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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-05-29

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:38 jri joined #dataverse
03:51 hello joined #dataverse
03:52 hello8523 joined #dataverse
04:46 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
05:23 rigelk joined #dataverse
06:38 jri joined #dataverse
06:54 juancorr Morning @pdurbin, I was at home before the meeting. I am sorry but I have not enough knowledge about application servers and we have not special requirements to new Dataverse versions related to them.
08:01 cryptoclidus joined #dataverse
08:02 cryptoclidus Hi there. Just checking in - I've made a Jupyter notebook cataloging the top commenters for any given month on this chat
08:53 pdurbin juancorr: no problem, thanks
08:53 pdurbin cryptoclidus: this is great!!! Thanks!
08:54 cryptoclidus I put up a pull request!
08:54 pdurbin I'll go merge it. One sec.
08:56 cryptoclidus21 joined #dataverse
08:56 pdurbin merged!
08:56 cryptoclidus21 cool!
08:56 cryptoclidus21 For the monthly superusers graph, there's one line that says month = "April"
08:57 cryptoclidus21 if you just change the month, and update all the code under it, you'll get an updated graph for that month
08:57 cryptoclidus21 You have to spell the month correctly though (full name, capital first letter)
08:57 pdurbin sounds easy enough :)
08:58 pdurbin Ok, and the other one is "all time". This is so interesting.
09:00 cryptoclidus21 you definitely chat the most!
09:00 pdurbin Heh, I'm not surprised. :)
09:00 cryptoclidus21 Also I noticed that at least here, there's an issue when the same person enters with slightly different nicknames
09:00 pdurbin Right, yes, this happens a lot. :(
09:00 cryptoclidus21 so there's some 'duplicates' like pdurbin, *pdurbin and some others
09:00 cryptoclidus21 and like mine now, I don't know how the 21 got there
09:01 pdurbin well, *pdurbin is when you "emote" with /me if you're familiar with that
09:01 * pdurbin dances
09:01 cryptoclidus21 I guess in other chatrooms with fixed nicknames it's not an issue
09:01 cryptoclidus21 OH hah that's hilarious
09:01 cryptoclidus21 that means you've emoted a lot of times.
09:02 * pdurbin dances and sings
09:02 cryptoclidus21 so you could technically filter top emoters too
09:02 cryptoclidus21 anyways it's past bedtime here
09:02 cryptoclidus21 I better check out
09:02 cryptoclidus21 ttyl!
09:02 pdurbin Thanks again! Awesome stuff!
09:03 cryptoclidus21 Thanks! Definitely would be happy for any feedback.
09:03 pdurbin cool
11:01 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
11:03 stefankasberger @pdurbin: coming back in regards to the offer to run pyDataverse on your Jenkins instance. Maybe we could talk it through during my stay at harvard. or maybe even implement it. what do you think?
11:09 pdurbin stefankasberger: sure! That sounds fine.
11:10 pdurbin And speaking of pyDataverse, yesterday I tweeted about it: :)
11:15 stefankasberger great, thanks.
11:21 pdurbin stefankasberger: is there anything you need? Any blockers? Or anything you want to help with? Maybe you're busy writing your talk. I should be writing my talk. :)
11:34 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
11:39 poikilotherm Hey guys :-)
11:40 pdurbin poikilotherm: hey, I have a new jupyter notebook to show you. :)
11:41 poikilotherm Sounds nice :-)
11:41 pdurbin
11:41 pdurbin Soon you'll surpass pameyer. :)
11:51 poikilotherm LOL
11:51 poikilotherm Just about 405 messages :-D
11:51 poikilotherm 404
11:51 poikilotherm 403
11:51 poikilotherm 402
11:51 poikilotherm :-D
11:51 pdurbin heh
11:52 pdurbin I was thinking... we *could* count characters instead of lines. But whatever. :)
11:52 stefankasberger i am really busy right now, yes. am implementing the metadata data models for dataverses and datasets, to do easy import/export.
11:52 stefankasberger and write the presentation
11:53 poikilotherm pdurbin I really appreciate that you moved on during tech hours and your write up that triggered movement
11:53 pdurbin stefankasberger: cool, you don't sound blocked. You're on a roll. :)
11:53 pdurbin poikilotherm: during tech hours I tried to channel you. I wore a fake goatee.
