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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-07-03

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:10 jri joined #dataverse
07:03 jri joined #dataverse
09:10 brett-soric joined #dataverse
09:57 brett-soric left #dataverse
13:28 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:50 pdurbin donsizemore: good morning. I just created
13:51 donsizemore @pdurbin absolutely, i'll take a look. we can rename the existing vars to dons_crappy_sample_kludge
13:51 pdurbin heh
13:52 pdurbin I was happy with my birds and trees for a long long time. Since Nov 2014 it looks like.
13:53 pdurbin Oh and we said we'd work on adding to today.
13:56 donsizemore @pdurbin i added it to config.json yesterday, the update_installations script should've picked it up?
13:57 pdurbin oh, let me try an incognito window
13:58 donsizemore [dls@dataversemetrics dataverse-metrics]$ grep cifor *.json all-dataverse-installations.json:      "url": "", all-dataverse-installations.json:      "slug": "cifor", config.json:    ""
13:59 pdurbin ah, a mismatch
14:01 donsizemore it come from
14:01 pdurbin yeah, I'll ask Julian to fix in it the Django app
14:06 pdurbin I'd still like to figure out a good way to spin it up. Should we just install CentOS 7 and follow the right parts of the old miniverse README? I'm talking about
14:07 pdurbin Does anyone here host any Django apps?
14:12 donsizemore i begrudgingly host a few. i can add manually standing up miniverse to my list if you'd like and document?
14:12 donsizemore without the overhead of ansible, i can try my hand with a docker container if you'd like
14:12 pdurbin Well, miniverse has two Django apps in it. I only care about one of them and I copied that code into the dataverse-installations repo.
14:13 pdurbin I think I'd prefer Ansible to Docker. I don't know why.
14:18 donsizemore to be fashionable we may need to stand it up in kubernetes ;)
14:18 pdurbin :)
14:23 donsizemore @pdurbin i'm taking a friend to an emotional support lunch, but i'll be here part of the afternoon and most of friday. i can take a crack at an installation, then we can pick an installation framework?
14:24 pdurbin Hmm, it sounds good but I'm wondering if sample data is higher priority.
14:25 pdurbin I have "support dataverse-sample-data" under "high priority" right now. And that issue 1 on dataverse-installations under "help wanted: python".
14:26 pdurbin I guess I'm all over the place.
14:26 pdurbin Too many columns, maybe.
14:26 pdurbin I even have a "can't wait" column. :)
14:26 pdurbin please see
14:26 donsizemore eh, you pick. i'm not doing anything with odum's servers until monday unless i have to
14:26 pdurbin sample data first, please
14:27 donsizemore you da boss
14:27 pdurbin thanks!
14:32 donsizemore @pdurbin so, names. custom_sample_data vs. iqss_sample_data? official_sample_data?
14:35 pdurbin I'm thinking.
14:36 pdurbin I guess I like custom_sample_data best.
14:36 donsizemore but then the new repo. just sampledata? label it as IQSS-blessed in some way?
14:37 pdurbin well, IQSS will be in the URL fo the repo. Maybe that's enough?
14:37 donsizemore if you're happy i'm happy
14:37 pdurbin What did the Hulk say? I'm always happy or I'm always angry? I forget.
14:38 donsizemore i only remember him saying RAWWWWR
14:38 pdurbin smash!
15:09 donsizemore @pdurbin testing new sampledata new
15:10 pdurbin wow, quick
15:14 donsizemore as expected, ansible hates my regexp foo
15:16 pdurbin heh
15:37 donsizemore @pdurbin the logic is in place, i'm debugging some ansible silliness with fact caching
15:39 pdurbin nice, please lemme know when I should try it
15:44 donsizemore further
15:47 donsizemore @pdurbin i think i'm down to something silly but the lunch train is leaving. back soon =)
18:09 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:22 pdurbin donsizemore: back? I merged
18:24 donsizemore @pdurbin just manually updated installation list but that didn't do the trick. re-running
18:30 pdurbin It's probably the browser cache again.
18:30 pdurbin I guess I should figure this out. How to make the browser not cache it.
18:31 donsizemore it's cool, i have incognito ;) but in theory ctrl-shift-reload should invalidate the cache
18:31 pdurbin donsizemore: I can see CIFOR in my browser. And scrollbars because the iframe is getting taller. :)
18:31 donsizemore heh. i tried a config.json with only that host, thinking i could update only for that host. but it got rid of the rest, so...
18:32 pdurbin Only 17 of 46 on the map. Maybe someone should write a script to figure out who else we can add.
18:33 donsizemore we've got the json, we've got the version api...
18:33 pdurbin I guess that script could go in
18:35 * pdurbin is making an issue
18:44 pdurbin done:
18:44 pdurbin It's funny, I have a "help wanted: python" column but I don't think I want to specify what language is used.
18:47 donsizemore @pdurbin succeeded =) PCRE != python regexp
18:49 pdurbin donsizemore: great! Should I test it? :)
18:49 donsizemore just submitted a PR for your review
18:50 pdurbin oh! thanks
18:57 pdurbin donsizemore: any thoughts on the user specifying the sample_data array in
18:57 donsizemore @pdurbin oh, i just went down the README. any additional options are no problem
18:58 pdurbin let me try it as-is, it looks good!
19:19 pdurbin juancorr: I know it's late for you but I just @mentioned you at in case you can help with a custom CSS question.
19:21 pdurbin donsizemore: it worked! I'm going to merge this. We can fuss with it further later.
19:51 pdurbin donsizemore: I just wrote a little script and posted some output with "True" (in metrics config) and "False" (not) at
19:51 pdurbin And I think from this we can add a few more.
19:51 pdurbin 4.9.4 False
19:51 pdurbin 4.10.1 False
19:59 pdurbin 4.10.1 False
20:00 pdurbin 4.10.1 False
20:00 pdurbin 4.9.4 False
20:01 pdurbin 4.14 False
20:01 pdurbin 4.10.1 False
20:01 pdurbin 4.9.2 False
20:01 pdurbin 4.12 False
20:01 pdurbin I think that's it. :)
20:01 pdurbin There are a lot of UNKNOWNs.
20:12 pdurbin Anyway, no rush on adding these. It was just bothering a bit that I think the list should be longer. :)
20:13 pdurbin Again, I'm out tomorrow for the holiday and Friday as well. See you all on Monday!
20:13 pdurbin left #dataverse
20:18 donsizemore @pdurbin have a great weekend! just got back from the gym. I'll add these hosts on Friday
21:26 jri joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.