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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-07-01

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:34 jri joined #dataverse
06:18 juancorr joined #dataverse
06:26 juancorr joined #dataverse
06:57 jri joined #dataverse
08:32 jri joined #dataverse
08:41 jri_ joined #dataverse
08:58 juancorr Morning @pdurbin. I am a little late. We have not changed the :ZipDownloadLimit
09:17 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
09:58 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
10:27 pdurbin joined #dataverse
10:28 pdurbin juancorr: ok, thanks
10:31 pdurbin stefankasberger: I just merged . Thanks. Did you see the pid/indentifier publish bug?
10:36 pdurbin poikilotherm: has your avatar. :)
10:37 poikilotherm mornin pdurbin
10:37 poikilotherm Thx for adding
10:37 poikilotherm Yeah I know :-/
10:37 poikilotherm Docker uses Gravatar only
10:37 poikilotherm And right now I have used my mail address
10:38 poikilotherm Thinking about creating a temporary alias...
10:38 pdurbin meh, it's fine
10:38 poikilotherm Not for me :-D
10:38 pdurbin :)
10:39 pdurbin There are two owners for iqss on DockerHub. I'm one of them. The other just left Harvard. I guess I should find a new co-owner.
10:41 pdurbin This is probably going to be a slow week at IQSS, by the way. Some people are taking the whol week off. Thursday is a holiday. Almost everyone is taking Friday off.
10:47 poikilotherm Ok, good to know
10:47 poikilotherm
10:47 poikilotherm A happy face
10:47 poikilotherm Ready to serve
10:48 pdurbin much better :)
10:49 poikilotherm Meh Github caches Gravatar, so my face is showing again :-/
10:51 pdurbin Instead of should dataversebot have a more specific homepage to learn more about it?
10:52 poikilotherm Sure, why not
10:52 poikilotherm We could create a repo and use GitHub pages to send people to guides
10:53 poikilotherm Shorter links are nicer
10:53 pdurbin I could create a DNS entry for you. or whatever.
10:54 poikilotherm Sounds cool
10:55 pdurbin We already have ... could do something similar.
10:55 poikilotherm You might think of a dataverse shortlink service
10:55 poikilotherm Sth like forwarding to​link/here/to/sth/whatever
10:56 pdurbin Hmm. For the community meeting we used
10:56 poikilotherm Yeah, sth like that but with dataverse inside it :-D
10:56 pdurbin sure
10:56 poikilotherm Or
10:56 poikilotherm a bit shorter :-d
10:57 pdurbin After many years in ops I'd like personally like to run as few services as possible. I try to keep iqlogbot alive. And .
10:57 pdurbin My home server.
10:57 poikilotherm No service involved.
10:57 poikilotherm Just a website
10:58 pdurbin I guess if went down I'd probably be the one to fix it since I set it up.
10:59 pdurbin Just a redirect in Apache, you mean?
10:59 poikilotherm Meh, overkill
10:59 poikilotherm Static site generator in a Github repo should be good enough
10:59 poikilotherm Its just a HTTP 302...
11:00 pdurbin Just use a meta tag in <head> or something? For the 302?
11:00 poikilotherm
11:02 pdurbin yeah, looks like it boils down to a meta refresh:
11:02 poikilotherm Yeah, but less overhead code to write
11:09 mbamouni joined #dataverse
11:09 pdurbin Well, each redirect is just one line in an Apache config file. And it works with Javascript disabled. But it's good to know about this Jekyll plugin. And I like the idea of it being in git. Thanks.
11:09 pdurbin mbamouni: hello!
11:12 pdurbin mbamouni: thanks for helping that fellow who speaks French install Dataverse!
11:17 poikilotherm pdurbin: I discovered that in POM ScribeJava 3.1.0 is used, while upstream is at 6.3.3...
11:17 poikilotherm Sry 6.6.3
11:18 poikilotherm Crossing fingers this will not end in undiscovered regressions... Wondering if we should add integration tests before or just leave it to Kevin :-D
11:21 pdurbin Is it possible to add an API to Dataverse to test the ScribeJava stuff? It feels heavily dependent on a browser to me. It's probably hard to test with REST Assured or similar.
11:21 poikilotherm Huh? Browser dependent with OAuth2?
11:22 pdurbin I'm saying we have tests for Builtin Users in REST Assured. We don't have any API tests for Shibboleth or OAuth users.
11:23 poikilotherm Sry, I'm puzzled. API tests?
11:23 poikilotherm Shouldn't there be some integration testing for the providers?
11:24 pdurbin Yes! Ideally.
11:24 poikilotherm I can't get Dataverse API tests into the picture. Could you elaborate a bit more on your idea?
11:24 pdurbin API tests are mentioned here:
11:25 poikilotherm Phil I know what your API tests do, its just that I can't figure out what you mean by adding API tests for this
11:40 pdurbin Sorry, distracted and breakfast.
11:40 pdurbin Reaching peak chaos here.
