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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-11-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
13:06 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:16 pdurbin The failing test (AccessIT) was a pre-existing condition on the "develop" branch. :)
13:29 donsizemore there was also a MoveIT failure?
13:32 pdurbin Huh. 500 error. That's no good. :)
13:48 donsizemore some of those are intermittent
13:50 pdurbin database deadlocks, maybe? :)
14:41 pdurbin Fingers crossed that the API test suite passes when this completes:
14:41 pdurbin donsizemore: I ended up just forwarding your email to the people who hung around after standup.
14:57 pdurbin passing:
14:58 pdurbin donsizemore: this is such a fun new toy. Thanks again. :)
15:03 donsizemore @pdurbin look at PR6334! love the screenshot
15:04 donsizemore @pdurbin i'm stumbling towards setting up a test job and branches to test fixing that fork variable. but we've got a lunch talk here and kasha wanted hot chocolate
15:07 pdurbin Merce is giving a lunch talk in about an hour. I'm planning on going.
15:07 pdurbin yeah, that screenshot makes me very happy
15:07 pdurbin phoenix should be worried though... its days are numbered
15:33 pdurbin donsizemore: if you want I can say a little more about while it's fresh in my mind. I just opened it. :)
18:27 donsizemore @pdurbin hey hey.
18:28 pdurbin donsizemore: check this out:
18:28 donsizemore @pdurbin i can do that
18:28 pdurbin What do you think of the new "Preview" tab? :)
18:28 donsizemore yis yis i've seen some of your iterations come through
18:29 pdurbin juancorr might be interested in this too
18:29 pdurbin donsizemore: anyway, what's on your mind?
18:30 donsizemore about to submit another PR since jenkins changed the output of CHANGE_FORK (to match their API, apparently)
18:30 donsizemore just finished our meeting with a new member of the UNC board of trustees
18:34 pdurbin cool, cool
18:34 pdurbin donsizemore: do you want me to make a pull request for the previewers?
18:35 donsizemore you're welcome to or i can start on that next
18:35 pdurbin let me assign it to myself for now
18:36 pdurbin I made a new "don't forget" column on my board. :)
18:38 donsizemore speaking of, i haven't covered my eyes and rebased our fork yet (maybe Monday)
18:39 donsizemore so if you want to do your stealth PR again:
18:39 pdurbin We should probably rope Akio into that discussion. :) Is there stuff in your "develop" that you need? If not, I think I'd just force push whatever is in "develop" on IQSS to your "develop".
18:41 donsizemore in theory he's got everything in IntelliJ anyway
18:41 pdurbin heh
18:41 pdurbin Well, I can tell you what I did with dataverse-installations.
18:41 donsizemore anyway, i need to change one line in the Jenkinsfile
18:42 pdurbin yeah, I can see the one line in
18:42 pdurbin What if you make a new branch called "upstream" or something?
18:43 pdurbin The idea would be that you keep upstream the same as "develop" on IQSS and always branch from upstream.
18:43 pdurbin Does that make sense?
18:45 donsizemore i can do that
18:45 pdurbin for example is 20 commits behind ("master" branch for both)
18:45 donsizemore again, i only tested against OdumInstitute/develop thinking i'd just switch the org when the time came
18:45 pdurbin right
18:46 pdurbin maybe we just need to get over this hump
18:46 donsizemore i just need to rebase (or force)
18:48 pdurbin I usually don't suggest force pushing but I think that's what I'd do in this case. I typically want the default branch (usually "master") of any fork I have (under "pdurbin", say) to be an exact copy of whatever is in the default branch of the upstream repo.
18:51 pdurbin donsizemore: now I see plugins!
18:52 donsizemore so you think i should push --force instead of rebase?
18:53 pdurbin donsizemore: there's a safer way
18:53 pdurbin Or at least there's something I do that makes me more comfortable.
18:54 pdurbin Here are the steps in my mind (I hope this makes sense):
18:54 donsizemore well, i just cloned a current copy of his trsa-api branch
18:54 donsizemore so we've got the current snapshot even if we lose the git history
18:54 pdurbin - copy develop to develop2
18:54 donsizemore or make it odum-develop
18:54 pdurbin - delete develop (using the GitHub web gui)
18:54 pdurbin - fetch the latest from IQSS
18:55 pdurbin - push IQSS develop to develop
18:55 pdurbin - delete develop2 if you don't need it
18:55 pdurbin That's what I've done a couple times in a couple repos.
18:56 pdurbin Sure, you could call it odum-develop instead of develop2 if you want.
18:56 donsizemore Akio is watching over my shoulder, BTW
18:56 * pdurbin waves at Akio
18:56 donsizemore (just don't want to detonate a git bomb on a Friday afternoon)
18:56 donsizemore can i just 'git branch -d develop'?
18:56 pdurbin yeah, that's why I think this way is safer
18:57 pdurbin You can delete branches locally and push the deletion to GitHub but I always find this to be a power user thing. I just use the GitHub web interface when I want to delete a branch.
19:01 donsizemore do i say git config master.merge refs/head/master or git config master.merge refs/head/develop
19:02 pdurbin Um. I'm not sure. You're making me think you should re-clone at this point. I re clone quite often. :)
19:02 pdurbin I'm also not quite sure what your immediate goal is. :)
19:03 donsizemore eh? eh?
19:03 pdurbin "This branch is even with IQSS:develop." Perfect!
19:10 donsizemore @pdurbin I didn't change the plugin import code, just down-graded Jenkins at install time
19:10 pdurbin donsizemore: I'm looking at and it looks perfect in terms of a clean single commit. I see what you mean that this will only work if the fork is called "dataverse". That's what you were saying, right?
19:13 donsizemore correct. and until we get a CHANGE_FORK_FULL that may be all we can do
19:15 pdurbin I think that's fine. Do you want me to let Leonid take a look at this? Or should I just merge it?
19:16 donsizemore i mean, it worked for me here:
19:17 pdurbin Yeah, I'm not worried about it working or not. I'm just wondering if we should get more of the team at IQSS looking at these pull requests. Leonid, Gustavo, Steve.
19:18 donsizemore well, once you all approve it i can rescan the repository and see how far we get
19:19 donsizemore a couple days ago pkiraly's PRs displayed in the web interface as "from an unknown repo" and returned a 404
19:19 donsizemore but that seems to be fixed, maybe jenkins will like them better
19:19 pdurbin yeah, that was weird
19:19 pdurbin well, I can merge it now (or you can), if you're eager to rescan
19:23 donsizemore your preview mode is in place
19:24 donsizemore if you merge it #6336 now (i can't) i can rescan the repo and go to the gym =()
19:24 pdurbin You can't merge it? Ohhhh, it's in "dataverse".
19:25 pdurbin donsizemore: developers aren't allowed to merge anything in "dataverse" but I just approve it for QA to merge.
19:26 pdurbin When you get back from the gym (or next week), please take a look at
19:27 donsizemore now jenkins likes 6183 but not 6177
19:27 donsizemore i can fix the file mode bit
19:28 pdurbin donsizemore: thank you!
19:30 donsizemore i'll just pop in a bash command for now. i'll swap out IQSS-Dataverse-PullRequest.xml for IQSS-Dataverse-Develop-PR.xml next anyway
19:31 pdurbin awesome
20:45 pdurbin merged. Tests passing on the develop branch ("API Test Status: passing" at ). It's been a good week. I'm heading home. Have a great weekend, everyone!
20:46 pdurbin left #dataverse
23:43 nightowl joined #dataverse
23:49 nightowl left #dataverse

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