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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-12-05

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:41 jri joined #dataverse
02:57 jri joined #dataverse
05:13 jri joined #dataverse
07:41 jri joined #dataverse
08:07 jri joined #dataverse
08:46 MrK joined #dataverse
08:51 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
09:24 MrK Hi poikilotherm, regarding you by value you mean like a field?
09:36 poikilotherm Good morning :-)
09:36 * poikilotherm reads the comment again
09:37 poikilotherm Yeah. To be more in OOP speech: a class attribute
09:37 poikilotherm Edited my comment to be more precise
09:39 poikilotherm Also it is unlikely to happen: data migrations should be described or at least mentioned, too
09:39 poikilotherm Those are dangerous and might use lots of resources
09:50 MrK But adding the field woudn't be the same since we have an option to only create tables not add fields, so if someone already has the table adding the field would not add the column to the table.
09:54 poikilotherm Right
09:54 poikilotherm But normally when you add a field this should be persisted, isn't it
09:54 poikilotherm Of course there are cases where this is not true
09:55 poikilotherm And shouldn't those changes have a migration, too? Otherwise this would lead to KABOOM, wouldn't it?
09:58 MrK poikilotherm: That depends on persistence.xml setting, but we only have an "create-tables" option so new fields wont be persisted to my understanding
09:59 MrK Yeah new field's should be added in the entity class and in the migration sql
10:09 poikilotherm I wonder how this has been handled to date
10:09 poikilotherm Maybe pdurbin can enlighten us
10:09 poikilotherm Most certainly he will be with us in about 2h ;-)
10:11 poikilotherm He or his kids seems to like worms, as he really is an early bird ;-)
10:43 MrK Well I can tell you how it was handled :P, every change was added to upgrade script and after new release you had to execute this sql.
10:49 MrK I wish I could sleep like 6 hours and have enough of sleep, I sleep over 7,5 and I still feel like i need more.
10:52 MrK poikilotherm: I'm wondering if I should start working on this previous sql upgrade migrator or wait for the  landreev decision
11:03 poikilotherm Maybe we should try to follow documentation driven like pdurbin said yesterday
11:04 poikilotherm You could stuff about that in a developer doc and add it to your PR
11:11 pdurbin joined #dataverse
11:11 pdurbin no worms today, the ground is frozen
11:15 poikilotherm Good morning pdurbin :-)
11:15 pdurbin mornin'
11:16 poikilotherm MrK: I was wrong. It has been just 1h.
11:16 poikilotherm pdurbin: Man, when do you go to bed? 6pm? I would be DEAD getting up that early and already texting to the other side of the world.
11:17 poikilotherm Thank you for ongoing contribution in this community channel. :-)
11:17 poikilotherm I really appreciate that and cannot emphasize enough your effort in getting us together
11:18 pdurbin I think I slept 8 hours. 10pm until 6am or so. I'm fine. But have you seen those t-shirts that say, "Ok, but first coffee"? :)
11:19 poikilotherm LOL
11:20 pdurbin
11:20 poikilotherm Go grab it ;-) We will wait stay patient till you're back
11:20 pdurbin ^^ that's what I wrote about SQL script (pre flyway). Is there a question about our current process?
11:21 poikilotherm Err - this is commited on 10/16/2018
11:21 poikilotherm How has this been done before?
11:21 poikilotherm You know back in the middle ages of DV 4.0
11:37 pdurbin The same way. I finally wrote it down.
11:37 pdurbin We've always done things this way.
11:46 poikilotherm Ok, good to know
11:46 * poikilotherm is digging through timer code
12:07 pdurbin poikilotherm: oh, I'm slightly less excited about Gitter because the other day one of the developers said, "We are focused on the SaaS experience, Self installations is not a route we plan to support but people are free to run their own."
12:08 pdurbin I mean, I'm fine with using SaaS products. I use GitHub, Travis, Coveralls, etc. But I like it a bit better when it's relatively each to install it yourself, like Travis or GitLab.
