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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-10-03

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:40 Slava1 joined #dataverse
06:45 Slava1 joined #dataverse
07:18 jri joined #dataverse
09:23 Slava1 joined #dataverse
09:46 pdurbin Slava1: you're becoming a regular here. Great! :)
10:10 pdurbin I just posted a screenshot of the new map of Dataverse installations around the world that I'm working on:
10:11 pdurbin jri juancorr12: thanks for adding your launch dates yesterday!
10:29 jri no problem pdurbin :)
11:24 pdurbin I just posted this related message: map of Dataverse installations, installations as a dataset, launch year -
12:12 hblancoca joined #dataverse
12:28 richard_valdivia joined #dataverse
12:28 richard_valdivia hello all!!!
12:33 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:36 richard_valdivia Anyone, in the past, have problem with database when try move it to another machine?
12:40 donsizemore @richard_valdivia hello! i've moved and imported UNC Dataverse's database many times and never run into any serious trouble
12:40 donsizemore @richard_valdivia what's happening with yours?
12:45 richard_valdivia donsizemore: Hi!... well after do the instalation, we create a second database in another and make the restore. In the domanin.xml we point the references to the new database location. Some data was show, but all dataverses created desapear... :)
12:46 richard_valdivia donsizemore: we create a second database in another machine****
12:46 donsizemore @richard_valdivia you only moved the database? if you migrated the web application as well you'll need to re-index in solr
12:47 donsizemore @richard_valdivia can you verify via command line (or pgadmin) that dataverse is seeing what it should using the credentials and address specified in domain.xml?
12:49 donsizemore @richard_valdivia and what's your Dataverse URL, if it's public? i can poke at the API to see what i can see
12:51 richard_valdivia donsizemore greath!! maybe I have to reindex the Solr... And yes, we are using the rigth credecials and address in domain.xml!! We are now looking for the Solr documentation
12:52 donsizemore
12:52 donsizemore @richard_valdivia but if you only moved the database itself you shouldn't have to re-index in solr
12:54 donsizemore sorry, i linked to the manual-index heading. you can just do
12:54 donsizemore curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/admin/index/timestamps
12:54 donsizemore then
12:54 donsizemore curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/index/continue
12:55 richard_valdivia donsizemore unfortunately the database is not acessible out of UNIFESP... but I appreciate your willingness to help!!!
12:56 richard_valdivia donsizemore You are right... After reindex Solr the problem was fix!!! tks a lot
12:56 donsizemore i'm glad that's all it was!
12:57 donsizemore the web interface is populated entirely by solr, even though the contents of the database remain intact underneath. when in doubt, re-index =)
12:58 richard_valdivia Today we have a meeting to show the platform, and we are struggling to fix it!!
12:59 richard_valdivia kkkk... Ok... one more lesson learned... :)
13:03 donsizemore @richard_valdivia is there anything else you want to fix before the demo?
13:05 Slava1 joined #dataverse
13:12 richard_valdivia donsizemore In fact we are testing all environment, but we thinkig thats ok...
13:13 donsizemore @richard_valdivia excellent! well, if something in dataverse can be broken i've probably broken it at some point, so feel free to ask away
13:14 Slava1 joined #dataverse
13:27 jri joined #dataverse
14:05 Slava1 joined #dataverse
14:12 pdurbin richard_valdivia: good luck in your meeting!
14:13 pdurbin xarthisius: you might be interested in this:
14:48 Slava2 joined #dataverse
14:52 pdurbin Slava2: question for you
14:52 pdurbin regarding
17:04 donsizemore @pdurbin knock knock?
17:42 pdurbin donsizemore: hi! What's up?
17:43 donsizemore @pdurbin so on unit tests. ahem.
17:44 donsizemore @pdurbin if a developer updated a branch, he or she would want to run all unit tests, no? should skip-tests be the otherwise default, or some test subset? (what would you like?)
