm on the wrong side of the river to know about standup today
20:08 pdurbin pameyer comes to standup twice a week
20:08 poikilotherm Yeah you said he is only with you twice a week or so?
20:09 pdurbin yeah
20:09 poikilotherm I think you mentioned that during talking about Docker builders on your floor ;-)
20:09 poikilotherm (or the absence of em)
20:09 pdurbin poikilotherm: we have our usual community call tomorrow. Want to ask there?
20:09 poikilotherm About 5292 and related?
20:09 pdurbin we have the community call every other week
20:09 pdurbin yeah
20:10 pameyer is this one the first w\ the new call-in option?
20:10 poikilotherm I could try, but most certainly I will not be available at 6pm
20:10 poikilotherm Kids + work on house stuff...
20:10 pdurbin it's at noon our time
20:10 poikilotherm Yeah
20:11 pdurbin pameyer: no idea what the call in options will be
20:12 poikilotherm Will ask my government later when she plans to be home tomorrow evening and maybe then I will put my plans aside and join ;-)
20:12 pdurbin heh, ok
20:14 poikilotherm pdurbin you asked about writing stuff about images for docs
20:14 poikilotherm Anything specific?
20:14 pdurbin Oh, I was just spitballing ideas.
20:14 * poikilotherm seeks cover
20:14 pdurbin The release notes will link to closed GitHub issues.
20:15 * poikilotherm raises his head
20:15 pdurbin And it would be nice if one of the issues was something like, "As a documentation writer, I'd like to create images with inline markup." Or something. Fixed! In the next release.
20:15 pdurbin I hope that makes sense.
20:15 poikilotherm Sure!
20:16 poikilotherm That was on my mind when I commented on your comment on #5288#
20:16 pdurbin Oh, also, the doc/release-notes folder is for how to overcome breaking changes (sql update, solr schema update), not for advertising features.
20:16 poikilotherm ???
20:17 pdurbin I lost you. Sorry.
20:17 poikilotherm Then I completely missunderstood the docs about that
20:17 * poikilotherm reads it again
20:17 poikilotherm Gimme a sec
20:17 pdurbin If the README is doc/release-notes needs to be updated, please feel free to make a pull request.
20:17 pdurbin I wrote it. All errors are mine.
20:19 poikilotherm Ok, just to make sure I get you right this time:
20:20 poikilotherm We are talking about
20:20 poikilotherm Right?
20:22 pdurbin Yeah, I'm talking about what I wrote there as well as
20:23 poikilotherm Hmm ok...
20:24 poikilotherm Then maybe a proper definition of release notes is missing
20:24 pdurbin Maybe.
20:24 pdurbin Another thought is that I'd love to have a list of features in the guides somewhere. Especially since is so out of date.
20:25 poikilotherm In my world, release notes tell me about new features to be aware of, bugs that were fixed and things to be aware of, as "there be dragons". Maybe something like an upgrade-barometer
20:25 pameyer depends on if "release notes" means "cool new features" or "stuff that will break unless you update something"
20:25 pameyer or both
20:25 poikilotherm Like Gitlab Inc does, like Atlassian does etc
20:25 pdurbin poikilotherm: I could forward you a thread about our list of features and my desire for it to be updated more often if you want.
20:26 poikilotherm Yeah pameyer, you name it: its a definition thing
20:26 poikilotherm And currently, the docs aren't precise about that - that's why I added a release note for #4690 in the first place... ;-)
20:27 poikilotherm pdurbin: sure, go ahead :-)
20:32 pdurbin poikilotherm: actually, instead of forwarding a thread a I'll just say that could be updated to include Dropbox integration, OAuth login (ORCID, GitHub, Google), Widgets, OAI-PMH, support for Zotero. Endnote, and Altmetrics. And other stuff I'm not thinking of. If we move the list to the guides we can use pull requests to maintain it.
20:34 pameyer json-ld, bibtex
20:35 pdurbin yeah
20:36 pdurbin I mean, this stuff is scattered across the guides but it would be nice to have a single list, I think.
20:36 pdurbin Maybe with nice images. I don't know.
20:36 pameyer I didn't know dataverse supported altmetrics - my knowledge of it is limited to it being down when I'm trying to do perf measurements
20:39 donsizemore joined #dataverse
20:40 poikilotherm pdurbin: Yeah, that page has a lot of missing things...
20:41 pdurbin but a pull request won't fix it
20:41 poikilotherm Yeah. But how does this relate to the release notes part?
20:42 poikilotherm When I look at the GitHub release notes, those are pretty undetailed
20:43 pdurbin We could do a better job of highlighting new features. Sometimes we make a blog post.
