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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-06-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
05:34 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
06:48 juancorr joined #dataverse
07:04 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:05 jri joined #dataverse
07:52 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
07:53 candy` joined #dataverse
08:52 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
10:14 pdurbin joined #dataverse
10:20 pdurbin Good morning, all.
10:29 poikilotherm Good morning from Göttingen :-)
10:31 pdurbin Hackathon? :)
10:32 poikilotherm Dataverse DE meeting :-)
10:33 pdurbin cool
10:36 poikilotherm We are going to have a little Skype meeting with Slava later
10:36 poikilotherm Wanna join
10:36 poikilotherm ?
10:39 pdurbin Sure! When?
10:42 kiru joined #dataverse
10:58 poikilotherm 10am PST
10:58 poikilotherm Ooops
10:58 poikilotherm EDT
11:00 pdurbin I think that will work for me. Do you want to post something to!forum/dataverse-dev ?
11:22 poikilotherm
11:30 pdurbin Heh. Nice shirt. Say hi to Jonas and Péter for me! I don't *think* I recognize anyone else. Looks fun!
11:32 pkiraly Hi Philip!
11:32 poikilotherm pkiraly could you send pdurbin the details how to join later?
11:35 pdurbin pkiraly: hi!
11:36 pkiraly @pdurbin: my Skype ID is kirunews. If you send yours, or ping me I'll call you at 16:00 CET (10:00 am in Cambridge, MA if I am correct)
11:36 pdurbin pkiraly: ok, on Skype I'm "greptilian". :)
11:44 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
12:01 pdurbin stefankasberger: hi! is in our sprint and I was thinking about picking it up and using pyDataverse to implement it. Or at least give pyDataverse a try. :)
12:06 stefankasberger @pdurinb: i was thinking of the same for our internal test setup. to automatically populate dataverse with data for tests and so on.
12:07 stefankasberger but you have to wait for release 0.2.0, which then has the needed functionality to use metadata with pyDataverse. will hopefully come until the end of the week. if not, i would say, during or after the community conference.
12:10 pdurbin stefankasberger: ok, do you plan to create an issue at and assign it to a milestone?
12:20 jonas80 joined #dataverse
12:21 doigl joined #dataverse
12:22 eRATG joined #dataverse
12:22 aseeland joined #dataverse
12:22 poikilotherm Greetings pdurbin :-)
12:22 poikilotherm We are talking about setting up communication channels here in Göttingen
12:23 poikilotherm Are there any plans for that GDCC chat thing?
12:23 poikilotherm Do you know what happens "over there"?
12:24 lsteilen joined #dataverse
12:24 poikilotherm jonas80 mentioned sth. that they might come up with a Slack instance?
12:24 jonas80 like using Slack, Mattermost or something similar?
12:25 rigelk hi there! pdurbin do you know if anything came out of discussion about activitypub after the last community call? Or if anything ensued?
12:40 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:41 donsizemore ooh ooh @stefankasberger "to automatically populate dataverse with data for tests and so on"
12:44 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
12:45 pdurbin_m rigelk: yes, please see and give feedback on
12:47 pdurbin_m poikilotherm Jonas80 et al. I am strongly anti-Slack for open source. Have you read my recent manifesto on "Searchable Linkable Open Public Indexed (SLOPI) Communication"? :)
12:47 pdurbin_m Please see and give feedback on
12:48 pdurbin_m pronounced "sloppy" :)
12:49 jonas80 Is there any tool that we could use right now? E.g. mattermost instead of slack?
12:51 donsizemore @jonas80 i like this!
12:52 donsizemore @jonas80 though their licensing isn't very FLOSS
12:52 pdurbin_m jonas80: yes, someone could install RocketChat and configure it for SLOPI communication like Inkscape did:
12:54 pdurbin_m Does Mattermost support SLOPI communication?
