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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-10-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:33 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:52 jri joined #dataverse
08:23 jri joined #dataverse
08:39 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
10:46 pdurbin stefankasberger: hi, did you see ?
10:57 poikilotherm Morning pdurbin :-)
11:00 stefankasberger Yes, thanks.
11:00 stefankasberger Are you going to Tromso in January btw?
11:00 stefankasberger Cause we could hack&talk maybe 1-2 days before the workshop.
11:04 poikilotherm stefankasberger: we should convince pdurbin's wife to let him go...
11:04 poikilotherm A while ago he told me she would kill him if was to go to Tromso, Lissabon and Brussels
11:05 poikilotherm +he
11:05 pdurbin I'd have to change my flights also. Let's look at the meetups at
11:06 poikilotherm Maybe philipp can offer you some travel expanses...
11:06 pdurbin Oh, I moved the "People" column over to the left, just after location
11:07 pdurbin poikilotherm: sure, that would be great :)
11:08 poikilotherm So you see a chance not getting killed by your wife?
11:08 pdurbin I'd be like, "Honey, I'm an *invited* speaker. I can't say no." I'd still have to change my flights though. And it would be a longer time away from the family.
11:08 poikilotherm :-D
11:08 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
11:08 poikilotherm pdurbin ROFLMAO. You just made my day.
11:11 poikilotherm stefankasberger: I would love to do a hackathon in Tromso
11:11 poikilotherm I was going to fly on Saturday, 1/18, Frankfurt -> Tromso
11:12 poikilotherm But maybe it would suit better for Phil when we do a hackathon after the conf?
11:12 poikilotherm pdurbin when are you heading for Lissabon?
11:12 poikilotherm (on your current schedule)
11:13 poikilotherm Pidapalooza is from 29-30 January (Wednesday after the conf)
11:14 pdurbin poikilotherm: I land in Lisbon at 6am on Tuesday, Jan 28.
11:14 poikilotherm Ok so how about having a hackathon on Monday?
11:15 poikilotherm Let me check skyscanner if this is even possible
11:15 pdurbin Do you mean Tuesday, the day I land in Lisbon? The 28th?
11:16 poikilotherm Nope. Having a hackathon on Monday, travel to Lissabon on Tuesday.
11:16 poikilotherm OMG.
11:16 poikilotherm Tromso to Lissabon is an interesting trip
11:17 poikilotherm ~12 hours, at least 2 stops
11:17 pdurbin Oh, sorry, you were talking to stefankasberger :)
11:17 poikilotherm Nope, to you pdurbin
11:18 poikilotherm If we are trying to plan for having a hackathon WITH you, we should take care we don't use more family time than necessary
11:18 pdurbin I'm so confused.
11:19 poikilotherm Oko let me start over
11:19 poikilotherm Some assumptions
11:19 pdurbin It sounds like you're suggesting that I change my flights. Is that right?
11:19 poikilotherm Of course :-D
11:19 poikilotherm I thought you might do that when you are invited ;-)
11:19 pdurbin Ok, I'd rather not change my flights but go ahead.
11:20 poikilotherm Now I'm confused
11:20 poikilotherm [12:08] <pdurbin> I'd be like, "Honey, I'm an *invited* speaker. I can't say no." I'd still have to change my flights though. And it would be a longer time away from the family.
11:21 poikilotherm That sounded like you might be interested...
11:21 poikilotherm Sorry if I missunderstood sth
11:21 pdurbin Maybe we should go with your idea of starting over. :) Yes, I'm interested but there's still a chance I'll be killed.
11:21 poikilotherm Ok.
11:22 poikilotherm Well let's assume for a moment, you are not going to be killed, you change flights and you get some travel expanses to Tromso.
11:23 poikilotherm You would still need to get from Tromso (conference 1/23-1/25) to Lissabon (conference 1/29-1/30)
11:23 pdurbin That's a fun thought. Can I bring my family too, since we're dreaming a bit? :)
11:23 poikilotherm :-D
11:24 poikilotherm Why not? It might be interesting to see your luggage
11:24 pdurbin And please don't forget FOSDEM.