20:44 poikilotherm Have you looked at how Gitlab des this?
20:44 poikilotherm
20:44 poikilotherm Always companioned by a larger blog post
20:44 poikilotherm E. g.
20:44 pdurbin very nice
20:44 pdurbin lots of structure
20:44 pdurbin clean
20:45 poikilotherm And always pointing to docs
20:45 poikilotherm It is always a pleasure to read the blog posts
20:45 poikilotherm But to get a quick overview, what has changed, the releases page is pretty neat
20:46 pdurbin is pretty nice for knowing what new features GitHub has added.
20:49 poikilotherm I feel pretty lost in that list.
20:49 poikilotherm It seems more like a list of commits, rendered in some fancy way
20:49 poikilotherm While looking at the dates, it seems they add stuff every day
20:50 poikilotherm And that makes it less readable. Also there is no weight of things.
20:50 poikilotherm At Gitlab, the order of the entries is important, as big changes are listed at the top
20:50 poikilotherm But ok - this is a Changelog, not a release notes
20:52 pdurbin yeah
20:55 poikilotherm Alright - so to get a baseline on the GraphViz stuff: I will create the issue about inline images
20:56 poikilotherm What parts of the docs do you want me to extend about images?
20:57 pdurbin please
20:57 pdurbin I was thinking... one advantage of the old approach is that the you can link to the png in GitHub.
20:58 pdurbin With the Graphviz version, there's no image to link to.
20:58 pdurbin Tradeoffs.
20:58 pdurbin Nice to have choices.
20:58 poikilotherm Link from where?
20:59 pdurbin poikilotherm: I linked to a few PNGs on GitHub here, for example:
21:00 poikilotherm Ok in case this is linking to stuff already in develop - wouldn't it be an easy option to have the compiled docs deployed for multiple versions and develop branch?
21:00 pdurbin yeah, it would
21:00 poikilotherm For develop this is a trivial Travis job..
21:01 pdurbin it was just a thought
21:01 pdurbin yeah, it exists already
21:01 pdurbin I can go click "build now" if you want.
21:01 poikilotherm Oh and if you don't want to mangle with own servers - isn't there GitHub pages for this?
21:02 pdurbin yes
21:03 pdurbin poikilotherm: oh, did you see my reply about chathistory and IRCv3?
21:03 poikilotherm Yes, I saw that.
21:03 pdurbin cool
21:04 pdurbin I think there's a service called "IRC Cloud" or something that would give you persistence and scrollback. I believe it's a paid service, though.
21:04 poikilotherm
21:04 poikilotherm This seems like it will take years, not days till this is available
21:05 poikilotherm And when the spec is live, there will be a need for implementations client and server side
21:05 pdurbin Maybe. I thought I heard that some IRC clients and servers have implemented IRCv3 stuff on an experimental basis, at least.
21:07 pdurbin I don't know if freenode supports chathistory or not.
21:12 poikilotherm
21:14 pdurbin poikilotherm: what did you mean about the "IQSS view of how people use Dataverse"?
21:15 poikilotherm Maybe its just my bad english - will try to elaborate more in hope you guys get me right...
21:15 poikilotherm If I got it right, Dataverse was invented by IQSS
21:15 pdurbin heh, yes
21:15 poikilotherm IQSS is a institute focusing on social sciences and the needs of researches within that domain
21:16 pdurbin true
21:16 poikilotherm Then, one shiny day, you guys made a decision (dunno how that happenend, but this doesn't really matter) that Dataverse might do MORE
21:16 poikilotherm That researches out there are interested in repos
21:17 poikilotherm I am not sure if this has been first only a "here fellow social science domain researches, look what we did, maybe it helps", but the word spread
21:18 poikilotherm And then it reached not only social science, nowadays there is a broader spectrum of domains interested in using Dataverse
21:19 poikilotherm Just as the RDM stuff got momentum in a lot of countries, domains and researcher communities, the development was hit by that momentum, too
21:19 pdurbin poikilotherm: in 2006 there were only two installations of Dataverse (then called "DVN" for Dataverse Network), and they were both social science institutes (IQSS at Harvard and Odum at the University of North Carolina):
21:19 poikilotherm And not only on a level of "how to do XYZ in Dataverse" being a question from a researcher, it gained momentum on a technical level
21:20 poikilotherm People started to ask for technical features
21:20 pdurbin more people, sure
21:20 poikilotherm And I am pretty sure, that many of those features came from domains outside of social sciences
21:21 andrewSC joined #dataverse
21:21 pdurbin sure, pameyer's rsync feature for example
21:21 poikilotherm Yeah!
21:21 poikilotherm Big data!
