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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-06-24

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:08 JonathanNeal_ joined #dataverse
07:16 jri joined #dataverse
10:13 pdurbin joined #dataverse
13:02 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:26 pdurbin has a new look and feel because freenode switched to Kiwi IRC:
13:56 pdurbin donsizemore: when you have a moment, I just left you a comment at
14:03 donsizemore @pdurbin hey hey! i commented (not clapped) back
14:06 pdurbin Cool. I'll go look. I was busy opening this new issue about problems in the develop branch:
14:07 pdurbin dataverse_branch: release
14:08 pdurbin donsizemore: like you said, it's the default but it doesn't seem to have any effect. I always get "develop". This has been for quite a while but I haven't mentioned it because usually I want develop. :) But right now develop seems a little broken so it would be nice to have 4.15.
14:09 donsizemore are you running in vagrant or EC2?
14:09 donsizemore (vagrant uses defaults beneath test/ following dude's rewrite; EC2 uses whatever you feed it)
14:12 pdurbin ec2
14:14 pdurbin Maybe it's a bug in the ec2 create script. I assume that dataverse-ansible supports installing the latest release. That was its original purpose in life. Should work, right?
14:15 donsizemore @pdurbin i've got all this work that i should be doing but instead i'm reviewing gopro footage from grendel's
14:15 donsizemore @pdurbin i'll test out the release switch (which... WAS working...)
14:16 pdurbin Heh. Looking forward to seeing some of that footage.
14:17 pdurbin So much yak shaving.
15:19 donsizemore so "release" deploys both in vagrant and in ec2, though in the latter there is no "release" branch so one must use a -g for group_vars
15:19 donsizemore can i see some terminal output from what's failing / ailing you?
15:25 donsizemore oh, wait. i lied. i can't read. will poke into this.
15:34 pdurbin donsizemore: I just got it to work for me. v. 4.15 build 221-9a0b627 was deployed rather than the develop branch. I didn't use the ec2 spin up script though. I spun up a vanilla centos 7 and (finally) figured out how to run the playbook from localhost.
15:34 pdurbin I added some notes to to help me.
15:35 pdurbin or rather, I opened that issue
15:36 pdurbin I guess what I'm trying to say is that I find this confusing: ansible-playbook -i <inventory file> [-u <user>] [-b] [-K] -e @<group_vars_file> [-v] dataverse.pb
15:36 pdurbin as an ansible newbie
15:36 pdurbin this, to me, is a less confusing version: ansible-playbook --connection=local -v -i dataverse/inventory dataverse/dataverse.pb -e dataverse/defaults/main.yml
15:38 donsizemore i found the logic error in ec2-create and can fix it.
15:38 donsizemore let's change the docs then
15:39 pdurbin donsizemore: cool. I'll make a pull request in a bit. Doing too many things including sitting in an orthodontist office waiting for my kid while the other kid plays ipad.
15:42 donsizemore i'm testing my fix to ec2-create (just nesting some tests)
15:47 pdurbin Awesome. Should we move that script to the dataverse-ansible repo?
15:47 donsizemore um, whenever you want?
15:47 pdurbin Let's think about it later. :)
15:47 donsizemore i can just commit my changes to dataverse-ansible and see who misses it
15:47 donsizemore i'm big on attrition
15:47 pdurbin heh
15:48 pdurbin So I have a error using the weld switch branch.
15:49 donsizemore i'm looking for anything in ec2-create that would prevent it from totally standing alone
15:49 donsizemore the deployment error, or another one?
15:52 pdurbin Oh I see why. The weld switch branch tries to deploy 4.14 and there's a fix we need in 4.15.
15:52 pdurbin (the pull request that Steve M made)
15:52 donsizemore s/4.14/4.15/g
15:52 pdurbin yeah
15:52 pdurbin but I'll spin up a fresh ec2
15:56 pdurbin donsizemore: I just created this pull request to merge master (with the update to 4.15) into the weld switch branch:
16:07 pdurbin donsizemore: success! Dataverse 4.15 running (poorly, with errors) on Payara 5. No more need to manually install Payara 5.
16:13 jri joined #dataverse
16:23 Slava90 joined #dataverse
16:24 Slava90 Hi there! I've just got Weblate up and running on Don's EC2. Can we think about some subdomain like
16:29 pdurbin Slava90: sure! Want me to add that to DNS?
16:30 pdurbin I could CNAME it to whatever hostname.
16:31 Slava90 Hi Phil, sure, please!
16:31 pdurbin What's the hostname, please?
16:31 Slava90
16:35 pdurbin Slava90: thanks. I can't update DNS from here at the dentist office, unfortunately. Let me ask someone in Slack.
16:37 pdurbin Slava90: do you want an SSL cert? If you email me a CSR I can get a cert for you.
16:42 pdurbin Slava90: still there?
16:43 Slava90 Yes, check your mailbox.
16:44 pdurbin Slava90: ok, and for the DNS entry can you please email Danny?
16:45 Slava90 sure, no problem.
16:46 pdurbin thanks
16:56 Slava90 Oh look, Danny already created the record and it's online!
17:17 pdurbin great!
17:24 Slava90 Thanks a lot, Phil! Now I'll ask our translators to take a look.
17:24 pdurbin Slava90: Great! Let me know when I can sent my friends from Indonesia to weblate.
17:25 pdurbin Slava90: also, I just emailed you an error. Your CSR has a common name of "Weblate" instead of "".
17:25 Slava90 Ok, I have to run away now but will send you updated CSR file.
17:29 donsizemore @pdurbin you just needed to merge my PR ;)
17:38 pdurbin :)
19:15 pdurbin donsizemore: I've created a monster: ... these column headings are hilarious :)
19:16 donsizemore @pdurbin you're welcome =)
19:16 pdurbin hee hee!
19:17 donsizemore did you see we have a
19:18 pdurbin Yes! Slava is going to send me a CSR.
20:45 jri joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.