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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-04-04

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:18 TUW_dataverse joined #dataverse
07:34 jri joined #dataverse
07:36 jri_ joined #dataverse
12:30 jri joined #dataverse
12:37 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
12:58 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
12:59 pdurbin_m stefankasberger: hi! Can you please email your hackathon idea to
13:06 stefankasberger @pdurbin: will do. :)
13:09 jri joined #dataverse
13:09 juancorr joined #dataverse
13:11 pdurbin_m thank you!
13:18 stefankasberger done.
13:26 pdurbin_m stefankasberger: thanks! Can you please let me know the ticket number?
13:28 stefankasberger #274327
13:41 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:42 pdurbin looks great. Thanks!
13:46 stefankasberger @donsizemore: regarding your interest in an API session. do you think, this could be interesting for others too? and what are you interested in specifically? I would like to talk and/or code with others about pyDataverse (, or in general about accessing the API for different purposes.
13:47 stefankasberger but am open to just share time, thoughts and knowledge with others and open up the purpose of a hack-session or meetup or whatever kind of format participants/users are interested in.
13:56 pdurbin stefankasberger: what if I create a Google doc for you and donsizemore to brainstorm some ideas. And others, of course.
13:57 donsizemore @stefankasberger i have a new coworker specifically tasked with a grant project which will make extensive use of dataverse APIs. @pdurbin i'd love to steer him to that spreadsheet
13:59 pdurbin Oh! He's coming to the community meeting too?
13:59 donsizemore @pdurbin he'll present his "DataverseML" webapp
13:59 pdurbin hmm, ML
13:59 donsizemore
14:00 donsizemore the nuts and bolts are in
14:02 pdurbin stefankasberger donsizemore: can you both please request edit access to ?
14:07 stefankasberger Oh, that's totally mine. Have some ML background too. :) Will have a look on it.
14:11 MrK joined #dataverse
14:12 julian64 joined #dataverse
14:47 jri joined #dataverse
15:05 pdurbin stefankasberger: I just gave you access to the spreadsheet too
15:06 pdurbin I mean, everyone is welcome to read and comment on it. It's open to the public. If anyone else wants write access, please just click the button to request it.
15:08 MrK pdurbin: I was wondering how many people in Harvard are working on dataverse :P?
15:09 pdurbin MrK: please see "the team" at
15:10 MrK oh if only i clicked that tab :D
15:10 pdurbin Heh. There's also an org chart at
15:13 MrK Oh coll thx
15:13 MrK cool*
15:13 pdurbin Why? Too many? Too few? :)
15:17 MrK I would say quite a developed team, Ui/QA/Developer like a whole package :D
15:26 pdurbin I know! It's like we're a little startup. :)
15:47 pdurbin stefankasberger: I just mentioned your ticket to Danny. Thanks again.
16:24 pdurbin And I left a couple comments for you in the spreadsheet. Thanks for adding a potential project!
16:26 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:14 jri joined #dataverse
17:56 pdurbin bricas_: I just tweaked the title of a bit to add that Glassfish is crashing. Hope it looks ok.
19:09 donsizemore @pdurbin I made a pass through the dataverse-ansible README, if you saw?
19:10 pdurbin Danny and I were just looking! Thanks!
19:16 pdurbin I haven't tried it though. Custom sample data.
19:20 pdurbin donsizemore: do you need something to hack on or are you good? :)
19:25 donsizemore i was starting in on previewers next
19:25 pdurbin nice!
19:25 pdurbin I noticed that Sherry has some audio in her installation.
19:27 pdurbin I'm only tried the text previewer.
19:27 pdurbin And I ran the phoenix tests, which drop the database. So it's gone.
19:30 pdurbin donsizemore: would now be a good time to ask for the Whole Tale external tool as well?
19:35 donsizemore @pdurbin that would be better than letsencrypt
19:36 donsizemore "For http-01 that means creating the necessary challenge file on the destination webserver. For dns-01 the necessary dns record has to be created. tls-sni-02 requires you to create a SSL certificate with the appropriate subjectAlternativeNames." etc.
19:37 pdurbin Hmm, it it helps, I can create DNS entries and certs for
19:37 donsizemore well, for permanent VMs this would be fine. for throw-away testing...
19:39 pdurbin yeah
19:39 pdurbin created the whole tale issue:
19:50 donsizemore what i may do is modify the role to serve on 80 as if it were 443. i intentionally declined to pop in the ssl config because they're all snowflakes
19:52 pdurbin right now http is on 8080
19:53 pdurbin nothing is on 443
19:53 pdurbin nothing is on 80
19:53 pdurbin right?
19:53 pdurbin Oh. Right now http is on 80 and it redirects to 443 and shows a bad cert warning.
19:55 pdurbin I don't really understand what you're proposing but that's ok. :)
19:57 donsizemore there's a boilerplate 80->443 redirect, i'd just comment that out and wedge stuff under 80 for testing
19:59 pdurbin sure, that sounds fine
19:59 pdurbin that's how I have set up. no cert, no redirect
20:08 donsizemore a punt, to be certain, but no one needs snakeoil for testing
20:10 pdurbin less is more
20:10 pdurbin I mean, I think I do want real SSL certs some day. But it sounds tricky.
20:11 donsizemore anyone using the role is welcome to pop their own certs into place
20:11 pdurbin ah, ok, cool
20:12 pdurbin and I'd have to just get them on the newly spun up ec2 instance somehow
20:12 donsizemore i can put the options in place, but in say vagrant will be urgly
20:12 pdurbin ok
20:14 pdurbin the is valid but expiring soon. It a CentOS 6 VM downstairs. I wonder if I can spin up an EC2 instance now and then and just throw a valid cert on it (once I go mint a new one). I'd have to repoint DNS though.
20:27 pdurbin Did you know if you go to it will create a thumbnail on disk called 169e9489eab-a37032cf6bfb.thumb666 or whatever?
20:31 donsizemore will dataverse require a brand on the right hand, or the forehead?
20:31 pdurbin heh
21:19 sivoais joined #dataverse
21:48 jri joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.