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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-08-02

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:07 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:26 jri joined #dataverse
09:26 j-n-c joined #dataverse
09:45 j-n-c Hi. I'm on a test Dataverse installation (Dataverse 4.15 on the default por 8080) and I'm having an issue exporting metadata for a dataset and was wondering if anyone had a clue on what might be happening or how I could solve this behavior
09:46 j-n-c I'm doing the following procedure:
09:46 j-n-c 1. Navigate to the dataset page (http://<ip_addr>:8080/dataset.xhtml?​persistentId=doi:10.5072/FK2/IA4JR7)
09:46 j-n-c 2. Select the Metadata tab
09:46 j-n-c 3. Click button "Export Metadata" on the right and select a metadata schema (OpenAIRE, ...)
09:46 j-n-c What is happening is that I get a ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error stating that "This site can’t be reached".
09:47 j-n-c The URL I'm redirected to is https://<ip_addr>/api/datasets/export?exporter=oa​i_datacite&persistentId=doi%3A10.5072/FK2/IA4JR7
09:47 j-n-c I noticed that the API call is made using HTTPS (instead of HTTP used for navigating through the UI) and that the port (8080) has been omitted.
09:47 j-n-c If I edit the API call URL to http://<ip_addr>:8080/api/datasets​/export?exporter=oai_datacite&pers​istentId=doi%3A10.5072/FK2/IA4JR7 (change ftom HTTP to HTTP and add port 8080) I get an XML file with the exported metadata.
09:47 j-n-c I have checked the export logs in galssfish but no error is shown.
09:47 j-n-c Is anyone able to reproduce this error? Could You point me to where the PI call is being constructed? Does anyone have an idea on what might be happening or waht I could do to solve this issue?
09:48 j-n-c Is anyone able to reproduce this error? Could You point me to where the API call is being setup? Does anyone have an idea on what might be happening or what I could do to solve this issue?
10:02 poikilotherm Hi j-n-c, I fear a lot of people are on holiday already. I'll try my best
10:02 poikilotherm First: is this instance attached to DataCite Fabrica already with a test or production account?
10:03 poikilotherm I'm asking due to the prefix you use, which is the default demo setup
10:03 j-n-c thanks @poikilotherm
10:04 j-n-c I' using the FAKE DOI available by default in the Dataverse installation
10:04 poikilotherm Ah, good to know.
10:05 poikilotherm Let me take a look at the code
10:05 j-n-c For this I used commmand: curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:DoiProvider -X PUT -d FAKE
10:06 j-n-c because I needed to test dataset publishing
10:24 poikilotherm Ok I dug a bit and found
10:24 poikilotherm Don't mind the branch
10:25 poikilotherm Digging deeper from there
10:25 j-n-c thanks!!
10:27 poikilotherm Ok that myHostURL var is set (via some indirect routes) by
10:27 poikilotherm So this is directly coming from your settings
10:28 poikilotherm To be specific: this setting:
10:29 poikilotherm By default, site url is set to https://{dataverse.fqdn}/
10:31 poikilotherm So you will need to set dataverse.siteUrl JVM option. You might use the example provided in the guide
10:43 j-n-c IT WORKED!!!
10:43 poikilotherm Great :-) I'm glad I was usefull :-)
10:43 j-n-c thanks a lot for your help poikilotherm
10:44 j-n-c It sure was :) thank You
10:44 poikilotherm Sure, no problem :-)
10:44 poikilotherm Do you think this should be changed in the code?
10:45 poikilotherm Like some better detection of http/https and maybe things like the URL one is using to access the dataverse?
10:46 poikilotherm (being reused for the links)
10:47 poikilotherm Then maybe you could describe your use case and how your experience was in an issue...
10:47 poikilotherm Things get better by feedback :-)
10:48 poikilotherm I'd be happy to  support your issue, as it might back at me for integration testing and other places
10:48 poikilotherm +bight
10:56 poikilotherm Man, I must be tired... Its "bite" obviously. Maybe some sleep would be good :-D
13:07 j-n-c I think that at least some reference in the configuration section of the documentation would be helpful. I'll put this on an issue and discussion can go from there
13:10 poikilotherm Thanks! :-)
13:29 j-n-c Done. Created issue #6071
13:30 j-n-c If You can, please review the issue and tell me I You need me if there is anything I should change
15:00 poikilotherm pdurbin, donsizemore, all: I'll be on vacation for 3 weeks... Will try to read up GitHub, but don't expect too much. ;-) Cheers!
16:27 j-n-c left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.