21:21 poikilotherm And more to come
21:22 poikilotherm And with all those features, a lot of admins started to adopt dataverse
21:22 pdurbin hopefully, did you see plot in the slides above? :)
21:23 poikilotherm As time moved on, admins started to adapt new techniques like Docker and eventually Kubernetes. This of course started slowly and not everywhere, but this is still growing. Containers are here to stay
21:23 pdurbin well
21:23 pdurbin oh
21:23 pdurbin I see what you mean.
21:23 pdurbin you mean sysadmins
21:24 pdurbin sysadmins are playing with Docker more these days, yes
21:24 pdurbin and they talk a lot about Kubernetes
21:24 pdurbin I'm not sure how much Kubernetes is used in production.
21:25 poikilotherm I don't know if pameyer created docker-aio before or after the Redhat Openshift people started their work. Anyway, I get the impression that altough you core devs at IQSS are not into Docker, all those input from others widened your view and you started to adapt Dataverse to this stuff
21:25 pdurbin after, I can repost the timeline :)
21:26 pdurbin I don't use Docker every day. No.
21:26 pdurbin I have it installed. That's something.
21:26 poikilotherm Honestly, I don't think nowadays there is a way around it. If you guys want Dataverse to grow and spread, you most likely need to adapt further
21:26 pdurbin I run docker-aio maybe once a month. I like it.
21:26 pdurbin we need to evolve
21:27 poikilotherm And IMHO there are little chances to escape the influence it wll have on you and your workflows
21:27 pdurbin no escape
21:27 poikilotherm When I started my proffessional education in 2006, there was no word about all this
21:28 pdurbin sure, Docker is new, containers are new
21:28 poikilotherm Nowadays I pretty much enjoy the benefits. The ecosystem of Docker has been significantly getting more mature
21:28 pdurbin Java is old.
21:28 pameyer docker's new; containers are old
21:28 pdurbin But not as old as Python. :)
21:28 pdurbin pameyer: old-ish :)
21:28 poikilotherm pameyer: Yes! Jails from BSD for the win :-D
21:28 pdurbin BSD jails are old. :)
21:28 pdurbin jinx
21:29 poikilotherm I remember around 2008 at university we playes with OpenVZ and Jails
21:29 pameyer sorry - didn't mean to derail things ;)
21:29 poikilotherm And look where we are now :-D
21:29 pdurbin We used to run Bind in chroot.
21:30 poikilotherm Oh man - that really s****d
21:30 poikilotherm All those device nodes you had to create
21:30 poikilotherm And then crossing fingers you did everything right
21:30 pdurbin There was an RPM for it. Not so bad.
21:30 poikilotherm We did it hard core on GEntoo :-D
21:30 poikilotherm Well, we were yung
21:30 pdurbin dang
21:31 poikilotherm Good old days... Not so far away anyway ;-)
21:32 poikilotherm I hope my "IQSS view on people" is now a bit clearer :-)
21:32 poikilotherm I dunno if you agee with me or if this is just my stupid brain - just an outside view on you guys ;-)
21:32 pdurbin You think we're a bit stuck in the past.
21:33 pdurbin Java. PostgreSQL. Solr.
21:33 poikilotherm That's not a bad ting
21:33 poikilotherm No no, don't get me wroong
21:33 pdurbin Where's the Mongo?
21:33 poikilotherm Java is supercool
21:33 poikilotherm Postgres too
21:33 pdurbin Where's the node
21:33 poikilotherm Solr is a bit oldschool, Elastic has far more devs and power, but ok
21:34 poikilotherm Mongo might be easier for the data model when coming to metadata. That was why I picked it for PeerPub
21:34 poikilotherm But I understand that back in the old days, there was no NoSQL
21:34 poikilotherm So that's fine with me
21:34 poikilotherm And not to forget - Postgres knows JSON these days
21:35 pdurbin Yeah, a lot of this stuff didn't exist when we started.
21:35 pdurbin IRC was around. :)
21:35 poikilotherm Dataverse is a cool tool!
21:35 poikilotherm I don't know if you have resources to refactor
21:35 pdurbin nope
21:35 pdurbin You don't get grants to refactor code.
21:35 poikilotherm As I learned someday, in software dev business, you can do what you want. The day will come you need to refactor
21:36 poikilotherm (Or start over)
21:36 poikilotherm That's the problem with research software ;-)
21:36 poikilotherm And as I am very aware of this, coming from a bigger research institute, I am definitly ok with this
21:36 pdurbin We just did a big refactor from DVN 3.x to Dataverse 4. It took forever.