12:54 jonas80 funny, i was just about to mention here that RocketChat came up in the discussion - and the question if it can be set up to enable slopi-style communication
12:54 jonas80 current state of the disussion here is that it is not
12:55 stefankasberger @pdrubin: am not planning to go into project management activities with milesontes and issues for this release. i think, after 0.2.0 i will go more open with this, but right now i just want to release the stuff i need as fast as possible to do the migrations (and make people at AUSSDA happy). :)
12:57 stefankasberger @donsizemore: was it a "danger" ooh ooh or a "awesome" ooh ooh?
12:57 donsizemore @stefankasberger a wonderful ooh ooh. i wedged a kludgy ansible framework in place for this but would love a python module
12:58 pdurbin_m stefankasberger: that's fine
12:59 pdurbin_m donsizemore: I'd like to set up a Jenkins job for pyDataverse
12:59 pdurbin_m jonas80: did you see my Inkscape link above? It's possible. :)
13:03 jonas80 sorry, that statement was about mattermost
13:04 lsteilen left #dataverse
13:06 pdurbin_m jonas80: oh. I hope it's possible. Should I reach out to the Mattermost devs?
13:14 donsizemore @pdurbin_m rocketchat licensing and features seem much more FLOSS than mattermost
13:15 pdurbin_m Hmm. ok.
13:22 donsizemore @stefankasberger are you cool with the jenkins job for pydataverse Phil wants? a push notification to should do the trick
13:23 donsizemore @pdurbin do we want a rocketchat or mattermost server, for funsies? can always tear them down
13:34 jonas80 we also talked about finding the resources to contribute a rocketchat server to community effort
13:35 jonas80 (like UNC's jenkins server)
13:35 pdurbin donsizemore: as long as it's SLOPI, sure! :)
13:36 donsizemore @jonas80 now that you mention it, UNC's network security would probably crawl all over me for running an open chat server. they almost had a coronary over the Tor nodes
13:36 pdurbin heh
13:37 pdurbin Well, open in what way?
13:37 pdurbin I'm just talking about the logs and data being open.
13:38 donsizemore in general, they frown when people not affiliated with UNC are able to access and use UNC network resources.
13:38 pdurbin Sure, that makes sense.
13:40 pdurbin What about some SLOPI chat rooms under ?
13:42 donsizemore :thumbs up:
13:44 jonas80 this 404s for me
13:45 jonas80 i need to sign up first, don't i
13:48 poikilotherm Do you have a Github account? :-D
13:49 pdurbin If you look at you can see many chat rooms. The idea would be to do something similar for Dataverse.
13:49 pdurbin 1111 people in it says. :)
13:53 stefankasberger @donsizemore: sure. what do i need to do for it?
13:56 pdurbin Welcome to all the new people here! aseeland doigl eRATG :)
14:01 stefankasberger @donsizemore @pdurbin : have setup the webhook in the pyDataverse GitHub repo. should now work from my side.
14:09 stefankasberger @pdurbin: if you invite me, i would join the call with dataverse DE too. skype: cheeseman1983
14:16 jonas80 @stefankasberger: did we meet at EDDI18?
14:17 jonas8026 joined #dataverse
14:17 jonas81 joined #dataverse
14:24 doigl Thanks, aseeland and I are the ones from Stuttgart in the Dataverse-DE call
14:25 stefankasberger Jonas Recker? Then yes. :)
14:42 stefankasberger oh yes, now i see you better on the cam. :)
14:54 donsizemore @pdurbin how often would you say gets wiped out?
14:55 donsizemore @pdurbin i see dataverses from 2015...
15:01 donsizemore @stefankasberger:   py36: commands succeeded   coverage: commands succeeded   coveralls: commands succeeded   docs: commands succeeded   flake8: commands succeeded   packaging: commands succeeded   dist: commands succeeded   congratulations :)
15:03 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
15:08 jonas82 joined #dataverse
15:18 jonas82 What is the best way we can participate in the community meeting without being there physically?
15:25 jonas82 @stefankasberger - jonas kahle, we discussed about workflow software, meaning business process management in this instance
15:25 jonas82 (too late...)
