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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-05-21

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:25 andrewSC joined #dataverse
02:28 jri joined #dataverse
02:37 andrewSC joined #dataverse
04:59 andrewSC joined #dataverse
05:28 jri joined #dataverse
06:48 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:18 jri joined #dataverse
08:13 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
08:31 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
10:36 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
11:57 poikilotherm Morning pdurbin :-)
12:04 jri joined #dataverse
12:08 pdurbin morning!
12:40 poikilotherm Hope I did not bother you guys in
12:58 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
12:59 pdurbin_m poikilotherm: not at all! Please feel free to spin off that idea into a dedicated issue. I'm just suggesting a quick fix to get new installations working again. :)
13:03 poikilotherm Ok cool - wasn't sure if I had been to brisk
13:18 jri joined #dataverse
14:01 pmauduit_ joined #dataverse
14:03 pdurbin nope, you're good
14:03 pdurbin what you're suggesting relates a bit to poikilotherm
14:05 poikilotherm Indeed. But just a tiny bit ;-)
14:05 pdurbin poikilotherm: oh and I haven't made a pull request for the quick fix yet
14:06 poikilotherm Huh?
14:06 poikilotherm I thought that was part of what kcondon merged?
14:07 pdurbin It's confusing.
14:07 pdurbin We merged a flyway script that adds a column.
14:08 pdurbin now we need a new pull request to fix that line to add "IF NOT EXISTS" I think
14:08 poikilotherm Meh. If it is avoidable, we shouldn't do that.......
14:09 pdurbin it would be a quick fix :)
14:09 pdurbin we want to keep "develop" release ready
14:09 poikilotherm Kinda hotfix and refactor later
14:09 pdurbin yeah
14:09 pdurbin small chunks
14:10 pdurbin keep develop release ready
14:10 poikilotherm Yeah
14:10 pdurbin refactor later
14:10 pdurbin that's my suggestion anyway
14:10 poikilotherm I digged through the internet looking for options how to validate the integrity of the schema...
14:10 poikilotherm dug
14:11 poikilotherm It's much easier with Hibernate :-/
14:11 pdurbin hmm
14:11 pdurbin not part of jpa?
14:12 poikilotherm It is a competitor to EclipseLink
14:12 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:12 pdurbin sure, an implementation
14:12 poikilotherm Yeah.
14:12 pdurbin but shouldn't checking integrity be part of the spec, part of JPA?
14:12 poikilotherm Both EclipseLink and Hibernet implement JPA
14:12 poikilotherm So in theory it should be exchangeable
14:13 pdurbin donsizemore: hi! We're talking about the deployment bug you found. Would you like to make a pull request? I found some "IF NOT EXISTS" syntax we could add.
14:13 poikilotherm Seems like it is a feature which is more sophisticated within HIbernate :-/
14:13 pdurbin maybe JPA doesn't specify or require that feature. maybe it should
14:14 donsizemore @pdurbin i'm happy to. sorry, i forgot i had a dentist appt. this morning and i'm just now getting in
14:14 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks!
14:23 man joined #dataverse
14:23 man hi
14:25 pdurbin hi
14:33 pdurbin andrewSC bjonnh candy` donsizemore icarito[m] jri larsks pmauduit_ poikilotherm rigelk sivoais: 90 minutes until the community call where Michael will be sharing some ideas for using ActivityPub. His writeup is linked from
14:33 poikilotherm Meh. Would love to join, but need to look after my son...
14:34 rigelk thanks pdurbin - I will be there
14:35 pdurbin my daughter's class is a block away at a Harvard museum. I'm going to join them for lunch in half an hour but I'll be back in time for the community call
15:00 amahdy joined #dataverse
15:04 amahdy Hi Everyone, I am a newbie and I am trying to upgrade from 4.7 to 4.10.1 and I am stuck after upgrading from v4.8.5 to v4.8.6. there is multiple errors but I got to know that there is an issue when I tried to create or open a dataset i get a 500 internal server error.
15:04 amahdy any help will be appreciated.
15:06 donsizemore @amahdy hello =) are you sure you applied the SQL script? (and what are the first errors you encounter?)
15:13 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
15:14 amahdy @donsizemore Thanks, I found that I applied the wrong SQL script. I will give it a try.
15:29 donsizemore joined #dataverse
15:30 donsizemore @amahdy i always shut myself in a room to upgrade dataverse, and for production upgrades i get somebody to babysit the checklist with me. it's so easy to skip a step or do something out of order.
15:33 amahdy @donsizemore I am still doing it on a clone from the production and I am preparing a step by step doc for me for the production upgrade.
15:34 rigelk pdurbin: trying to join the gotomeeting, I realise none of my browsers is accepted by the web page (trying with the latest version of Chrome and FF). Sounds like I won't be able to attend the call.
15:59 pdurbin community call starting soon:
16:00 pdurbin rigelk: hmm, and the only phone number we have listed is for the US.
16:00 pdurbin rigelk: I'm asking. Hold on.
16:02 pdurbin amahdy: hi! You're welcome to join our community call if you'd like.
16:03 pdurbin rigelk: we're going to start in 2-3 minutes. We used to have international phone numbers for calling it but this changed when we switched to gotomeeting.
16:03 pdurbin calling in*
16:04 pdurbin rigelk: what if you try an app? I just found this:
16:06 pdurbin rigelk: also, you can add any questions to the notes doc:
16:15 rigelk okay, it doesn't seem like I can hear any audio on the app. I'll stay on the document and here.