11:54 poikilotherm ROFLMAO
11:54 pdurbin I think writing this stuff up is important. Otherwise, how can anyone know what we talked about.
11:56 pdurbin I just tried spinning up an ec2 instance with this: zipurl:
11:56 pdurbin but I'm having ansible trouble :(
11:57 pdurbin I don't know if you've already parameterized the zip url like that in your stuff.
12:00 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
12:03 poikilotherm Kind of...
12:03 poikilotherm
12:03 poikilotherm You could override that.
12:04 poikilotherm My plan was to swap the base image from centos:7 to payara:5.192
12:04 poikilotherm
12:04 poikilotherm Oh I just saw that 5.192 has been tagged an hour ago...
12:05 poikilotherm Coincedence? Maybe not :-D
12:05 pdurbin Sure, it makes sense to eventually switch the base image to Payara for your stuff.
12:05 poikilotherm
12:05 poikilotherm Hehehe
12:06 poikilotherm I think this has been merged on purpose :-D
12:07 pdurbin :)
12:08 poikilotherm Hmm I think I should give this a quick shot :-D
12:08 poikilotherm But maybe better work on the deployment issues first...
12:09 pdurbin I'm hacking on
12:11 pdurbin stefankasberger: when I'm done I'm hoping to try pyDataverse and work on (if nothing else becomes a priority first)
12:12 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:38 pdurbin donsizemore: good morning!
12:41 pdurbin was just upgraded. Can you please add it to ?
12:46 donsizemore @pdurbin das' a dataverse? it purty
12:48 donsizemore @pdurbin added and updating. want me to add it to config.json.sample in the repo?
13:13 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks! That's ok, I'm in that code anyway so I'll get it. I was thinking, maybe I should back up the live config to to something.
13:17 Richard_Valdivia joined #dataverse
13:19 pdurbin It's funning, now that "LIPI Dataverse" appears at there are some scrollbars. I'll go make the iframe taller.
13:23 pdurbin funny*
13:24 pdurbin hmm, but making it taller doesn't help. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
13:28 poikilotherm No scrollbars here...
13:29 pdurbin This is on Firefox. And I *think* I fixed it but there's some caching. Fingers crossed.
13:30 poikilotherm This is Firefox 60.6esr on Linux. No scrollbars here even when deleting local cache.
13:31 pdurbin I'm talking about server side caching but I'm glad you don't see the scrollbars. Hopefully I'm the only one who sees them. :)
13:31 donsizemore @pdurbin sumbody threw a 404
13:32 pdurbin better error handling needed?
13:32 donsizemore it currently doesn't handle HTTP error codes
13:33 pdurbin yeah :(
13:33 pdurbin you'd take any error handling :)
13:34 pdurbin what should happen when there's a non 200 HTTP code? do you want a log or something?
13:37 donsizemore @pdurbin stderr is fine by me. i'd just like for it to move on to the next host
13:37 donsizemore (sorry, was vacuuming my office)
13:38 pdurbin ok, let me look into stderr, thanks
13:40 pdurbin I'll try to roll it into this new metric for github contributors.
14:14 donsizemore @pdurbin it's throwing the 404
14:32 pdurbin d'oh!
14:39 pdurbin I see. nginx 404 at for example. Hmm.
14:39 donsizemore @pdurbin should in fact be
14:39 donsizemore @pdurbin I knew that home page was too faincy
14:39 pdurbin oh!
14:39 pdurbin good catch
14:40 donsizemore today was cleaning morning, so i've been distracted
14:45 donsizemore @pdurbin so, i was adding a jacoco switch to dataverse-ansible, per the dev guide
14:46 donsizemore @pdurbin it instruments the warfile, then attempts to deploy: Exception while deploying the app [dataverse] : org/jacoco/agent/rt/internal_c13123e/Offline. Related annotation information: annotation [@javax.ejb.TransactionAttr​ibute(value=REQUIRES_NEW)] on annotated element [public void​​.iq.dataverse.GuestbookResponse)] of type [METHOD]
14:46 donsizemore curious if you've seen that before?
14:54 pdurbin let me search my email
14:55 pdurbin donsizemore: I don't believe so.