15:29 pdurbin jonas82: that's a great question
15:39 pdurbin jonas82: I just emailed the committee
15:40 pdurbin pkiraly: can we link those notes from your meeting in here? This channel is logged and public.
16:08 pkiraly pdurbin: please don't. One of our participants does not like to share it. Maybe we will create a "public" version later.
16:21 pdurbin Ok. If a public version becomes available, please let me know. I guess that's for doigl jonas82 and poikilotherm :)
16:32 pdurbin rigelk: thanks for you comments at !
16:34 jri joined #dataverse
16:44 andrewSC joined #dataverse
17:10 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
17:15 dan-drexel joined #dataverse
17:15 dan-drexel Can someone help me with an issue Im having installing Dataverse?
17:15 dan-drexel I cant get Solr to start and run
17:16 dan-drexel Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/solr.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)                                                                                                                            Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Mon 2019-06-03 13:11:47 EDT; 2min 21s ago                                                                                                                               Process: 5891 ExecStart=
17:16 dan-drexel Job for solr.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status solr.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
17:23 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
17:24 poikilotherm pdurbin I just created
17:24 poikilotherm Let's go try this :-D
17:33 pdurbin poikilotherm: huh? How did you have permission to create that?
17:33 pdurbin dan-drexel: Solr trouble? Are you on CentOS?
17:34 poikilotherm I think I got permission to do so by being an admin on IQSS/dataverse-kubernetes
17:35 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:35 poikilotherm All admin from IQSS org have admin rights on that channel by default
17:37 pdurbin But is IQSS the right namespace? I guess I was thinking that might scale better. In the future when there is more than one room. What do you think?
17:38 poikilotherm Hmm - I thought that we should reuse existing channels
17:38 poikilotherm And it seemed you are open to let IRC die in favor of Gitter/SLOPI-capable channels
17:39 poikilotherm If you think this is inappropriate, please go ahead and delete the room
17:39 poikilotherm No spoiled milk yet
17:40 pdurbin I'm thinking. And I do still like IRC and freenode. They're old friends. That said, I care more about the data, the messages, than the platform. Same with Google Groups.
17:41 pdurbin I like that you're a do-er. :)
17:42 poikilotherm :-D
17:42 pdurbin But its troubling than a non-owner of IQSS can create a room like that.
17:42 pdurbin poikilotherm: I'm going to PM you something.
17:46 pdurbin donsizemore: Hi! Did you see that dan-drexel is having Solr trouble?
17:49 donsizemore @pdurbin I did not. @dan-drexel what happens when you run "/usr/local/solr/bin/solr start" (or equivalent) as the solr user?
18:03 pdurbin poikilotherm: I just create a spreadsheet to help think more about the namespace for Gitter:
18:03 pdurbin Everyone here is welcome to request edit access.
18:06 * poikilotherm goes looking...
18:07 pdurbin poikilotherm: maybe I should organize it by description of the room. We could probably use a single tab that way.
18:07 pdurbin My point is that I think we'll (eventually) want more than one room. And I'm not sure that "IQSS" is the best namespace for this.
18:07 poikilotherm Meh the table does not load on slow ICE train WLAN :-(
18:08 pdurbin For IQSS Slack we prepend "#dv-" to a lot of channnels, #dv-general for example.
18:10 poikilotherm When changing the org name in GItter, wouldn't the same apply for Dataverse on Github?
18:10 poikilotherm There are a lot of repos popping up these days
18:11 poikilotherm One could think of moving IQSS/dataverse-kubernetes to dataverse/kubernetes, too
18:11 poikilotherm That might support the nature of being a community thing
18:11 poikilotherm Or Docker images on Dockerhub under "dataverse", not "iqss"
18:12 pdurbin Well, that's why the consortium exists, in part, I believe. To gather us together. To be larger than IQSS.
18:13 pdurbin But my point is that I think we might want multiple channels on Gitter, eventually.