21:37 poikilotherm Well, you have some very smart people around that built a truly unique app
21:37 poikilotherm I really like your approach on Metadata flexibility
21:37 poikilotherm Thats a unique thing I cannot emphasize enough
21:38 poikilotherm That was the key factor for us to pick Dataverse
21:38 pdurbin Nice. That's why I'm happy we finally wrote some docs on metadata flexibility:
21:38 poikilotherm :-)
21:39 pdurbin and the next release will include info on how to load them up
21:39 poikilotherm Great!!!!
21:39 pdurbin pameyer figured it out without docs. Amazing.
21:40 poikilotherm I hope you guys foregive me that I am pushing the new stuff...
21:40 pdurbin I like the new stuff. An external contributor got us from Ant to Maven.
21:40 poikilotherm Cool :-D I digged into this a bit, but definitly not all the way through
21:40 poikilotherm Hopefully pameyer wrote some of the docs ;-)
21:40 pdurbin Usually, "new stuff" for us is the latest version of Java EE.
21:41 poikilotherm ;-)
21:41 pdurbin DVN 3 was Java EE 6. Dataverse 4 was Java EE 7. Java EE 8 is out. Not sure what the next version will be called.
21:42 poikilotherm Yeah, you mentioned that before :-)
21:42 pdurbin "new stuff" is also the next version of Java that isn't EOL
21:42 pdurbin newer versions of postgres and solr
21:42 poikilotherm And no offense: I think you guys use just about 40% of EE 7
21:42 poikilotherm But that's ok
21:42 pdurbin yeah
21:43 poikilotherm I hope I can give back some of my experience and knowledge into this project, as I truly believe in the power of OSS
21:43 pdurbin poikilotherm: that reminds me, if you're on the other side of Germany, does that mean you're close to FOSDEM?
21:43 poikilotherm We will benefit from your work on Dataverse for a long time, hopefuly
21:44 poikilotherm Yes
21:44 pdurbin Cool. I'd like to go to FOSDEM some day.
21:44 poikilotherm :-)
21:44 poikilotherm I was thinking about going there next year
21:44 pdurbin I've started going to LibrePlanet. The past three years. It's local.
21:44 poikilotherm Brussels about 2-3 hours from here
21:45 pdurbin gotcha
21:45 poikilotherm And I think I heared rumors about a RSE track
21:46 pdurbin huh, cool
21:46 poikilotherm Those people at SSI in Edinbourgh do a pretty good job
21:46 pameyer the RSE stuff seemed to start picking up in Europe a few years back
21:46 pdurbin I've heard good things about them.
21:47 poikilotherm Yeah, in UK this is already a big thing. Slowly starting in Germany, too
21:47 poikilotherm deRSE has been founded just a week or two ago
21:48 pameyer "new stuff" is sometimes a game changer, and sometimes not worth the switchover effort
21:48 pameyer at least, in my experience.
21:48 poikilotherm That's true.
21:53 poiki-at-home joined #dataverse
21:53 pameyer but there's also gradiations of "old stuff". aka - fortran77 code that a researcher's been cranking out new releases on for decades is one thing, old php + java applets is another thing
21:53 poiki-at-home Gnrf, freenode just kicked me out
21:53 poiki-at-home Need to read up logs first
21:53 poiki-at-home (Hey pdurbin, here we go again... )
21:55 pameyer don't think you missed much
21:55 poiki-at-home Nope
21:55 poiki-at-home My messages were not send...
21:56 pameyer :(
21:57 poiki-at-home As long as you are online, IRC is just fine
22:00 pameyer IRC from tmux sessions has been reasonably stable for me
22:00 poiki-at-home But just as long as you uplink is stable...
22:00 poiki-at-home +r
22:01 pameyer true
22:12 poiki-at-home pdurbin hopefully this makes you happy:
22:12 poiki-at-home Please add review comments if and where I should elaborate more
22:23 pdurbin poikilotherm: looks great! I moved it to QA. You *could* mention plantuml but whatever. :)
22:24 poikilotherm plantuml needs a special plugin and further deps installed
22:24 pdurbin yeah
22:24 poikilotherm By the way: Gitlab is doing a great job at rendering plantuml in the brower
22:24 poikilotherm Is there sth. similar in GItHub?
22:24 pdurbin poikilotherm: oh, and it's probably not freenode's fault that you're getting disconnected. There's a memory leak in the version of Shout that I installed:
22:25 poikilotherm I am using an IRC client
22:25 poikilotherm Not the webpage ;-)
22:36 poikilotherm Are you guys using bouncers?
22:40 poikilotherm Thinking about setting up ZNC on my home server...
22:41 poikilotherm Anyway. I will leave for getting some sleep now. Have a good night guys :-)

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