11:42 poikilotherm Take your time :-)
11:44 pdurbin I'm a little torn. I can keep explaining what I meant but I don't think it matters. All I'm trying to say is that the Dataverse code that uses ScribeJava is only exercised by manual testing. Or users in production. :)
11:45 poikilotherm :-D
11:45 poikilotherm Yeah
11:45 poikilotherm I totally agree with that
11:46 poikilotherm That's a very cheap kind of e2e testing ;-)
11:46 pdurbin If we ever measure code coverage of automated tests as I proposed at I think all the code that uses ScribeJava will be red (untested) rather than green (tested).
11:49 pdurbin If you could figure out a way to get some of that code under automated tests before changing it, it would be amazing.
11:50 pdurbin I've heard "legacy code" defined as "code that doesn't have automated tests". :)
12:52 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:54 mbamouni @pdurbin: you're welcome. The french fellow has successfully install dataverse
13:55 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
13:55 pdurbin_m mbamouni: fantastic! Thank you!!!
13:56 mbamouni @pdurbin: you're welcome
13:56 pdurbin_m mbamouni: do you like Django? :)
13:56 mbamouni I cant' say that I like but I use it sometimes
13:57 donsizemore @poikilotherm now has 85GB available
13:57 poikilotherm donsizemore: Nice! Thx :-)
13:57 pdurbin_m mbamouni: I'm looking for someone to help with . Are you interested? :)
13:58 mbamouni I can try to help
14:01 pdurbin_m awesome
14:08 donsizemore @pdurbin_m i set up miniverse a while ago... i can grep my .bash_history if that's helpful?
14:14 pdurbin_m donsizemore: that would be extremely helpful
14:16 pdurbin_m What's a good way to host a Django app?
14:31 pdurbin And what's a good way to organize it in git?
14:33 mbamouni joined #dataverse
14:34 mbamouni @pdurbin. I had a network connection problem. So I lost all the prevous messages
14:35 mbamouni So about django, how can I help. does a thread exist in dataverse google group or anywhere?
14:38 pdurbin mbamouni: please see "What we have already is this wonderful map we talk about all the time. It's powered by a little database..." at
14:39 pdurbin mbamouni: also, donsizemore said he might be able to help.
14:40 mbamouni Ok I will look at this
14:42 pdurbin mbamouni: thanks. I'm happy to continue talking about datavese-installations here too. I'm happy to answer questions, etc.
14:47 donsizemore @pdurbin i'll clean up the rst... that was andrey's last submission before he left
14:48 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks! I just posted some screenshots:
14:48 pdurbin This will be a cool feature. BagIt seems like a nice standard.
14:49 pdurbin poikilotherm: awesome that you have ideas for testing oauth:
14:52 donsizemore jon wants it for our local preservation strategy
14:52 pdurbin sure, makes total sense
14:54 donsizemore @pdurbin i think i deleted our miniverse vm when we stood up dataversemetrics =(
14:55 pdurbin ah, no worries
14:55 pdurbin At this point I'm just wondering what the best practices are for organizing a Django application in git and what are some reasonable options for hosting it.
14:59 pdurbin rigelk: please check out slide 20 about ActivityPub from via "Developing Data Federation Standards" at
15:10 pdurbin donsizemore: when you get a chance, there are two new installations we can add to the community metrics page. I just cut a release:
15:10 donsizemore @pdurbin cool. i'm about to cover my eyes and commit my second RST perpetration
15:10 pdurbin :)
15:10 donsizemore @pdurbin i don't see why it's formatting those two examples differently than the others
15:11 pdurbin Want me to hack on it?
15:11 donsizemore just committed. go for it =)
15:16 donsizemore @pdurbin just updated dataverse-metrics and am pulling new metrics now
15:20 donsizemore @pdurbin i managed to get rid of the screwy formatting, but my ToC sub-headings don't show up
15:49 donsizemore @pdurbin so, i've added unimi and goett to config.json and re-ran, but they don't show up on - any particular cache i should nuke? would like to document the fix
15:52 donsizemore @pdurbin i did run ./
16:08 pdurbin donsizemore: it's probably cached by your browser. Did you try an incognito window?
17:07 donsizemore @pdurbin me and my silliness. yes on second browser
17:11 pdurbin donsizemore: so you can see the new installations on a second browser? Good. :)
17:12 pdurbin donsizemore: oh, seems to be an EC2 instance you spun up. Can I terminate it?
17:44 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:44 donsizemore @pdurbin poop, i thought i terminated all those.
17:45 donsizemore @pdurbin i killed it, sorry.
17:56 pdurbin donsizemore: "terminated". Thanks!
18:03 donsizemore @pdurbin gustavo lookin' for you
18:12 pdurbin donsizemore: heh. Ok. I reminded him this morning that you offered to help look at 500 errors. Not sure if that offer still stands. :)
18:21 donsizemore @pdurbin i'm playing with 4.15's memory usage now
18:21 pdurbin perfect
19:37 pdurbin donsizemore: any hot spots or whatever?
21:19 jri joined #dataverse

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