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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-03-27

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:06 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
10:12 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
11:46 poikilotherm Good morning America
11:46 poikilotherm pdurbin are you around already?
11:47 pdurbin Still at home, kids are almost out the door.
11:47 pdurbin How is everyone's day going?
11:49 poikilotherm Pretty good so far :-) Concrete pillars are rising their heads
11:49 poikilotherm pdurbin do I have it correct that people in Australia had some kind of Dataverse Proxy=
11:49 poikilotherm Er
11:49 poikilotherm Sorry
11:50 poikilotherm DataCite Proxy for Dataverse
11:52 pdurbin Yep. It's mentioned in the installation guide.
11:53 poikilotherm Great. Do you know if that is OSS?
11:54 pdurbin here:
11:54 pdurbin I don't know.
11:55 pdurbin There's a lot of stuff under
11:57 poikilotherm Yeah, I browsed through that already, but the only thing "proxy-cookbook" lead to a dead end :-/
11:58 pdurbin poikilotherm: I'm way ahead of you... I just opened :)
11:59 poikilotherm :-D
12:01 pdurbin poikilotherm: I would suggest asking at
12:05 poikilotherm Oh good idea!
12:05 poikilotherm Thx
12:06 pdurbin sure
12:08 pdurbin poikilotherm: should you still be assigned to these PID-related issues? and
12:09 poikilotherm Maybe the first one can be closed anyway. AFAIK DANS found another solution and not using plugins but using a separate service makes more sense.
12:10 poikilotherm This might require a new provider plugin similar to the FAKE one, but for the first approach reusing the DataCite API seems a good idea
12:10 poikilotherm The second one can be left assigned, if you want - we will need this down the road.
12:11 poikilotherm That proxy stuff popped up due to recent requests from people on campus, so this might get some attention.
12:11 poikilotherm And it might be a small start to the service mentioned above... ;-)
12:11 pdurbin We want the second one too. Do you feel like leaving a comment on the first with your status?
12:11 poikilotherm Sure
12:12 pdurbin Thanks. And do you have permission to assign or unassign yourself?
12:14 poikilotherm No, sorry, I don't have the permission to do so
12:15 pdurbin Bah. Thanks for the comment. Want me to unassign you?
12:15 poikilotherm Yeah, please. Makes me list shorter
12:36 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:42 juancorr38 joined #dataverse
12:53 juancorr joined #dataverse
12:56 juancorr morning @pdurbin. I have harvested e-cienciaDatos statistics in I have used the 4-d3plus after seen the yesterday chat with @donsizemore.
12:58 juancorr Thanks, with these information, the installations works fine.
13:04 donsizemore morning @pdurbin — i'm looking at and up front the only config difference is you seem to be using DataCite instead of FAKE — would this cause cascading errors from the root dataverse creation?
13:06 donsizemore @pdurbin well, it's set to FAKE now, but in the group_vars file it's reading DataCite. want me to change that in the repo?
13:14 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
13:15 pdurbin_m juancorr: thanks! looks great!
13:15 pdurbin_m donsizemore: what about this? dataverseContacts at [Dataverse id:null name:Birds] - At least one contact is required.
13:15 donsizemore i started from the top
13:18 pdurbin_m oh
13:18 pdurbin_m should I try it in vagrant?
13:19 donsizemore at this early hour i see two differences: FAKE(vagrant) vs. DataCite(defaults) and 4.10.1 vs. 4.11 (which i can easily fix)
13:20 donsizemore bumping to 4.11 and re-running
13:22 pdurbin_m ok
13:37 donsizemore @pdurbin_m lemme run a modified ec2 script here and see what happens.
13:49 pdurbin donsizemore: sounds great. Thank you! Please let me know if you want me to try it in Vagrant.
13:49 donsizemore @pdurbin you're welcome to try it in vagrant (but i want to see what's going wrong for you)
13:52 * pdurbin runs vagrant up
13:52 pdurbin ah, I see you switched to FAKE
14:06 pdurbin donsizemore: shoot. 8080 is already taken. Can we change it?
14:07 donsizemore sure thing
14:07 donsizemore i thought vagrant handled port collisions automatically
14:07 pdurbin oh! what port is it on?
14:08 pdurbin ==> default: Fixed port collision for 8080 => 8080. Now on port 2202.
14:45 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:45 donsizemore @pdurbin i too get the jacked-up user creation outside of vagrant. same script, same data, same path. will troubleshoot.
14:55 pdurbin thanks!
15:03 pdurbin donsizemore: in vagrant I see 7 dataverses and 2 datasets. 0 files. Is that what I should expect?
15:03 pdurbin seems to match the screenshot you posted at
15:06 donsizemore @pdurbin correct
15:06 donsizemore (i think; i just came back from helping mandy with a cleaning binge)
15:45 andrewSC joined #dataverse
16:01 pameyer pdurbin: is on datacite test provider?
16:47 pdurbin pameyer: I don't know, sorry. I have a superuser account as of this morning but I don't have ssh access. I've been thinking that it might be nice for superusers to see what the settings are from the superuser dashboard.
17:09 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:17 pdurbin Usually my binges have nothing to do with cleaning.
17:24 donsizemore <-- marge simpson
17:29 pdurbin anything past season 8 or so I'm pretty shaky on
17:31 donsizemore @pdurbin why i go to the gym to think things through. in vagrant ansible carries the api_token as a fact, outside of vagrant: No API key defined for built in user management
17:35 pameyer pdurbin: I'd been thinking about the import API, where everything worked (and I didn't have to match the shoulder) on FAKE
17:39 donsizemore @pdurbin DataCite is retiring the 10.5072 prefix on June 1. I've already decided to a) make FAKE the default provider in dataverse-ansible and b) start fleshing out the usage now that we have more optional tasks.
17:40 pdurbin I thought I had a burrito in my main.yml.
17:41 pdurbin Or are you saying usermgmtkey only works in vagrant?
17:46 donsizemore burrito is set in ansible. the script expects api_token which is previously set as an ansible fact in the same set of tasks.
17:48 pdurbin I'm confused.
17:48 pdurbin Am I doing something wrong?
17:49 donsizemore not at all. ansible is carrying api_token as a fact as it should under vagrant. i need to find out why it's getting dropped outside of vagrant
17:52 pdurbin ah, ok
17:52 pdurbin If there's something I can do to help, please let me know.
17:58 donsizemore knock some sense into my head so i can get stuff done faster
18:01 pdurbin This is the API token for dataverseAdmin, I assume.
18:01 donsizemore yes, ansible reads it from setup-all.out and sets it as a fact for use by a number of tasks in that play.
19:11 pdurbin first and ten

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