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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-02-06

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:02 mata joined #dataverse
02:03 mata left #dataverse
07:46 jri joined #dataverse
09:05 pdurbin For the record, you can search using the MyData API. I'm seeing this in the code: @QueryParam("mydata_search_term") String searchTerm
09:06 pdurbin Here:
09:11 pdurbin and yeah, we should really document it:
13:55 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:33 ashaw joined #dataverse
15:19 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:36 donsizemore @pameyer knock knock?
15:37 pameyer @donsizemore who's there?
15:38 donsizemore @pameyer i haz a stupid
15:38 pameyer I semi-recently heard the acronym NSQ - no stupid questions
15:39 pameyer ... although with some questions I've asked, it's not universal
15:39 pameyer what's up?
15:40 donsizemore @pameyer i think i just found it while we were typing
15:41 pameyer @donsizemore it's nice when that happens :)
15:43 donsizemore @pameyer the docker commit dealy doesn't come up cleanly. i had been blaming glassfish and the EBJ timer table, but it looks like postgres is just taking a while to auto-recover. ima fix this with sleep()
15:44 donsizemore @pameyer the question i was going to ask was how you were faring with repeated runs post-docker-commit
15:44 donsizemore @pameyer because the app was failing to load on subsequent runs. it's postgres
15:45 pameyer with repeated runs, do you mean multiple commits?
15:46 donsizemore no, just a run after the commit
15:46 pameyer if so, I've never tried those.  I _think_ you can commit from a stopped container, but I haven't tried it.  that should let you send the "clean shutdown signal" to postgres before stopping it
15:47 pameyer I might've just waited long enough that I didn't see the postgres recovery being a factor
15:47 donsizemore i may try that. i was just going to give postgres a breather to auto-recover, then carry on.
15:48 pameyer I'm slightly surprised that postgres recovery was slower than usual glassfish startop
15:49 donsizemore now that i think about it, i didn't try to commit from a stopped container because glassfish croaking was my problem in the first place
15:49 pameyer hmm - good point
15:49 donsizemore my build masheen is a hand-me-down PC with a 7200rpm HD. postgres recovery happens at state employee speed
15:50 donsizemore but i like trying from a stopped container, it's cleaner
15:50 pameyer it definate feels cleaner.  but you'll probably need to manually do a clean postgres shutdown before stopping the container
15:51 pameyer I vaguely remember some SIGTERM/SIGKILL weirdness with other postgres containers and recovery
15:51 donsizemore in hindsight it totally made sense
15:52 pameyer yeah - after thinking about it, I think my docker build cache is on a ssd.
15:52 donsizemore you can't hide money ;)
15:54 pameyer remember the desktop macpro's that you could open the case and use normal drives in? the ssd is in one of thoese ;)
16:00 donsizemore no dice on stopping the container
16:01 donsizemore (from the postgres perspective, anyway)
16:01 pameyer even after stopping postgres cleanly inside?
16:02 donsizemore das' next
16:05 donsizemore woo woo! holy crapola, it launches quickly
16:05 pameyer quick is nice :) ... but is it doing what it's supposed to?
16:06 donsizemore root dataverse loads. one step at a time.
16:07 pameyer gotcha.  three points of contact with the mountain while climbing
20:15 jedsundwall joined #dataverse
20:16 jedsundwall Anyone there? I work for AWS and am looking for anyone able to provide Dataverse consulting services to one of our customers at a university.
20:17 pameyer hi jedsundwall - I don't have any useful tips for you about dataverse consulting
20:18 donsizemore @jedsundwall I've dabbled in Dataverse in AWS but my group doesn't run it in production. You might want to talk with Leonid at IQSS:
20:19 pameyer right - harvard dataverse is on AWS in production
20:19 jedsundwall oh cool. thank you!
20:20 jedsundwall I'll get in touch with Leonid.
20:28 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
22:22 jri joined #dataverse
23:21 Anderlok joined #dataverse
23:21 Anderlok left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.