16:15 rigelk sorry I can't figure out how to join the call :/
16:16 pdurbin rigelk: sorry, I'm taking notes if that helps.
16:16 pdurbin in the doc above
16:16 rigelk I'm on it. Thanks!
16:29 pdurbin sure
16:30 pdurbin rigelk: I just gave you a shout out as one of the PeerTube developers :)
16:30 rigelk pdurbin: thanks. And again I'm sorry I could not attend :/
16:38 donsizemore @pdurbin knock knock?
16:46 pdurbin rigelk: not your fault. Thanks for participating!
16:46 pdurbin donsizemore: talk to me
16:46 donsizemore @pdurbin may i run a dumb question by you?
16:47 donsizemore (as if i have any other kind)
16:51 pdurbin I love dumb questions.
16:51 pdurbin You should have seen my daughter's math homework last night. The older daughter, not the one at the museum.
16:52 donsizemore @pdurbin higgs boson?
16:52 pdurbin oh and is amahdy all set? Sorry to interrupt
16:52 donsizemore i think so. he missed the SQL script in 4.8.6. (i've never done that, no, never)
16:52 pdurbin heh, ok
16:52 pdurbin please go on
16:53 donsizemore so, i wrote a little script to query a copy of our postgres db, pull out storageidentifier and checksumvalue, then call irods' iquest to compare MD5s against the copy-of-a-copy on our off-site irods instance
16:53 pdurbin I don't know what iquest is but ok.
16:54 donsizemore right now our production DB has nearly 32,000 datafile entries with no checksum
16:54 donsizemore there's a datafile integrity endpoint which will fix missing originalfilesizes, and a dataset integrity endpoint to recalculate the UNF
16:54 donsizemore i can't find a way to trigger dataverse to verify checksums and/or compute missing checksums once the entry is already in the DB
16:55 donsizemore didn't know if you remembered this off the top of your head, or whether i should open an issue, or whether i should write a script (tho i really don't want me modifying our production DB)
16:56 pdurbin I'm looking at the code. There's stuff like fixmissingunf and fixmissingoriginaltypes and fixmissingoriginalsizes. None of these are what you want?
16:57 donsizemore what i want is populateEmptyChecksum (and archivists would want verifyChecksum)
16:58 pdurbin those would be nice to have. I actually forgot about some of those "fix" endpoints until Leonid reminded me yesterday. maybe there's more "fix" stuff in here I've forgotten about :)
16:59 pdurbin donsizemore: at the very least I think you should open an issue to better document what you need. Or creating the checksum api endpoints you want if they don't exist.
16:59 donsizemore i would love endpoints. will open an issue. though i'll ask jon's permission before i tell the world we have no checksums ;)
17:00 pdurbin use a fake a name
17:00 pdurbin create a new github account
17:00 pdurbin I won't tell
17:00 pdurbin "asking for a friend"
17:03 pdurbin time for our staff recognition cake thing, then tech hours
17:33 Richard_Valdivia joined #dataverse
17:37 amahdy @pdurbin yes thanks my issue was resolved.
17:46 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:04 pdurbin great!
18:05 pdurbin donsizemore: I was wrong. I still have another hour until tech hours. Let me look a little more for those endpoints.
18:16 donsizemore i just updated the issue. akio found one in the code, but it does them all brute-force
18:18 donsizemore also i tested the if not exists PR on a branch in EC2, there were no unexpected SEVEREs in server.log after deploy
18:35 pdurbin right, this issue: ... I was just looking at it. brute force? what's the endpoint called? I'm a little all over the place right now
18:37 donsizemore api/admin/updateHashValues/
18:40 pdurbin wow, sure enough
18:42 donsizemore @pdurbin also, i just tested the documentation's create-dataverse JSON against 4.14 and it succeeded
18:43 donsizemore @pdurbin the error in #5865 makes me suspect invalid JSON format
18:48 pdurbin donsizemore: do you want to make a pull request to switch to the non-@ version? If you know what I mean. And a full curl command.
18:49 pdurbin switch to --upload-file I mean
18:49 pdurbin it's way more clear and you can use tab completion
18:49 donsizemore that's what I did. if you think that will fix Dataverse creation I'm happy to make a PR
18:52 pdurbin yes please!
18:58 donsizemore ugh, CLI git makes me tired.
19:08 pdurbin it does that to everybody
19:14 pdurbin donsizemore: I just put a little review in but let me know if I should hack on your create dataverse doc pull request.
19:35 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
19:57 poikilotherm *ping*
19:57 poikilotherm Anyone still around? pdurbin?
19:57 poikilotherm I just opened open for discussion
19:59 poikilotherm Go stampede and hide from the migration monster...
20:10 poikilotherm Ah, I see - tech hours
20:10 poikilotherm @donsizmore @pdurbin: I use git on cmdline any time I need to do sth with it... ;-)
20:11 poikilotherm (exception proves the rule?)
20:25 donsizemore joined #dataverse
20:25 donsizemore @poikilotherm I use it exclusively on the command-line... which is why some tasks make me tired
20:26 donsizemore @pdurbin thank you for notes on #5870... will update
20:28 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks!
20:29 pdurbin poikilotherm: I'm here for 2 more minutes before I need to get out of here to get my kid to cello. The new issue looks great! Thanks!
20:29 pdurbin I talked to kcondon for a while about the pull request donsizemore made. The if not exists or whatever. And I'm sure sekmiller will be interested in that new issue too.

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