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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-06-07

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
05:45 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:18 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:26 jri joined #dataverse
08:04 jri_ joined #dataverse
10:10 pdurbin mornin' all
10:16 poikilotherm Morning :-)
10:16 poikilotherm
10:32 pdurbin poikilotherm: interesting. How does this intersect (if at all) with ?
10:35 pdurbin rigelk: actually, "ORCID is a researcher-centric system that connects people with their activities" makes me wonder if you've heard of ORCID or looked into if they are interested in ActivityPub or not.
10:59 poikilotherm
11:00 poikilotherm They already incorporating some ActivityPub stuff in their infrastructure
11:00 poikilotherm -ing+e
11:08 rigelk pdurbin: I've heard of ORCID, but didn't know about their interest (?) in AP. For me they were just using a centralized model, so I've not reached out.
11:12 pdurbin Ah, csarven. Nice. He came to the Dataverse Community Meeting one year. I think the year it was at Harvard Medical School. Nice guy.
11:13 pdurbin rigelk: mostly I was noticing the word "activities" :)
11:18 pdurbin poikilotherm: do you see what I'm asking about the ORCID 3.0 API issue Pete opened? We need to keep Dataverse's "log in using your ORCID" feature working.
11:19 poikilotherm Whoops, overlooked that
11:19 * poikilotherm goes looking
11:19 poikilotherm Ah, that one
11:19 poikilotherm Beware, that API is most likely about exchanging information with them
11:19 poikilotherm About records
11:20 poikilotherm OpenID Connect is only about authn
11:27 poikilotherm pdurbin I think about using Nimbus SDK for OpenID Connect, as ScribeJava does not support OIDC
11:27 poikilotherm Nimbus is a OAuth2 + OIDC lib.
11:28 poikilotherm Would it make sense to refactor to remove ScribeJava?
11:28 poikilotherm Having two libs sidebyside doesn't make much sense, does it?
11:31 poikilotherm ScribeJava hasn't implemented OIDC since 2016 ;-)
11:39 pdurbin poikilotherm: sorry, I'm a little distracted. Complete chaos trying to get kids out the door for school before the bell rings in 20 minutes.
11:40 poikilotherm No problem. Take your time
11:42 pdurbin Plus Pete got me unblocked on . bjonnh look look! :)
11:47 pdurbin poikilotherm: if you remove scribejava I will ask you to test orcid login and github login and google login to make sure you didn't break them all. :) Should we have both scribejava and nimbus side by side for a little while?
11:47 poikilotherm Obviously
11:47 poikilotherm You know how that will end, right?
11:47 pdurbin Ok, I thought you were just proposing to remove scribejava.
11:47 poikilotherm Oh sry
11:47 poikilotherm The obviously was on the first part
11:48 pdurbin ah
11:48 pdurbin So you're willing to test all those logins? orcid, github and google?
11:48 poikilotherm Google and ORCID can be used with OIDC
11:48 poikilotherm Github is tricky.
11:49 poikilotherm I'd look into providing tests
11:50 pdurbin Testing ORCID login is tricky because you have to pay them.
11:51 pdurbin "ORCID, on the other hand, does not have an automated system for requesting these credentials, and it is not free to use the ORCID authentication service."
11:51 pdurbin So please keep that in mind.
11:55 poikilotherm FZJ is part of ORCID
11:55 pdurbin oh good
11:56 poikilotherm We might be able to get credentials for e.g. a Jenkins test instance
11:56 pdurbin I dunno, I would consider having both libraries side by side for a while. Prove that the new one works. Then move orcid, github, and google over to the new one after it's been in production for a little while.
11:56 poikilotherm Github and Google should be no problem
11:58 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:01 pdurbin all too easy
12:02 poikilotherm Well it more or less is OAuth2
12:02 poikilotherm Which is already working pretty well
12:02 pdurbin Yes, used in production.
12:02 pdurbin I can imagine two pull requests.
12:03 pdurbin In one pull request, both libraries are side by side.
12:03 pdurbin In the other, all three oauth providers have been completely rewritten to use the new library.