12:17 pdurbin MrK: I did talk to Leonid after standup about Flyway. He seems to like the idea. He wants to play with it himself, which is something I haven't done yet.
12:17 MrK pdurbin: Ok cool, so I understand I should just wait for comments in PR?
12:18 pdurbin Yeah, I think you should just wait. This is all new to us.
12:18 pdurbin I think you've been following the original issue... we want upgrades to be easier.
12:19 MrK Yeah flyway should solve database schema upgrade issue
12:20 pdurbin So our thinking is that people on older version of Dataverse (e.g. 4.6.2) will use Leonid's new script to upgrade to a version of Dataverse with Flyway (maybe it will be merged in Dataverse 4.10?). And then, migrations will be handled by Flyway instead of Leonid's script.
12:20 pdurbin I hope that makes sense. That's our understanding anyway.
12:31 MrK Well that depends pdurbin right now you would have to upgrade to the version before flyway, and then to the flyway version. If I implement poikilotherm idea you wouldn't even have to do that you would just download the new version.
12:38 pdurbin MrK: I'm fine with whatever. I just want the steps for people upgrading to be clear.
12:40 pdurbin MrK: It's hard for us to keep up with all the ideas you and poikilotherm have. Looking at pull requests is easier. :)
12:40 poikilotherm LOL
12:40 pdurbin You guys are from the future. We're still banging rocks together.
12:40 poikilotherm pdurbin I am editing docs for timers to follow your suggestion about Doc driven dev
12:42 pdurbin poikilotherm: sounds good. I think Gustavo calls this "pre review" to distinguish it from "code review". I'm the one who likes the term "documentation driven development." He would probably just have a conversation about the idea before coding begins.
12:42 poikilotherm Let's call it D-D-D. Sounds impressive ;-)
12:43 pdurbin scales better too
12:43 poikilotherm "Hey man, our software is built using D-D-D!"
12:44 poikilotherm That will make an impression on people, won't it? ;-)
12:44 pdurbin "Really? 20 sided dice? Swords and magic wands?"
12:46 pdurbin "No, not D&D. DDD."
12:46 poikilotherm ROFL
14:16 MrK DDD is already taken :D
14:18 poikilotherm Yeah - indicates all digital workflow on audio cds ;-)
14:20 poikilotherm And of course by domain driven design
14:25 MrK Yeah, do you have the knowledge about domain driven design? I've read that people even after reading still don't know what is it exactly :D, and people who think they know they are doing it completely wrong :D.
14:28 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:28 donsizemore hey @pdurbin just a heads up we're about to make the jump to 4.9.4
14:30 pdurbin donsizemore: punch it, Chewie!
14:32 poikilotherm MrK: I just had a read or two about this on heise dev, but not more...
15:39 poikilotherm pdurbin:
15:41 poikilotherm Gustavo is not all happy with your suggestion, but lets see where this takes us. He mentioned that IQSS still has to figure out how to deal with community dev efforts... ;-)
16:07 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:53 jri joined #dataverse
18:28 pameyer pdurbin: do you know if Sherry got things sorted out with her stability issues?
18:30 pdurbin pameyer: good question, I've been meaning to look for an RT ticket
18:32 pdurbin pameyer: I don't see a ticket so if you see her in here, please ask her for the number. Maybe I simply can't find it.
18:45 pameyer pdurbin: thanks for taking a look
19:12 jri joined #dataverse
19:19 pdurbin sure
19:20 pdurbin xarthisius: I'm happy to see all the Dataverse-related pull requests in Whole Tale repos!
19:20 xarthisius We're missing docs, json manifest, and we owe you a PR to external tools listing :)
19:21 xarthisius we aim to release it really soon
19:33 jri joined #dataverse
19:54 jri joined #dataverse
20:15 jri joined #dataverse
20:20 donsizemore joined #dataverse
20:21 donsizemore @pdurbin knock knock?