11:24 poikilotherm -20°C something in Tromso, a few days later +10°C in Lissabon
11:25 pdurbin brr
11:26 pdurbin should be beautiful, even if a bit cold
11:26 poikilotherm Ok, Pidapalooza and FOSDEM are consecutive. There is a small gap between 1/25 to 1/29 to have that hackathon without even consuming more family time, right?
11:27 pdurbin How many days am I away from the family if I go to all three events?
11:27 poikilotherm So my question is if we should (independent from you) do a hackathon with Slava, stefankasberger and many more in that timeslot.
11:27 poikilotherm Lets see...
11:28 poikilotherm 12 to 13 days
11:28 pdurbin That number will help determine my likelihood of being killed.
11:28 poikilotherm Sounds like extinction
11:28 pdurbin yeah
11:28 pdurbin I don't like my odds.
11:29 poikilotherm Meh.
11:29 poikilotherm Not much we could do about that, couldn't we?
11:29 pdurbin Can you and I hack a bit in Lisbon after (or during) PIDapalooza?
11:30 poikilotherm It looks like I will not be in Lisboa
11:30 poikilotherm But we can meet at FOSDEM
11:30 poikilotherm Brussels is not far away and I was thinking about going there already last year
11:31 pdurbin Oh! I thought you'd be in Lisbon. That's what the spreadsheet says.
11:32 poikilotherm I left a comment a while ago...
11:32 pdurbin "not yet sorted", ok
11:32 poikilotherm From Düren to Brussels it's just a 2h trip by train
11:33 poikilotherm Für 20 bucks
11:33 poikilotherm s/ü/o/
11:33 pdurbin I think it would be fun to list a Dataverse event at
11:34 poikilotherm Sure. I dunno if we can get a room or sth from the FOSDEM organizers
11:38 pdurbin They have full on dev rooms you can apply for. I'm planning on spending time in the "Open Source Design" room:
11:39 poikilotherm Depending on how many people would like to join us, maybe we can just do a mini-hackathon there?
11:40 pdurbin Sure, maybe. Again, I've never been to FOSDEM. I'm not sure what's involved in running a room. Plus I was hoping to wander a bit and check out talks, rooms, hallway tracks, etc.
11:41 poikilotherm :-)
11:41 poikilotherm That's what FOSDEM is about, isn't it?
11:42 pdurbin Right but will I be shackled to a dev room if I get it accepted?
11:42 poikilotherm I have no idea :-D
11:42 pdurbin I'm thinking maybe a fringe event where we all go grab a beer or a coffee.
11:43 pdurbin Where "we all" might be just me. :)
11:43 poikilotherm Good idea :-)
11:44 pdurbin I've been meaning to type up something about FOSDEM for the Dataverse mailing list anyway. Maybe I'll share some of these thoughts there.
11:51 pdurbin I should bike to work first, though. :)
11:51 poikilotherm Read you later :-)
12:03 rigelk joined #dataverse
13:01 pdurbin bjonnh: how's your sample dataset coming along? Do you need any help?
13:01 pdurbin juancorr: did you see my pull request got merged? :)
13:22 poikilotherm pdurbin: if you have a free minute, I'd like to talk with you about OIDC support...
13:25 pdurbin poikilotherm: sure! Should I get a room so we can to a video or audio chat?
13:25 poikilotherm Oh if you want, too, we can do that :-)
13:25 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:25 poikilotherm OMG what a sentence
13:25 poikilotherm Let me start ove
13:25 pdurbin Up to you. I have a design meeting in a little over half an hour I don't want to miss.
13:26 poikilotherm Ok
13:26 poikilotherm How much time do we loose in looking for a room / starting the VC?
13:26 pdurbin Hard to say, lemme see if the room is locked.
13:27 * poikilotherm *thumbs up*
13:29 pdurbin got a room, pick your video system
13:29 poikilotherm Zoom?
13:29 poikilotherm Worked pretty smooth so far
13:30 pdurbin Sure, please send me a link.
13:30 poikilotherm
13:51 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:55 bjonnh pdurbin: I will work on it later this week, I have to talk to the people that had issues and those who didn't
13:55 pdurbin bjonnh: perfect. No rush! Lemme know if I can help. You're welcome to create datasets on the demo site and export from there. That's what I would do.