12:03 pdurbin Small chunks vs. big chunks. :)
12:04 poikilotherm Sounds like a plan!
12:04 pdurbin donsizemore: good morning and help! Is your boat big enough?!? Please see
12:07 poikilotherm iqss/solr-k8s        4.14                5e8668804cdb        3 weeks ago         674MB
12:07 poikilotherm iqss/dataverse-k8s   4.14                93fd0b2afc5f        3 weeks ago         896MB
12:07 poikilotherm postgres             9.6                 8d9572468d97        4 weeks ago         230MB
12:08 poikilotherm Just for calculation...
12:09 poikilotherm Using payara base image makes things even bigger:
12:09 poikilotherm iqss/dataverse-k8s   4.14-payara         662729fb3526        4 days ago          1.14GB
12:17 pdurbin Who knew it costs so much to make free software? Think of the Amazon bill!
12:17 donsizemore @dprbun wait. i was just missing zip and unzip?!?
12:18 pdurbin donsizemore: not just you. Me too.
12:18 pdurbin did you see the build success :)
12:22 donsizemore @pdurbin wait, this is all jenkins. i've been running my tests straight out of develop
12:26 poikilotherm pdurbin I just discovered :-)
12:26 pdurbin poikilotherm: ooo, pluggable
12:26 pdurbin donsizemore: me too. develop
12:26 pdurbin poikilotherm: if we were on rocketchat we'd have an #auth channel, right? :)
12:26 poikilotherm Definitly :-D
12:26 pdurbin or Gitter
12:26 jri joined #dataverse
12:26 pdurbin let me go add that to the Gitter spreadsheet
12:29 pdurbin poikilotherm: added. Also, did you see my comment on "kubernetes discussion"?
12:29 poikilotherm Oh I overlooked that little triangle
12:29 poikilotherm Yeah, we could start with a sysadmin talk
12:29 poikilotherm I just added this as an example for a SIG
12:30 pdurbin poikilotherm: please feel free to adjust the spreadsheet. Also, we used to have an auth community group:
12:35 pdurbin poikilotherm: I guess instead of "sysadmin" you could call it "devops" but I was doing devops before that term existed. Over at I still call it "sysadmins who code". It's my preferred way of talking about it. :)
12:36 poikilotherm maybe dvs'n'ops
12:36 poikilotherm devs'n'ops
12:38 pdurbin whatever the sysadmins want :)
12:39 poikilotherm I will be outta here in about 10 minutes
12:40 poikilotherm pdurbin should we talk a bit about
12:42 pdurbin poikilotherm: sure! Did you see my comments? The ones at ?
12:43 poikilotherm Yes :-)
12:43 pdurbin great
12:43 pdurbin kind of a brain dump
12:43 poikilotherm Lemme comment on comments :-D
12:43 poikilotherm I tried to use the search function of the log the other day when searching for our discussions about IRC
12:44 poikilotherm It didn't work for me :-(
12:44 pdurbin "irc" is too few characters. "ircd" would work. 4 character minimum :(
12:44 pdurbin but like I said, you can download irclog.tsv and grep it :)
12:45 poikilotherm Yeah. I could. But this is a very though thing for others not as techie as the both of us
12:45 poikilotherm Gitter and the like are better at this
12:45 poikilotherm More intuitive, right within the UI
12:45 pdurbin Oh and one bonus comment I didn't put in the doc that I've been meaning to say. I really like that IRC and XMPP are RFCs. All the other stuff we're talking about has no RFC, I believe. :(
12:47 pdurbin Gitter search is pretty bad, actually.
12:47 poikilotherm About IRC clients and their features: most clients do not support image or webpage preview
12:48 poikilotherm In #glassfish, there is a bot fetching infos for weblinks
12:48 poikilotherm About the logs/latest
12:49 pdurbin For search, did you see my SMACKI idea? So Many Awesome Channels Knowledge Indexed. There's a doc linked from thte bottom of
12:49 poikilotherm RocketChat, Gitter and the like have better apps
12:49 poikilotherm Those can be used much easier and not only for looking up latest messages
12:49 poikilotherm But also participate in the communication
12:50 pdurbin I'd suggest slowing down a little. Or replying to the comments in the doc. I'm not sure that we are communicating well right now. I know you're in a hurry. :)
12:50 poikilotherm Yeah :-D
12:50 poikilotherm Ok, I'll add comments to comments
12:50 pdurbin perfect!