18:13 poikilotherm Yeah. But writing "GlobalDataverseCommunityConsortium" in links, image tags and more is quite unpleasant
18:13 pdurbin Sure, but with Gitter you can create artibrary org names that aren't tied to a GitHub org.
18:13 poikilotherm Totally agreed.
18:14 poikilotherm My point is that Dataverse should be transfered as a name consistently. It even is a trademark
18:14 poikilotherm Currently, this is mostly done with "IQSS"
18:14 poikilotherm It is consisten
18:14 poikilotherm IMHO one should stick with being consistent
18:15 pdurbin On Twitter we are @dataverseorg.
18:15 pdurbin I think we might even be on Facebook but I'm not sure.
18:17 pdurbin I'd like to get out of the Java packages and switch it to
18:17 pdurbin er, that was totally wrong
18:18 pdurbin I meant to say this:
18:18 pdurbin Instead of "package;" in the Java I'd rather see "package org.dataverse.api;"
18:18 pdurbin or something
18:19 poikilotherm org.dataverse... ;-)
18:19 poikilotherm dataverseorg is also totally fine for image names, github repos and the like
18:19 poikilotherm (also I like it shorter)
18:19 pdurbin when we started Dataverse 4 we didn't own
18:19 poikilotherm +1 :-D
18:19 poikilotherm Together with a checkstyle enforcement please :-D
18:20 poikilotherm I think you had to pick dataverseorg on twitter as dataverse was already taken:
18:21 poikilotherm 2008 vs 2012
18:21 pdurbin Yeah, some guy in Germany has it. Can you please talk to him? I've emailed him several times.
18:21 poikilotherm LOL
18:21 pdurbin He wasn't in Berlin. I looked.
18:22 poikilotherm He is in Bonn according to Twitter :-D
18:22 pdurbin Ok. Please find him for me.
18:25 poikilotherm Oh he is a professor in Darmstadt
18:25 poikilotherm
18:26 pdurbin him, that email is not the one I've been using. thanks!
18:27 pdurbin hmm*
18:27 poikilotherm But I might be wrong... The spelling is a bit different
18:28 pdurbin Maybe he knows the right guy though. :)
18:30 poikilotherm At least the topics on match with his description on the website of UA darmstadt
18:30 pdurbin I'm emailing him.
18:33 poikilotherm pdurbin: is it correct that I don't see any entries in your spreadsheet except the two explaining lines?
18:33 pdurbin there are 3 tabs
18:33 pdurbin email sent
18:33 poikilotherm Ah!!!
18:33 poikilotherm Ok, I see
18:34 pdurbin But what I was trying to say is that perhaps we could have one tab organized by description.
18:34 poikilotherm Can't those be merged in one tab and different columns?
18:34 pdurbin yes, fixing
18:35 pdurbin fixed
18:39 donsizemore @pdurbin akio and i are talking payara5 (or other) for future dataversia. just curious if the future platform will/could be a BoF discussion at the community meeting?
18:40 pdurbin donsizemore: sure! Did he see Steve M's comments on the Payara issue? Do you think Akio could start a pull request?
18:40 donsizemore we have #2628 up on the screen =)
18:41 poikilotherm pdurbin: I just requested access to the doc, would you be so kind to grant permission? :-)
18:41 donsizemore @pdurbin part of that would involve re-architecting intro microservices, which he's doing now WRT ingest and TRSA
18:41 donsizemore ^into
18:42 pdurbin poikilotherm: done!
18:42 poikilotherm Gnaaah... It's a pity I can't come to #dcm2019 :-(
18:42 pdurbin donsizemore: Steve M had some specific suggestions for the search service bean or something
18:43 poikilotherm pdurbin: thx!
18:43 pdurbin I betcha poikilotherm would appreciate it if Akio makes a pull request to get Dataverse running better on Payara 5. The search service stuff or whatever it was. :)
18:46 poikilotherm Sure thing! I was going to ask you guys who wants to get the things done, so we can rock and roll...
