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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-01-08

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:06 jri joined #dataverse
06:22 jri joined #dataverse
07:33 juancorr joined #dataverse
07:47 juancorr joined #dataverse
08:05 jri joined #dataverse
08:14 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
08:32 DrSnuggles joined #dataverse
09:03 jri joined #dataverse
09:06 jri_ joined #dataverse
09:56 skasberger16 joined #dataverse
09:57 skasberger joined #dataverse
09:57 skasberger16 left #dataverse
09:58 skasberger left #dataverse
09:58 skasberger joined #dataverse
11:42 jri joined #dataverse
11:51 skasberger joined #dataverse
12:54 jri_ joined #dataverse
12:55 jri joined #dataverse
13:11 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:16 jri_ joined #dataverse
14:09 isullivan joined #dataverse
14:33 pdurbin donsizemore: good morning. Do you have moment to talk about dataverse-ansible and Make Data Count?
15:13 donsizemore @pdurbin sure thing, what's up?
15:17 pdurbin donsizemore: first, can you please take a look at ? Especially the architecture drawing.
15:19 donsizemore mmm, sushi
15:21 pdurbin Heh. See the thing called "counter-processor"? Here's my hacky script for standing it up:
15:22 donsizemore you want that rolled in to dataverse-ansible?
15:23 pdurbin yeah :)
15:23 pdurbin I mean, I think I do. What do you think?
15:25 donsizemore looks pretty straightforward, could be off by default until it's more of a Thing?
15:26 donsizemore i'm being wooed for coffee, and will start on it straight-away =)
15:26 pdurbin For now, off by default would be perfect. This is highly experimental. And while we're going down the road of requiring counter-processor to be installed right now, there's still a chance we'll rewrite it into Java. Want me to create an issue for all this?
15:28 drew-jhu joined #dataverse
15:45 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:46 donsizemore @pdurbin i already did, but feel free to augment =)
15:48 pdurbin ah, I see it now: thanks!
15:48 pdurbin I might create an issue in the main tracker too, so we can see it in Waffle.
15:50 donsizemore and there was an old pull request, which broke travis when i merged it =p about to start a job interview then will peck away
15:51 pdurbin cool
16:48 pameyer joined #dataverse
18:02 pdurbin This is really neat:
18:03 pdurbin via via Whole Tale Slack
19:12 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:51 donsizemore @pdurbin bzzzt
19:52 pdurbin donsizemore: sir. I have a meeting in 10 minutes. How can I help?
19:52 donsizemore real quick... the geolite2 lines of the script. are they relative to any particular directory? geoip home?
19:53 donsizemore or simply beneath unzipped_dir
19:54 pdurbin "Choose the GeoLite2 Country database (binary, gzipped) and extract it to the maxmind_geoip directory inside the application to use with default configuration, or put it elsewhere and configure the path as mentioned below."
19:54 pdurbin That's the way they explain it at
19:55 donsizemore excellent, thankee
19:55 pdurbin So it's configurable. But I've been putting it in a directory called "maxmind_geoip" at the same level as
19:55 pdurbin Did I link you to my config.yaml?
19:55 donsizemore no
19:56 pdurbin oh, but maybe my script references it
19:56 donsizemore i'm only to line 27 =)
19:56 pdurbin yeah /dataverse/scripts/vagrant/c​ounter-processor-config.yaml is
19:56 donsizemore excellent
19:56 pdurbin in that yaml file you'll see "maxmind_geoip_country_path" at the bottom
19:57 pdurbin Now you know as much about Counter Processor as I do. :)
19:57 pdurbin But not as much as Matthew knows.
19:59 donsizemore joined #dataverse
20:00 donsizemore62 joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.