12:51 pdurbin Have a great weekend!
12:51 poikilotherm Perfect timing :-D
12:51 poikilotherm Read you monday :-)
12:51 pdurbin :)
12:53 pdurbin donsizemore: so! Yes, unzip was all I needed. Crazy. But now I need more disk. Or maybe you could give docker-aio another try on your Jenkins server? What do you think? I'm so excited it's working!
12:53 pdurbin bjonnh: ^^
13:02 donsizemore i have unzip and plenty of disk. re-running now
13:02 pdurbin cool
13:03 pdurbin I'm happy to email you the ssh key for my poor jenkins instance that's out of disk if you want. build success at least. :)
13:06 donsizemore oh i build successfully. i'm in the api-test-suite nail-biting phase
13:07 pdurbin sorry, I meant build success from the api test suite
13:08 pdurbin not from building the war file
13:08 pdurbin like build success from the bottom of
13:18 donsizemore womp [ERROR] Tests run: 14, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 2, Time elapsed: 438.413 s <<< FAILURE! - in DatasetsIT [ERROR] testPrivateUrl  Time elapsed: 314.597 s  <<< FAILURE! junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<200> but was:<500> at​T.testPrivateUrl(
13:29 pdurbin donsizemore: I know this sounds stupid but can you please try again? Our tests are flaky, unfortunately: :(
13:54 pdurbin My other thought is that we could ssh into the same box.
14:03 bjonnh pdurbin: \o/
14:06 pdurbin heh
14:50 donsizemore @pdurbin i was just making sure i wasn't missing zip/unzip
14:50 donsizemore @pdurbin and you're welcome to SSH into this box if you want to see them break reliably? i've tried on several boxes
14:52 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
14:53 pdurbin_m donsizemore: sure, do you want to email me a (temporary) private ssh key?
14:53 donsizemore that would be great
15:33 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks! Please let me know went you email it to me.
17:05 jri joined #dataverse
17:31 pdurbin bjonnh: /var/lib/docker/overlay2 is taking up 4.9G of my 8.0G :(
17:51 pdurbin Woo-hoo! If you run `aws ec2 run-instances` with this you get 20 GB instead of 8 GB: --block-device-mappings '[ { "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1", "Ebs": { "DeleteOnTermination": true, "VolumeSize": 20 } } ]'
19:07 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:09 pdurbin donsizemore: check it out!
19:13 pdurbin I mean, there are API test suite failures but at least the test suite executes. :)
19:15 pdurbin And now the centos and jenkins users are swimming around in 20 GB of storage. An olympic sized pool. :)
19:16 donsizemore i get two failures as well but they're different failures
19:16 donsizemore i'd never give a VM fewer than 4GB of RAM or 20GB of storage
19:16 pdurbin heh
19:17 pdurbin Who knows what our Amazon bill will be.
19:18 pdurbin And ideas on this one? Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection? at​T.testPrivateUrl(
19:19 pdurbin from
19:20 pkiraly joined #dataverse
19:22 pdurbin I wonder if Pete knows.
19:22 pdurbin My guardian angel.
19:24 donsizemore what logging parameter would you bump to see urlWithToken?
19:26 pdurbin oh, it should be there already, no need to bump
19:27 pdurbin INFO: URL with token: https://localhost/privateurl.xhtml?token=e3edd707-0ce3-4815-81db-ae857d2caf21
19:27 pdurbin donsizemore: good catch but how best to fix it?
19:30 pdurbin Ah, I think I know.
19:43 pdurbin donsizemore: the input device is not a TTY
19:56 pdurbin maybe conf/docker-aio/seturl.bash has too much `-it` in it? That's what this seems to say:
20:54 pdurbin pushed a workaround in
20:55 pdurbin Anyway, I should have left half an hour ago. Have a good weekend everybody!
20:55 pdurbin left #dataverse
21:37 jri joined #dataverse

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