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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-11-07

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:57 jri joined #dataverse
08:30 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
09:31 MrK191 joined #dataverse
09:33 MrK191 left #dataverse
09:33 MrK joined #dataverse
09:45 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
10:07 MrK191 joined #dataverse
12:07 pdurbin I just invited Adilia to join us here:
12:07 xarthisius joined #dataverse
12:11 poikilotherm Sure.
12:14 poikilotherm Educated guess: either the installer failed or she deploys the WAR manually, now she get's a 500 because not root dataverse present.
12:14 poikilotherm Ah.
12:15 poikilotherm Wait a sec
12:15 poikilotherm She is trying to access the asadmin interface
12:16 poikilotherm Let me do a quick check on a kind cluster
12:22 MrK191 joined #dataverse
12:23 pdurbin Yeah. I never use the Glassfish admin GUI.
12:23 pdurbin MrK191 is back!
12:27 MrK191 Hi, yeah just sneaking by you know :D
12:32 poikilotherm pdurbin: I cannot reproduce the problem. Yes, I do have these cert errors, too. But nothing fatal. I can acces http://localhost:4848 without any problems.
12:33 poikilotherm (And my localhost is from a kubectl port-forward, so it looks like external to the glassfish server)
12:34 poikilotherm Oh.
12:34 poikilotherm She uses HTTPS on the asadmin interface
12:38 poikilotherm So she actually must have activated the secure admin or installed some other certificate.
12:38 poikilotherm I dunno if this is in scope for us :-D
12:41 pdurbin Can she get support from the Glassfish community? Is there a Glassfish community?
12:42 poikilotherm Well first of all she should do a proper description of what she did so far.
12:42 poikilotherm Because otherwise no one will be able to help her
12:42 poikilotherm AFAIK and as far as I could see there is no thing about installing a cert in glassfish in Dataverse docs
12:43 poikilotherm So this looks like it does not follow the normal setup. It would be very helpfull for helping out knowing what she did...
12:47 poikilotherm Ok after chaning asadmin credentials, then using "asadmin enable-secure-admin" and "asadmin restart-domain", I can access https:// version of the admin gui. Login form is successfull, but I see a Error 500 after that at https://localhost:4848/j_security_check.  The logs show the SEVERE error she posted.
13:14 pdurbin Maybe following the normal setup is hard. :) That's why I use dataverse-ansible. :)
13:25 poikilotherm :-D
13:25 poikilotherm kubectl is doing all fancy stuff for me ;-)
13:39 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:40 donsizemore @pdurbin following normal setup isn't too bad as long as you have all your ducks in a row to run ./install
13:40 donsizemore @pdurbin but if anything goes wrong you pretty much have to wipe everything and start over
13:50 pdurbin yeah :(
13:51 pdurbin donsizemore: you had a question late yesterday, right? Are you all set?
14:00 MrK191 joined #dataverse
14:35 MrK191 joined #dataverse
14:39 MrK191 joined #dataverse
16:53 gteague joined #dataverse
18:48 jri joined #dataverse
20:26 pdurbin gteague: hi! I think I just replied to your email on the list. :)
20:28 donsizemore @pdurbin i was curious if you knew more than the documentation says about redetecting filetypes
20:28 pdurbin can you please link me to the docs?
20:28 donsizemore @pdurbin it's part of the upgrade instructions to 4.15 (or .14?) but the API seems to want file IDs
20:29 donsizemore
20:30 pdurbin thanks, let's look at
20:30 donsizemore 4.15 upgrade instructions say "Redetect file types using the new Redetect File Types API:" then link to ^^
20:31 pdurbin It looks like you have to pass in the id of the file: ... there is no "redect all". I think that's what you were asking before.
20:32 donsizemore that's what i had surmised, but the docs don't say much about that
20:32 pdurbin gotchat
20:32 pdurbin gotcha*
20:32 pdurbin well, we could fix the docs *and* add a "redetect all" if you want :)
20:32 donsizemore i'm wondering whether that was intended for datafile entries with blank contenttype fields, or whether the jhove.conf changes would make it attractive to redetectAll
20:33 donsizemore want me to open a reDetectAll issue?
20:33 pdurbin sure!
20:35 pdurbin well, there are some details in or I could tell you want I remember :)
20:35 pdurbin at a high level we had way too many "unknown" files in Harvard Dataverse
20:36 pdurbin now "unknown" is 6th :)
20:41 pdurbin adding that file helped a lot
20:41 pdurbin
20:42 pdurbin That's how we detect .md files as Markdown, for example: md=text/markdown
20:42 pdurbin and .ipynb files as Jupyter Notebooks, etc.
20:49 jri joined #dataverse
21:01 pdurbin I forget if I mentioned that I'm taking tomorrow off to pack (moving on Saturday). Last call for questions. :)
21:07 donsizemore eh, i'm just going to leave well enough alone. hope moving goes well! i don't envy you that...
21:08 pdurbin so many boxes
21:26 pdurbin Ok, time to put some rain pants on and bike home in the dark. Have a good weekend, everyone! Holiday on Monday. See you Tuesday.
21:27 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.