18:46 poikilotherm Happy to help with this
18:46 pdurbin donsizemore: if Akio gets the branch up thre I can try to hack on it.
18:47 pdurbin poikilotherm: or you can create a branch :)
18:47 donsizemore we're looking at
18:47 donsizemore akio notes dataverse currently needs jax-ws, jms, javamail, jaxb though ws is questionable
18:47 poikilotherm Pretty look at MicroProfile :-D
18:47 poikilotherm +please
18:49 pdurbin donsizemore: we can have our cake and eat it too with Payara, Wildfly, and Liberty. They support Java EE and Microprofile. You can mix and match APIs. Why not both! That's the idea.
18:50 donsizemore @pdurbin this discussion started by akio asking about the outcome of your platform discussion during tech hours last week =)
18:50 poikilotherm donsizemore: before heading for heavy refactoring to micro service, it would be already a great enhancement to setup resources etc from code, refactor timers etc.
18:50 poikilotherm Get things into using Hazelcast
18:51 poikilotherm See #5292
18:51 poikilotherm Need to change my train now, will be back online in about 30-40 minutes
18:51 poikilotherm Oh, not true! Got another 10 minutes :-D
18:51 pdurbin So it's not like we need to slim Dataverse down to fit into Microprofile. Dataverse can continue to be fat. Dataverse can continue to use all the Java EE Full APIs. Does that make sense, donsizemore ?
18:52 pdurbin donsizemore: did you show Akio my notes after that tech hours meeting? I can shoot you the link.
18:52 poikilotherm (Don't get me wrong - I am all into cuttting and slicing... But this is a HUGE thing, and there might be other low hanging fruits that would make that step easier)
18:52 donsizemore @pdurbin i first dug up @poikilotherm's post to dataverse-dev, then we started traipsing through issues
18:52 donsizemore @pdurbin a link would be great
18:53 poikilotherm -might
18:53 pdurbin donsizemore: here are my notes after last week's tech hours discussion:
18:53 poikilotherm +are
18:54 donsizemore @pdurbin we were on that issue =) but hadn't scrolled up enough from the bottom
18:54 pdurbin lots of chatter! the way I like it :)
18:55 poikilotherm pdurbin: I added some stuff to your doc :-)
18:56 poikilotherm Alright guys, arriving at Frankfurt now. See you later
18:56 pdurbin poikilotherm: I like the "dataverse" namespace best, I think
18:56 donsizemore @pdurbin oh. and seeing you TRSA question in that issue: it currently runs payara5
18:56 pdurbin donsizemore: cool, that's why I was saying we should coordinate with you
18:59 donsizemore @pdurbin check out question 3 at
18:59 donsizemore @pdurbin akio points out that wildfly is backed by red hat, the new caretaker for open source java
19:00 pdurbin Question 3 - Which application servers have you recently used?
19:00 pdurbin So why is Akio using Payara instead? :)
19:00 donsizemore yis
19:01 donsizemore path of least resistance
19:01 pdurbin Do we have to pick just one?
19:01 pdurbin Can we get one of Payara, Wildfly, or Liberty working and then support the other two later?
19:02 donsizemore i just asked if he wanted me to test deploying TRSA in wildfly or liberty
19:02 pdurbin nice!
19:02 donsizemore he points out that resource configuration may be totally different across platforms
19:03 jri joined #dataverse
19:07 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
19:08 poikilotherm donsizemore: config is somewhat different. using code annotations might take care of some of this
19:08 poikilotherm e.g. for JDBC connections. IIRC for JMS, too
19:09 poikilotherm What I like about Payara is Hazelcast out of the box
19:09 pdurbin donsizemore: I *think* the Microprofile Config API might help. poikilotherm probably knows better.
19:09 poikilotherm pdurbin you like to run multi instance dataverse, right? then hazelcast will help a lot
19:10 poikilotherm COnfig api is usable for resources in annotations, yes
19:10 pdurbin I do have my eye on hazelcast.