20:25 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
20:26 pdurbin xarthisius: I was wondering if the manifest is in your docs yet. Is there a pull request yet? :)
20:26 pdurbin donsizemore: hi! How'd the upgrade go?
20:26 donsizemore @pdurbin i think it's monday. dumb question?
20:26 pdurbin hit me
20:27 donsizemore EZID reserved DOIs and DataCite. We see that Dataverse checks for potential DOI conflicts and will mint a new one if it thinks there's a problem
20:27 donsizemore but we're curious why you all made your reserved DOIs public during your migration
20:27 donsizemore this should probably go to Leonid, but... you're here =)
20:30 pdurbin Buh. I don't know. I didn't know we made reserved DOIs public.
20:30 pdurbin But I'll take your word for it.
20:32 pameyer @donsizemore - I don't really know, but I have vague ideas that it was a ezid -> datacite thing, rather than a dataverse thing
20:32 pameyer but it's very possible I'm wrong
20:33 donsizemore @pdurbin and, following the Principle of Maximum Embarrassment, I now see that only _file_ DOIs were made public
20:33 donsizemore @pdurbin we were looking at datasets (thu-mai doesn't want to do file-level registration yet)
20:35 jri joined #dataverse
20:53 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
20:56 jri joined #dataverse
20:58 pdurbin donsizemore: the file level DOIs reminds me of an issue Jim worked on. One sec.
21:00 pdurbin donsizemore: this one:
21:00 pdurbin I'm not sure if that helps or not.
21:00 pdurbin dataverse-user: hi! Welcome!
21:01 donsizemore @pdurbin oooh, i forgot about that one. thanks!
21:01 pdurbin sure
21:13 poikilotherm Hi pdurbin - please stop me if you think this is not the right place to discuss this. Gustavo mentioned that in the past you guys successfully had some interns (and I know about Redhat, ...) and that he would be open for people like me to come over and work with you for a week or two ("we have the space"). Do you think there could be options in terms of finance for such a thing? I am pretty unsure if FZJ
21:13 poikilotherm will fund that, or if my bosses like the idea, but it seems worth a question
21:17 jri joined #dataverse
21:18 pdurbin poikilotherm: I doubt IQSS would pay for it but who knows.
21:19 poikilotherm Maybe there could be some kind of split?
21:20 pdurbin I like your optimism.
21:20 poikilotherm Are there options at Harvard for cheap rooms for such a stay? A hotel is most likely to expensive
21:20 poikilotherm +
21:20 poikilotherm +o
21:20 pdurbin The person to ask is probably Michael Bar-Sinai.
21:21 pdurbin
21:22 pdurbin for rooms near Harvard I mean
21:22 pdurbin maybe you've seen his name in the code :)
21:23 pdurbin Hey, it says " I'm also michbarsinai on freenode, I normally hang out at #dataverse." at ... maybe he means when he's signed in, he's here. Not that he's here all the time. :)
21:24 poikilotherm :-D
21:24 pdurbin poikilotherm: anyway, it would be great if you could come hang out for a while. You should ask your boss to fund it. :)
21:24 pdurbin Or you could fly me out there. :)
21:25 poikilotherm Household government funding is the more difficult part... ;-)
21:25 poikilotherm She needs to look after the kids for some days, which is ... well ... exhausting
21:26 pdurbin don't I know it
21:26 pdurbin I was allowed to go to Indonesia. Nice trip. Couldn't stay too long. Because kids.
21:35 poikilotherm Alright I will ask the people in charge if they like the idea in the first place
21:36 poikilotherm Someone needs to fund the flights at least... ;-) And I heard from american friends those aren't cheap...
21:37 pdurbin Probably not.
21:37 jri joined #dataverse
21:38 pdurbin Sometimes people come for the community meeting and stick around for a few days after. It's in June.
21:38 pdurbin The weather is better in June. :)
21:39 poikilotherm LOL
21:39 poikilotherm But June is pretty far away
21:40 poikilotherm I was thinking if the recent stuff would be easier to get done when I am with you guys
21:40 pdurbin oh absolutely
21:40 pdurbin I mean, it sure seems like you're spending a fair amount of time thinking about Dataverse. It would be a shame to squander all that effort.
