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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-05-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:58 pameyer joined #dataverse
01:05 pameyer pdurbin, donsizemore: glad to see folks talking security ;)
01:05 pdurbin !
01:06 pdurbin pameyer: did you see my askci post?
01:06 pdurbin :)
01:07 pameyer pdurbin: I read the link.  ZED wouldn't be my first pick; in my hands it's a little too user-unfriendly to use from the CLI
01:07 pameyer but my ideas of user-friendliness are peculiar... :)
01:08 pdurbin I'd never even heard of it to be honest.
01:08 pdurbin But I know you recommended the other one.
01:08 pameyer yup.
01:08 pdurbin And it was hard to tell what was being asked in those dozen or so words. :)
01:09 pameyer the 3 key phrases all have several possible interpretations :)
01:09 pdurbin heh
01:09 pdurbin use your words
01:09 pdurbin and did you see my thoughts on automated testing?
01:10 pdurbin I've been feeling a little bad that I didn't give you a shout out.
01:10 pameyer ~ "pretty graphs"?
01:10 pdurbin But I was trying to keep it short and avoid putting a million links in like I usually do.
01:10 pameyer I saw a quote on the internet attributed to one of the presidents - it's amazing what can get done when you don't worry about who gets credit
01:10 pdurbin thoughts on automated testing:
01:11 * pameyer reading
01:11 pdurbin the method  documented as "Measuring Coverage of Integration Tests" on the testing page of the dev guide.
01:11 pdurbin that was all you. thank you
01:12 pameyer you're welcome :)
01:13 pameyer one idea your post reminds me of - measuring "code coverage" in production (although that may not be the correct term), and compare that with test coverage
01:13 pdurbin oh yeah
01:13 pdurbin that was another good idea
01:13 pdurbin can we delete some of this code that never gets used? :)
01:14 pdurbin oh oh, and did you see my jupyter notebook?
01:14 pameyer except all the admin-only APIs...
01:14 pameyer I didn't - open source at harvard evolving?
01:14 pdurbin no no, metrics on this channel
01:15 pdurbin check out the plot at
01:15 pdurbin nevermind the angry red errors
01:15 pdurbin just look at the plot
01:15 pameyer nice :)
01:16 pameyer looks like it'st starting to get busier here
01:16 pdurbin yeah
01:16 pdurbin Oliver and Stefan.
01:16 pdurbin and rigelk is new
01:17 pdurbin I still don't now who candy` is. :)
01:17 pdurbin maybe I'll give you one more thing to look at
01:18 pdurbin but it's pretty sloppy:
01:18 pameyer you're on late :) but if you've got a link handy...
01:18 pameyer did you backronym the name?
01:19 pdurbin I was chatting in the Good Labs gitter when I saw #dataverse light up.
01:19 pdurbin yeah, the name is extra redundandly reduntant for emphatic emphasis
01:20 pameyer those kinds of resources can be incredibly helpful
01:20 pdurbin hmm? which kinds?
01:21 pameyer the one I immediately think of is ccp4bb
01:21 pameyer mailing list, several public archives
01:21 pdurbin ah, should I put them on my spreadsheet?
01:22 pameyer I thought so - then I looked at your spreadsheet and got confused
01:22 pdurbin uh oh
01:22 pdurbin please open an issue :)
01:22 pameyer wil do - but not tonight :)
01:24 pdurbin please take your time
01:31 pameyer anyhow - have a good night!
04:44 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
06:37 juancorr joined #dataverse
07:26 juancorr joined #dataverse
12:47 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:52 pdurbin donsizemore: good morning! I got the api tests passing on phoenix:
12:53 donsizemore @pdurbin i saw, excellent!
12:53 donsizemore @pdurbin in your case it was the solr config, so i'll check that on jenkins.dataverse
13:10 pdurbin sounds good
14:18 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:20 donsizemore @pdurbin i'm still getting errors from develop: [ERROR] Failures:  [ERROR]   SiteMapUtilTest.testUpdateSiteMap:91 expected null, but was:< /tmp/sitemap.xml (No such file or directory)> [ERROR] Errors:  [ERROR]   SchemaDotOrgExporterTest.testExportDataset:347 » FileNotFound /tmp/dvjsonld.js...
14:23 pdurbin right, the sitemap.xml thing. can you please remind me of the setup? is this in docker-aio or are you executing the tests over the wire from the jenkins server to another box?
14:36 donsizemore vanilla docker-aio
14:36 pdurbin hmm
14:36 donsizemore ooh ooh WARNING: Unable to update sitemap! The staged file from a previous run already existed. Delete /tmp/sitemap.xml.staged and try again.
14:39 donsizemore and i think i just nixed the schemadotorgexporter error
14:39 pdurbin nice!
14:39 pdurbin Is this a bug in our tests?
14:39 donsizemore permissions problem against an artifact left over from a previous run
14:40 pdurbin Ok, but if there's something I need to fix, please open an issue.
14:40 donsizemore yup, build success.
14:40 pdurbin nice!
14:40 pdurbin but dark and stormy at :)
14:40 donsizemore i'll note the two files... they may have been leftover from my hitting ctrl-C or they may be getting left behind.
14:40 donsizemore hmm. i'm not running the docker-aio stuff through jenkins... wanted to get it working first =)
14:40 pdurbin ah, ok
14:41 pdurbin sounds like great progress though
14:41 donsizemore hmm. last run says build success
14:43 pdurbin last success was build 57, last failure was build 63
16:11 donsizemore joined #dataverse
16:54 donsizemore @pdurbin these errors are possibly caused by my, indirectly. jenkins jobs run as jenkins, my test docker-aio runs run as me, each write to hard-coded filenames in /tmp and we got permission errors
16:54 donsizemore @pdurbin see, i truly do break everything
17:53 pdurbin :)
18:10 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:17 donsizemore @pdurbin yup, two files in /tmp/ are causing build failures when two users build on the same box. worth an issue?
18:18 pdurbin yes!
18:55 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks for opening
18:56 pdurbin about this
20:42 pdurbin I'm out of here. Have a good weekend, everyone! Holiday for us on Monday so I'll see ya Tuesday.
20:42 pdurbin left #dataverse

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