19:10 pdurbin poikilotherm: donsizemore and Akio have a (different) app deployed to Payara and are wondering how hard it would be to get it deployed to Wildfly and Liberty.
19:10 pdurbin donsizemore: what's the app called again, please?
19:11 donsizemore
19:11 pdurbin thanks! poikilotherm ^^
19:11 donsizemore i can take on test deployments if you like
19:11 donsizemore it's a pretty small web app but does (temporarily) use h2 for its DB
19:11 pdurbin Honestly, for Dataverse, I think we should for for Payara for now. And worry about Wildfly and Liberty later.
19:12 pdurbin go* for
19:13 dan-drexel @pdurbin and @donesizemore I get this Port 8983 is already being used by another process (pid: 5621)                                                                                                                                                      Please choose a different port using the -p option.
19:13 poikilotherm donsizemore why are you on EE7?
19:13 dan-drexel and also I am on CentOS 7
19:15 pdurbin dan-drexel: you can use lsof to figure out what's listening on that port. Sounds like you know the pid already. Is it another installation of Solr?
19:15 poikilotherm donsizemore you don't seem to use things like glassfish-resources.xml, so in theory you should be good to go
19:16 poikilotherm Deploying resources manually however will be different for Wildfly/LIberty
19:17 dan-drexel @pdurbin It's showing java as using port 5621
19:17 pdurbin Let's focus for a moment on helping dan-drexel with his Solr problem. We can debate this or that app server in a bit. :)
19:17 poikilotherm Sure :-)
19:17 donsizemore @pdurbin oh, i'm not debating — akio was asking
19:17 dan-drexel Thanks!!! I appreciate the help!
19:18 pdurbin dan-drexel: ok, and Solr is Java. So maybe you already have Solr running?
19:19 dan-drexel @pdurbin: when I do try 'service solr status' I get this:
19:19 dan-drexel Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/solr.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)                                                                                                                            Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Mon 2019-06-03 15:10:36 EDT; 7min ago                                                                                                                                   Process: 15448 ExecStart
19:19 dan-drexel So it shows it as failed for active
19:20 poikilotherm dan-drexel could you please post the output of `ps -f 5621 | cat`
19:20 poikilotherm Then we will know what exactly is going on (java is used by a few things here...)
19:20 dan-drexel UID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY      STAT   TIME CMD                                                                                                                                                              solr      5621     1  0 13:11 ?        Sl     0:17 java -server -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:ConcGCThread s=4 -XX:ParallelGCThrea
19:21 poikilotherm Did you use the installer?
19:21 poikilotherm (And thx for posting)
19:21 dan-drexel not yet, just working through the pre-reqs
19:22 poikilotherm Ok, this definitly looks like you have a Solr process running. Is this a machine dedicated to Dataverse or is sth. else going on here?
19:22 dan-drexel Also if it helps this is a fresh CentOS install as a virtualbox vm
19:22 poikilotherm Thx!
19:22 dan-drexel Nope, just for Dataverse
19:22 poikilotherm This might be a process which systemd lost track of
19:22 poikilotherm Could you please kill the process?
19:23 poikilotherm And then try to restart Solr via systemctl?
19:23 dan-drexel I'm actualy fairly new to Linux - how do i kill the process?
19:23 poikilotherm kill 5621
19:23 dan-drexel Ahh, that worked!!! It's now active and running
19:24 dan-drexel What do we think happened here?
19:24 poikilotherm Nice
19:24 dan-drexel Thanks for the help!!!
19:24 poikilotherm To be sure, can you please restart the VM and let us know if there is still a Solr process running after that?
19:25 dan-drexel Sure, I will do that now
19:25 poikilotherm Thx :-)
19:25 poikilotherm While we are waiting for the restart: did you install Solr as described in the install guides?
19:25 poikilotherm Or from RPM/...