14:56 pdurbin But none of us ever tried Pete's write up, unfortunately.
14:57 donsizemore well, the switch is soon to be available in dataverse-ansible =) wanted it for jenkins.dataverse
14:57 pdurbin Can we back up to what the goal is? The goal is still to replicate the "Test Result Trend" graph at right?
15:05 donsizemore @pdurbin that's one of them... i was just going to add jacoco as a switch, which seemed easy enough.
15:06 pdurbin ok, and I think I have another installation to add to the config :)
15:06 donsizemore which one?
15:07 pdurbin donsizemore: only one dataset so far but if you could add it, it would be most appreciated:
15:07 pdurbin "Datos Brutos" is the name of the dataset
15:07 donsizemore done. lemme let this run complete and i'll submit a PR to update the sample config.json
15:08 pdurbin sounds good! thanks!
15:10 pdurbin donsizemore: you might need to run too
15:23 donsizemore also done
15:29 pdurbin cool but there's no LIPI
15:29 pdurbin so maybe there's a mismatch of hostnames or something?
15:32 pdurbin yeah, appears in all-dataverse-installations.json for the map but like you said it's not the "real" hostname, which is
15:38 poikilotherm Oi donsizemore...
15:50 pdurbin bricas_: how dare you have a lower github id than me
16:16 poikilotherm donsizemore I think I found a bug in Minikube :-(
18:37 donsizemore @pdurbin prep_IT.bash completed successfully!
18:47 pdurbin donsizemore: nice!
18:48 pdurbin Also, I'm working on getting those two hostnames aligned.
18:56 donsizemore @pdurbin me API test suite test runs still die in the same place: [ERROR] testPrivateUrl  Time elapsed: 316.773 s  <<< FAILURE! junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<200> but was:<500> at​T.testPrivateUrl(
18:58 donsizemore @pdurbin which may have me at parity with #5826 IDK
19:00 pdurbin you might be running into
19:00 pdurbin brittle tests
19:00 pdurbin but they were passing on phoenix the last time I ran them
19:03 donsizemore I seem to reproduce it reliably
19:06 pdurbin donsizemore: I just put out a new release with your updated sample file and an updated "all installations" file:
19:07 pdurbin if you put the new all installations file into place the lipi installation should appear in the list at the bottom (the hostnames will now match)
19:07 donsizemore want me to upgrade dataversemetrics?
19:07 donsizemore (or were the two new installations the only change)
19:08 pdurbin well, I'm trying to fix a bug
19:08 pdurbin the installations only appear at the bottom if the hostname matches
19:08 pdurbin does that make sense?
19:09 pdurbin here's where that logic is:
19:11 pdurbin basically, the code is iterating through all-dataverse-installations.json and it only spits out a <li> when it matches a hostname found in config.json
19:11 pdurbin so I updated all-dataverse-installations.json to have the actual url of the dataverse installation for LIPI
19:21 pdurbin (also, I'm working on running the api tests in docker-aio on my mac)
19:43 pdurbin Hmm. DataversesIT.testMoveDataverse:364 JSON path data.total_count doesn't match. Expected: <1> Actual: 0 ... that's on 02c36c4c9
19:43 pdurbin same as what's on phoenix where the tests pass
19:44 donsizemore dataversemetrics is upgraded to v0.2.4 and updating now
19:45 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks! And I see "LIPI Dataverse" on the list.
19:49 pdurbin donsizemore: I ran the test again and got BUILD SUCCESS
19:49 donsizemore !!!
19:49 pdurbin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
19:49 pdurbin conf/docker-aio/ I mean
19:50 donsizemore no that's a happy excite. run-test-suite started throwing 500s for me again this afternoon
19:50 pdurbin heh
19:50 pdurbin should I spin up an ec2 and try it there?
19:50 pdurbin or do you want to spin one up and add my ssh keys?
19:51 pdurbin might be nice to troubleshoot from the same box
19:52 donsizemore you're welcome to. i made dataverse-jenkins match phoenix, virtual-hardware-wise, for this reason
19:52 pdurbin ok
19:53 pdurbin so you're running docker-aio on the jenkins server itself?
20:23 poikilotherm joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.