17:45 pdurbin Let me dig up our docs on this.
17:45 pdurbin
17:45 donsizemore the dev guide provides examples, but i didn't know what the default "should" be
17:46 pdurbin Does that "Running Non-Essential (Excluded) Unit Tests" writeup make sense?
17:46 pdurbin basically, the essential unit tests are run every time you do a `mvn package`, which you already do in ansible (thank you!)
17:47 donsizemore so for a default i should remove "-Dmaven.test.skip=true" and call it good
17:47 pdurbin I'm thinking.
17:48 pdurbin "the “dev” Maven profile, which is the default profile"
17:48 pdurbin `mvn package` uses the default profile ("dev", apparently)
17:48 pdurbin oh wait
17:48 donsizemore the skip-test bit got in there at some point to allow the warfile to compile, but it seems like we should take that back out
17:48 pdurbin you're saying you skip the unit tests all together?
17:49 donsizemore i'll just make the default a 'mvn package'
17:50 pdurbin maybe we should back up to what your goal is :) faster build times?
17:50 donsizemore in looking at testing options (all this is with Jenkins/EC2 in mind) I realized Ansible was intentionally skipping unit tests, out of some historical necessity
17:50 donsizemore
17:52 pdurbin ok, so you want to write the wrongs of the past, you want to have ansible start running unit tests and you aren't particulary worried that builds will be a bit slower
17:52 pdurbin right* the wrongs
17:52 donsizemore i'm pretty sure i wrote the wrong of the past ;)
17:52 pdurbin heh
19:08 donsizemore @pdurbin
19:10 donsizemore @pdurbin i can get you the .pem for that instance if you want to poke around
19:32 hblancoca joined #dataverse
19:37 pdurbin donsizemore: nice! I'll look at that tarball soon. Also, can you please try ssh -i /Users/pdurbin/key-pdurbin-F4D3474D.pem
19:37 pdurbin whoops!
19:38 pdurbin donsizemore: can't you please try ami-01b3337aae1959300 as a centos 8 AMI? It's from
19:39 pdurbin I just spun it up myself and /etc/redhat-release says CentOS Linux release 8.0.1905 (Core)
19:39 pdurbin hblancoca: hi! I keep missing you! Sorry!
19:39 pdurbin richard_valdivia: how did the demo go? :)
19:39 donsizemore @pdurbin excellent, will do
19:40 donsizemore @pdurbin i forgot to tag my pg10 test during create, but i'll leave it up if you want
19:42 donsizemore @pdurbin any chance you could merge #119 and #121?
19:45 pdurbin lemme look
19:48 pdurbin donsizemore: merged them both. Thanks! I like that we can abuse unittests.argument to pass in arbitrary flags to mvn if we want to. :)
19:49 donsizemore @pdurbin it would be somewhat counter-intuitive but that argument could be used to disable them
19:49 pdurbin heh
19:49 donsizemore @pdurbin thank you — having those merged into master makes it easier to proceed with jenkins
19:49 pdurbin the world is our oyster
19:49 pdurbin good
19:50 pdurbin related to that ami:
19:50 donsizemore note that the only API test failure on PG 10 is the same on PG 9.6
19:50 pdurbin gotcha. database deadlock?
19:52 pdurbin donsizemore: oh, by the way, I'm still confused about this AMI stuff. I thought we had to click "subscribe" or something. But we didn't have to.
19:53 donsizemore ah, cool. if that's no longer the case i'll remove the comment from the script
19:53 donsizemore (i ain't know)
19:56 pdurbin perfect, thanks!
19:56 pdurbin I mean, it worked for me. I have a centos 8 instance. :)
20:23 Slava1 joined #dataverse
20:55 pdurbin Dataverse 4.17 is out:
21:34 donsizemore @pdurbin running test suites on ami-01b3337aae1959300 w/ pg10. will see how things look a little later. have a great evening!

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.