13:58 pdurbin poikilotherm: I guess is a good enough explanation of "lean coffee". Please keep in mind that what I'm talking about is *inspired* by it. In a true lean coffee meeting, the stickies are all blank and each attendee writes what they want to talk about. Then people vote. And you talk about the topic of the sticky with the most votes first.
13:58 poikilotherm That looks nice. Thanks :-)
14:42 carlosmcgregor joined #dataverse
14:45 bikramj joined #dataverse
15:45 carlosmcgregor joined #dataverse
16:07 pdurbin Busy morning talking about
16:09 pdurbin donsizemore: the morning has gotten away from me. Good afternoon! Are we still on at 3? Gustavo is back.
17:11 donsizemore yis yis and i think i'm ready this time
17:13 donsizemore while you're here: CentOS 8. because of psycopg2 versioning differences, RHEL/CentOS8 will require PostgresQL10. assuming API and unit tests come back cleanly, okay to bump that to the default?
18:01 jri joined #dataverse
18:58 pdurbin donsizemore: so sorry, meeting after meeting. Let me move over to Gustavo's office and we'll call you.
18:59 donsizemore @pdurbin you should be down here and we could move it to a coffee shop!
19:02 pdurbin that would be awesome
19:43 pdurbin donsizemore: I just talked to Kevin. Thanks again.
20:18 pdurbin merged!
21:04 donsizemore @pdurbin Credentials ok. Connected to
21:05 donsizemore as thelma harper would say: "uh oh..."
21:15 pdurbin donsizemore: is there an "uh oh"? I'm happily watching :)
21:16 donsizemore scanning grabbed the first four PRs then through a null pointer on the next and barfed
21:16 donsizemore and i'm only trusting "contributors" a list of which dataversebot can't seem to grab
21:17 donsizemore and then the ec2 script doesn't correctly pick up the repo, possibly due to ^^
21:17 donsizemore so... stuff.
21:17 pdurbin details :)
21:18 pdurbin All I know is that PR-6325 is still chuggin' along and I'm quite happy about that. :)
21:18 pdurbin How long have we been talking about this? Multiple years. Then you came along and built it. Thank you!
21:20 pdurbin It's probably time for me to post an update on my "thoughts on automated testing" from May:
21:20 donsizemore there's some stuff to iron out... but it was working on my silly little single-repo test!
21:20 pdurbin I think we've nailed the first two items on the list in that post:
21:20 pdurbin - Get to do the same job that the older Jenkins server and phoenix do which is to catch regressions before a release.
21:20 pdurbin - Get to do a new job of catching regressions before merging pull requests.
21:21 pdurbin Right?
21:21 pdurbin Or we're close, at least.
21:22 donsizemore i thought i had it building off of forks, i'll have to go back and retrace that part
21:22 pdurbin gotcha
21:22 pdurbin details :)
21:22 donsizemore but first we need to get dataversebot able to pull a list of contributors (and/or open up the PR-builder to the world... gulp!)
21:22 donsizemore you and gustavo were talking vetted-list in the first place, so maybe we'll grab a list of GH usernames
21:24 pdurbin Were we? I say open it to the world. :)
21:24 pdurbin (as the guy who doesn't pay the AMS bill)
21:24 pdurbin AWS*
21:24 donsizemore it's touted more of a security concern, but... i'll change it and rescan
21:25 donsizemore PR #6325 completed, BTW:
21:26 pdurbin Cool. That AccessIT failure is expected, even on the develop branch. Here's where we're tracking it:
21:27 pdurbin Hmm, "GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result" ... can we show that on the pull request somehow? The result?
21:27 donsizemore oh. look at this:
21:28 donsizemore "unknown repository" leads to a 404. no wonder jenkins gets a nullpointer
21:30 donsizemore yeah, #6325 is happy because it's from within IQSS.
21:32 donsizemore i've got the test in place to pick up a fork
21:35 donsizemore @pdurbin ugh ugh ugh
21:39 donsizemore okay, heading home. have a great evening!
21:46 pdurbin Heh. " Fixed but Unreleased". Good find.
21:46 sivoais joined #dataverse

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