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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-05-15

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:59 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:13 jri joined #dataverse
08:44 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
09:11 poikilotherm pdurbin: when you are reading this, you might consider taking a look at this:
09:12 poikilotherm (At least I hope you are still asleep at 5am ;-) )
09:54 pdurbin poikilotherm: I like it but it's getting a little... complicated. Also, I'm starting to worry about maintaining the diagram if it has lots of details. I haven't used Inkscape very much. I guess I'm lazy. We made the "advanced installation" diagram with some text run through plantuml. It's not as fancy but it's easy to maintain.
09:54 pdurbin Your diagram looks nicer than the plantuml one.
09:54 jri joined #dataverse
09:56 pdurbin Instead of having all the integrations weight Dataverse down like a boat anchor, what if they were on top and lifting Dataverse up like a giant ballon, carrying it into the clouds? :)
09:56 poikilotherm From the completness view of things I'd like to call this "has everything inside"
09:56 poikilotherm :-D
09:56 poikilotherm Sure, why not
09:56 poikilotherm Sounds fancy :-D
09:57 poikilotherm I isn't necessary to replace that diagram coming from PlantUML
09:57 pdurbin Can we keep all the labels straight? View, Discover, etc are tilted.
09:57 poikilotherm It's fine for a very technical description
09:58 poikilotherm I wanted those so it gets clearer this is sth. different
09:58 pdurbin "Preserv" is missing an e at the end.
09:58 poikilotherm Yeah, it wont fit :-D
09:58 poikilotherm Maybe you have a good synonym?
09:58 pdurbin Should "ingress" be "ingest"? What is ingress?
10:00 poikilotherm Ingress as in "Ingress Traffic"
10:00 poikilotherm Used in Routing. Maybe to meta / technical
10:00 pdurbin hmm, I don't think "ingress" adds clarity
10:01 pdurbin If a word won't fit, I'd suggest making the font a little smaller until it does.
10:02 poikilotherm Ok, I'll resize
10:02 poikilotherm Is "Ingest" fine or better use sth else?
10:04 poikilotherm About "complicated": Should I replace the "balloon" with a hexagon "Integrations" and leave at that level of detail?
10:04 poikilotherm I was going to create a more details "integrations" graph anyway...
10:04 poikilotherm -details +detailed
10:05 poikilotherm I'll be AFK for some time - going to have some lunch
10:09 pdurbin great minds think alike... I was thinking maybe just simplify the integrations boat anchor down to just one "integrations" hexagon
10:09 pdurbin less is more
10:38 poikilotherm Re
10:38 poikilotherm :-D
10:38 poikilotherm Yeah
10:39 poikilotherm
10:53 pdurbin heh
11:25 poikilotherm Alright pdurbin, here we go:
11:31 pdurbin poikilotherm: looks great! What if you change "reverse proxy" to "apache"?
11:33 pdurbin People know what Apache is. And they can swap in nginx or whatever in their minds if they want.
11:35 pdurbin Also, shouldn't "Local" be the same color as "Swift" and "S3"?
11:42 poikilotherm Local is always required
11:42 poikilotherm When uploading data etc, local storage is needed
11:48 poikilotherm It is used only temporarily, but needed
11:49 poikilotherm Oh and it used for things like logo etc
11:55 poikilotherm I could use the Apache icon :-)
11:55 poikilotherm As I did with the db and index
11:55 MrK joined #dataverse
12:04 poikilotherm pdurbin: here you are:
12:07 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
12:07 pdurbin_m poikilotherm: looks great and good point about local storage.
12:08 pdurbin_m but can you just call it Apache?
12:09 poikilotherm Ok I'll name it "Apache Proxy", so it is exactly clear what this is about when used
12:11 pdurbin_m cool
12:12 poikilotherm
12:16 poikilotherm Fixed some font issues, too
12:17 poikilotherm Will embed this in docs now. Let's see if I can get this nice feature working... I really liked that detail text showing up when hovering over the parts
13:01 jri joined #dataverse
13:07 pdurbin_m looking forward to trying the hover text but it's also a very nice diagram without it
13:09 poikilotherm That was my intention... It should be reusable in other places without embedded javascript, too
13:25 pdurbin degrades gracefully, perfect
19:07 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
19:40 pdurbin the names of the talks just went up: ... including mine :)

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.