21:41 pdurbin I want to keep you unblocked.
21:41 pdurbin Are you blocked now?
21:41 pdurbin Leonid said he'd look at your EJB timer thing.
21:41 pdurbin and he's looking at the Flyway stuff.
21:42 pdurbin which you seem to want
21:42 poikilotherm That sounds promising :-D
21:42 xarthisius pdurbin: one issue with manifest file is the location of WT. In principle, there might be other instance people'd like to use. Any hints how to deal with that?
21:43 xarthisius *instances
21:43 poikilotherm Glad you guys give us some higher prio on your list of stuff to look at
21:44 pdurbin poikilotherm: oh, another thought is that during the community call I'm not sure how many people in the room or on the call had heard of Kubernetes. I think xarthisius was called in, so maybe more that I think. :)
21:44 poikilotherm LOL
21:44 poikilotherm Maybe I should use more buzzwords?
21:45 poikilotherm "cloud native" to start with
21:45 poikilotherm (But honestly I don't like those...)
21:45 xarthisius yeah, what's a "container" ? :)
21:45 pdurbin xarthisius: I think Whole Tale suffers from the same thing Dataverse has suffered from for years, which we've recently started calling "flagship bias". You use "Whole Tale" to mean your software, the installation you run, everything. In Dataverse I have been pushing to distinguish more between the software and the installation Harvard runs (1 of 35).
21:47 poikilotherm xarthisius: that was rhetoric, wasn't it?
21:47 xarthisius maybe I'm worring preemptively, there's gonna be just one WT and it will wither and die when the grant will run out :)
21:47 pdurbin poikilotherm: maybe we should have a follow up call for the people who were excited about the discussion. A lot of people in the room didn't know what you were talking about. It's not their job to. They do design or metadata, etc.
21:48 poikilotherm :-)
21:48 pdurbin xarthisius: sure, that's always a concern. But we keep referring to Whole Tale as an open source Code Ocean that institutions can self host.
21:48 poikilotherm People that normally just benefit from things like DevOps, but don't do that themselfs... ;-)
21:49 poikilotherm About the follow up: good idea
21:49 pdurbin Sure. People benefit from flipping on a light switch too. They don't need to know the details. :)
21:49 poikilotherm Do you know whom to ask? I don't have a good oversight about who attended the call and was interested...
21:49 poikilotherm +
21:50 pdurbin poikilotherm: actually... I think I started a spreadsheet about people who are interested in Docker and Kubernetes. One sec.
21:51 xarthisius I made a note
21:52 pdurbin xarthisius: looks good. You could also look at how Data Explorer explains how to use its manifest. One sec.
21:53 xarthisius looks like they have 2 files at least
21:53 xarthisius one for local deployment, and one for remote
21:54 pdurbin ah, yes, good catch
21:55 pdurbin I mean, do you want people to use your installation?
21:55 xarthisius yup
21:55 xarthisius on we will host json pointing to our "production" deployment
21:55 pdurbin Ok, so maybe just leave a note that it can also be used on one's own installation of Whole Tale and link to your installation guide.
21:56 xarthisius are you validating somehow whether `toolUrl` actually exists and responds ?
21:56 pdurbin poikilotherm: I found the conversation in a thread called "even more Kubernetes interest" but I don't think I ever made a spreadsheet. Sorry.
21:57 pdurbin xarthisius: nope.
21:58 poikilotherm Do you think a channels  like twitter plus might reach people to head for a poll about finding a fellow up call time slot?
21:59 poikilotherm -e+o
21:59 poikilotherm Oh dear, its late
21:59 pdurbin poikilotherm: Twitter might work but I'd suggest creating a Doodle poll or similar, sending it to the dataverse-community mailing list
21:59 poikilotherm Do you think a message via channels like twitter plus email might reach people to head for a poll about finding a follow up call time slot?