19:26 dan-drexel Yep, following the guide exactly as it says
19:26 poikilotherm Ok, then I suppose that was the pitfall
19:26 poikilotherm The guide lets you start Solr to create the core
19:27 donsizemore correct
19:27 poikilotherm And afterwards, you install the init script
19:27 poikilotherm And simply call start with systemd
19:27 poikilotherm That will obviously crash
19:27 poikilotherm So this is a docs bug :-D
19:27 dan-drexel I see. Yep, just restarted and still running
19:27 pdurbin Can someone please create a GitHub issue to fix the guides? Want to, dan-drexel?
19:27 poikilotherm Hey, pdurbin, maybe you can ask him your favorite question :-D
19:28 poikilotherm *dingding*
19:28 poikilotherm :-D
19:28 pdurbin way ahead of you
19:28 * poikilotherm needs to calm down giggling
19:28 dan-drexel Hahaha what is this question?
19:29 pdurbin dan-drexel: I'm asking (like I usually do) if you would be so kind as to create an issue at about the Solr doc bug. :)
19:29 poikilotherm dan-drexel, can you please "restart" in the guide where it says "systemctl start solr.service"?
19:29 poikilotherm Should be all good now
19:29 poikilotherm (Except you might find another docs bug :-D)
19:30 poikilotherm (With restart I mean goto and continue from there)
19:30 pdurbin poikilotherm: that reminds me. donsizemore rewrote some of the prereq page. I forget if you were still hacking on it or not.
19:30 dan-drexel Ohh I see! That makes sense now. No problem, I'll log the bug
19:30 pdurbin dan-drexel: thank you!!
19:30 poikilotherm pdurbin donsizemore: feel free to pipe in your changes.
19:30 dan-drexel Thank you guys for your help!
19:30 poikilotherm I feel my current work is far from complete
19:30 poikilotherm And it will need changing once on Payara 5 anyway :-D
19:30 pdurbin poikilotherm: ok, Merce liked your diagram, for what it's worth. :)
19:31 poikilotherm Thx for the flowers :-)
19:31 pdurbin poikilotherm: if we can get back to Gitter for a moment, what do you think of "I am a member of an organization on Github and it appears I have full rights to delete public and private rooms" at ?
19:32 poikilotherm Doe!
19:33 poikilotherm Jesus Christ, is Gitter a good choice?
19:33 pdurbin I'm starting to wonder.
19:33 pdurbin 173 people in
19:34 poikilotherm BTW they still haven't fixed the issue with the "online indicator"
19:34 donsizemore information wants to be free!
19:34 pdurbin heh
19:34 poikilotherm dan-drexel: you are most welcome. If you find any other doc bugs, please report :-D
19:35 pdurbin Let's not be too mean to Gitter. They provide a valuable service to the open source community.
19:35 poikilotherm It is always superb to have new people on the block finding our slips
19:35 donsizemore @pdurbin in my shell history looks like i ignored the solr start call and called it with systemd instead.
19:35 dan-drexel One more question...
19:35 donsizemore @pdurbin want a PR to just say that instead?
19:36 dan-drexel When I do service solor restart I get this: /sbin/service: line 3: /etc/init.d/functions: Not a directory
19:36 pdurbin donsizemore: sure!
19:36 donsizemore @dan-drexel a lot of the docs still reference rhel/centos6... if you're on 7 you'll want to do most things with systemd
19:37 dan-drexel so then "systemctl restart solr.service"?
19:37 donsizemore yes sir
19:37 poikilotherm One might argue that novice linux users might not understand the current docs on this... Maybe add a hint about distros using old init.d
19:38 dan-drexel Excellent! Yep, for me I would not recognize that.
19:38 poikilotherm Or simply remove that. IMHO the days of CentOS 6 and other oldies are long gone, at least for new installations
19:38 pdurbin The last CentOS 6 server that I care about is
19:39 donsizemore @poikilotherm agreed, but some folks at IQSS are still on 6 and wanted to keep them
19:39 poikilotherm Ok, then add a deprecated notice with "will be removed on next major release" :-D
19:39 pdurbin dan-drexel: thank for creating the issue! The next question I always ask is if I can coach you through a pull request. :)
19:39 poikilotherm (When sticking to 5.0 on Payara 5, this is not far away... hihihi)
19:42 dan-drexel @pdurbin no problem! what is a pull request?