22:00 pdurbin From your tweet you could link to your post on the mailing list.
22:00 poikilotherm Yeah
22:01 poikilotherm I don't know if we can reach those chinese guys the australian guy mentioned (sorry, lost his name... :-( )
22:02 pdurbin I only know the, uh, higher up people. Not the sysadmins.
22:02 pdurbin For Fudan and ADA.
22:03 pdurbin really, you want to reach the sysadmins
22:03 poikilotherm Then lets hope follower power will just work :-D
22:03 pdurbin these type of people can sometimes be found on IRC :)
22:03 poikilotherm Yeah, definitly
22:03 poikilotherm *G*
22:04 poikilotherm I think dataverse is actually the first thing in about 15 years that let me get in touch with IRC again
22:04 pdurbin Well, we like standards. RFCs.
22:12 poikilotherm
22:13 pdurbin ok, so you're thinking next week. sounds fine
22:14 pdurbin poikilotherm: and you get to pick the technology we use to call in :)
22:14 pdurbin poikilotherm: have you seen how Craig uses GitHub issues to organize the calls that xarthisius and I call into?
22:15 poikilotherm Most certainly I will just use or try Zoom. Zoom allows 40 minutes for free, that should be ok for a follow up call
22:15 poikilotherm Nope
22:16 pdurbin Please see and
22:16 pdurbin poikilotherm: you're welcome to create a Dataverse issue for this if you want. Up to you.
22:17 pameyer some communities are more into twitter than others
22:17 pdurbin pameyer: truer words were never said
22:18 poikilotherm Oh this is a pretty good idea, I like it
22:19 poikilotherm Will try to get some feedback in the poll first
22:19 poikilotherm Hmm
22:19 poikilotherm On the other hand it might be easier to point people to such an issue and ask them to leave their feedback there
22:20 poikilotherm E.g. mention people that they think might be interested
22:20 pdurbin Yeah, and Craig always creates a Google doc for agenda/notes.
22:20 pdurbin It's a pretty good pattern.
22:21 pdurbin I like being able to help with the agenda in a Google doc rather than spamming people with little comments in a GitHub issue.
22:22 pdurbin poikilotherm: I have a "GitHub Issues By Username" spreadsheet. I'm thinking I'll add a "Kubernetes" column.
22:24 pdurbin There are 141 GitHub usernames in this thing. I'm trying to remember who is who. :)
22:30 poikilotherm
22:31 pdurbin poikilotherm: nice, want me to create a Google doc for an agenda/notes under our "community" folder?
22:33 poikilotherm
22:34 poikilotherm Maybe you guys could retweet that? YOu have more followers... :-D
22:35 poikilotherm Yeah, Google Doc sounds good :-)
22:36 pdurbin poikilotherm: retweeted. From my personal account. I don't control @dataverseorg. Here's a doc:
22:36 poikilotherm pdurbin: Thx!! :-)
22:45 pameyer poikilotherm - I don't remember the usernames, but I don't think the openshift/redhat folks got mentioned in 5373
22:46 pameyer not sure where it is on their list of priorities
22:49 poikilotherm Yeah... Maybe I look up the usernames tomorrow from the git commits
22:50 poikilotherm Right now it is 23:50 over here... Bedding time again
22:50 poikilotherm Have a good evening guys
22:50 poikilotherm (Maybe I should bring a can of worms tomorrow? ;-) )
22:51 pdurbin poikilotherm: I have some usernames for you
22:52 poikilotherm Great! Shall I edit my comment or do you want to comment yourself?
22:52 pdurbin I'll leave a comment. Probably tomorrow.
22:52 poikilotherm Thx! :-)
22:52 poikilotherm No worries
22:53 pdurbin poikilotherm: and you should email dataverse-community
22:53 poikilotherm Yeah :-)
22:53 poikilotherm Will do that tomorrow
22:53 * poikilotherm hits the keyboard with his forehead
22:53 poikilotherm Good night... Need some sleep now :-)

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