19:42 dan-drexel @pdurbin do you by chance work at Harvard?
19:43 pdurbin A pull request is a suggestion for a change to a GitHub repo. Yes, I work at Harvard.
19:44 dan-drexel I see, should that have been a pull request rather then a issue report?
19:45 dan-drexel My co-worker Steve Melly used to work at Harvard, do you know him?
19:45 dan-drexel he was a GIS person
19:46 pdurbin Hmm. Nope but from searching my email I see his name in the 2012-2015 timeframe.
19:47 pdurbin And an issue first is perfect.
19:49 poikilotherm Man this is Dataverse on speed. Going at 300km/h from Frankfurt to Cologne...
19:49 pdurbin Dataverse doesn't go that fast.
19:49 poikilotherm (186mph)
19:50 poikilotherm Yeah, sometime you get the impression it takes as long as from Frankfurt to Cologne till it deploys on startup
19:50 pdurbin yeah
19:52 poikilotherm Oi pdurbin do you see an option for running a RocketChat server on IQSS AWS bill?
19:52 pdurbin poikilotherm: maybe if someone volunteers to be a sysadmin for it
19:53 poikilotherm
19:55 poikilotherm And obviously
19:55 poikilotherm It might be worth a try...
19:57 pdurbin Again, for me it comes down to the care and feeding of the service. Who would fix it when it goes down? That sort of thing.
19:58 pdurbin dan-drexel: I requested code review from donsizemore and poikilotherm on your pull request.
19:58 poikilotherm Right. There might be room for those kind of resources. While discussing at Göttingen, it seemed much more complicated to provide computing resources for us
19:58 * poikilotherm heading over to the PR
19:59 poikilotherm I will try to reach Jonas and talk to him about htis
19:59 poikilotherm donsizemore would you welcome a change from IRC to sth. like RocketChat? Not sure what you wrote earlier this day
20:03 poikilotherm Posted a review :-)
20:06 pdurbin thanks!
20:07 poikilotherm BTW pdurbin: today I learned some IT personell is rejecting using Dataverse in Docker/Kubernetes just for in the docs saying "this is highly experimental". This definitly needs to change :-D
20:08 pdurbin poikilotherm: uh oh. Maybe we should link to the installation guide?
20:09 pdurbin To suggest a more traditional installation approach, I mean.
20:09 pdurbin Or are you saying that using Docker is a hard requirement for them?
20:09 poikilotherm Maybe when refactoring that part of the install guide we should say sth about "community driven" and maybe add a doc of users in dataverse-kubernetes, so people can get an impression
20:10 candy`_ joined #dataverse
20:10 pdurbin Sure, that all sounds fine.
20:10 poikilotherm No no no. The are _rejecting_ using Docker or even Kubernetes
20:10 poikilotherm They believe in docs, which is good. So the docs should change ;-)
20:11 poikilotherm Get more attraction to the project... ;-)
20:11 pdurbin If you make a pull request I'm happy to review it. :)
20:11 poikilotherm Yeah yeah. Let donsizemore push his changes first
20:12 pdurbin Oh, I thought you were talking about the dataverse-kubernetes README.
20:12 poikilotherm I am talking about the install guide :-D
20:13 poikilotherm <poikilotherm> Maybe when refactoring that part of the install guide we should say sth about "community driven" and maybe add a doc of users in dataverse-kubernetes, so people can get an impression
20:13 poikilotherm Gotta switch trains again. No WLAN in there :-(
20:13 poikilotherm Have a good night / evening everyone
20:13 pdurbin Are you talking about ?
21:06 donsizemore joined #dataverse
21:14 jri joined #dataverse

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