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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-12-11

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:35 andrewSC joined #dataverse
05:09 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
05:15 nightowl313 hi all ... was trying to upgrade my dataverse install to 4.18.1 and something went wrong .. the install just gave a bunch of errors that everything already exists in the database; the deploy was unsuccessful; I don't really know what state everything is in and don't know how to fix; can I follow the instructions for a fresh reinstall in the installation instructions, or what is my best course of action here?
05:17 nightowl313 I probably compounded everything by the work I was doing trying to install a load balancer .. after making some changes in AWS I lost connection and dataverse was no longer deployed
05:18 nightowl313 any help is greatly appreciated
05:34 nightowl31353 joined #dataverse
05:35 nightowl31353 left #dataverse
05:51 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
06:07 nightowl313 left #dataverse
07:19 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
07:20 nightowl313 i restored my aws volume from a snapshot and after hours of trying, finally got it all back up
07:20 nightowl313 left #dataverse
07:56 juancorr joined #dataverse
07:56 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:59 poikilotherm nightowl133 still around?
08:34 jri joined #dataverse
09:05 jri joined #dataverse
09:12 MrK joined #dataverse
09:32 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
10:39 pdurbin oh dear, poor nightowl
10:40 pdurbin poikilotherm: what did you want to say?
10:46 MrK pdurbin: Hey, so are there any plans to migrate from irc?
10:46 pdurbin MrK: not really. Why? :)
10:46 pdurbin What should we use instead?
10:46 MrK pdurbin: Ah well, I'm just not a fan of it :D
10:47 pdurbin You are not alone. :)
10:47 pdurbin Are you more of a Slack person?
10:48 MrK Well also not quite, since paid history is just ridiculous in my opinion.
10:48 MrK With friends we use Discord, but the target group are gamers
10:49 MrK Slack is more of a business based
10:49 MrK But Discord doesn't have paid history, built in voice channels, you can also stream/ share camera, and all of this for free.
10:51 pdurbin gives us history for free but certainly not voice, video and screen sharing. What do other open source projects use? When I started this channel everyone was on freenode.
10:57 pdurbin Freenode was growing quite quickly back then. I remember looking at this chart:
10:58 pdurbin It seemed like the obvious choice for an open source project.
10:58 pdurbin Mozilla is moving away from IRC. They were supposed to announce what they're moving to on Dec. 1st.
11:08 poikilotherm Good morning guys :-)
11:09 pdurbin mornin'
11:10 poikilotherm I'm enjoying a slice of Victoria Sponge :-)
11:12 pdurbin I haven't made coffee yet. >:(
11:12 poikilotherm Well maybe you should change that? ;-)
11:13 pdurbin Yeah, I'm correcting what I wrote in a hurry last night about tabular ingest.
11:15 poikilotherm Such a busy man... You really burn for this projec, don't ypu?
11:15 pdurbin heh, burn up? I guess :)
11:16 pdurbin I like helping people. :)
11:16 pdurbin And in this case I feel bad about giving some misinformation.
11:18 pdurbin ok, sent
11:18 pdurbin poikilotherm: while I'm making coffee, do you want to reply to ? I'm not awake enough to understand what he wrote. :)
11:19 poikilotherm I am already drafting a comment... ;-)
11:19 poikilotherm But I'm not sure what he means
11:33 poikilotherm pdurbin: I think about adding a plantuml based diagram about OIDC to the docs
11:34 poikilotherm How do you feel about adding sphinxcontrib.plantuml to the sphinx extensions
11:34 pdurbin Maybe you two can talk about it in Tromsø. :)
11:35 poikilotherm Sure, I already offered to give a talk about it
11:35 pdurbin Nice!
11:35 poikilotherm Still it might make sense to create some diagrams
11:35 poikilotherm Slava already said GoGoGo
11:35 pdurbin Sure, please make a pull request. Should Jenkins be building docs?
11:36 poikilotherm Either Jenkins or readthedocs
11:36 poikilotherm I remember we talked about that because of doc changes in branches
11:36 pdurbin yeah
11:37 pdurbin readthedocs has ads
11:37 poikilotherm Have they???
11:37 pdurbin like sourceforge
11:37 poikilotherm I couldn't spot any for Dataverse Kubernetes
11:38 poikilotherm Oh but I have an adblocker...
11:38 pdurbin :)
11:38 poikilotherm Switched browser to Chrome without blocke
11:38 poikilotherm No ads
11:40 poikilotherm
11:40 pdurbin For me it's at the bottom.
11:40 pdurbin "get offers from top companies"
11:43 poikilotherm I just switched off paid ads for dataverse-k8s
11:43 poikilotherm I still have that Jenkins pipeline script around
11:43 pdurbin Does this mean less money in your pocket?
11:44 poikilotherm Nope, this is all free
11:44 pdurbin ok
11:44 poikilotherm You will still see community ads
11:44 poikilotherm For other projects and conferences
11:44 poikilotherm But that seems fair
11:44 pdurbin oh, that's fine
11:44 pdurbin And readthedocs provides a nice service.
11:44 poikilotherm Defnitely
11:45 poikilotherm You can also give them money to remove the ads
11:45 pdurbin who, me?
11:45 poikilotherm "You can go completely ad-free by becoming a Gold member or a Supporter. Additionally, Gold members may remove advertising from their projects for all visitors."
11:46 pdurbin Gotcha. Or we could host our own docs like we always have.
11:46 poikilotherm Sure
11:46 poikilotherm They ask 50 bucks for corporate supported OSS projects
11:46 poikilotherm 5 for small or personal
11:46 poikilotherm (per month)
11:47 pdurbin nothing about higher ed?
11:47 poikilotherm
11:47 pdurbin that link is asking me to sign in
11:48 poikilotherm Meh
11:48 pdurbin Anyway, I'd rather talk about getting off Glassfish 4.1. Want to hear the latest?
11:49 poikilotherm
11:49 poikilotherm Yes please!
11:49 poikilotherm You promised me good news and a surprise
11:50 poikilotherm Back in the day you didn't want to ruin things...
11:50 poikilotherm But don't see anything :-D
11:50 pdurbin I promise nothing. (Simpsons quote)
11:51 pdurbin I spun up an EC2 instance with Payara 5 and here's Dataverse running on it:
11:52 poikilotherm Great :-)
11:52 poikilotherm Is it still compatible with GF4.1?
11:57 pdurbin The two commits so far on that branch should be, yes, but we have a long road ahead of us. We talked about it for the better part of an hour at tech hours yesterday. Do you still want to use ?
12:00 poikilotherm No idea. I am a bit confused.
12:00 poikilotherm Hmm maybe s/a bit/somewhat/? Not sure what's correct in EN
12:02 pdurbin Do you see the "current known issues" at ?
12:02 pdurbin Looks like 11 open, 2 closed.
12:04 pdurbin For those 11 the plan is to create an issue for each one and create a pull request into the 6230-glassfish-upgrade branch.
12:04 pdurbin Not to create all 11 issues at once. And we'll probably find more than 11 along the way. Or maybe some can be combined.
12:05 pdurbin But the idea is to find one you think you can tackle, create an issue, and make a pull request if you can.
12:05 poikilotherm Ok, sounds like a plan
12:05 pdurbin Again, a pull request into the new branch.
12:05 pdurbin So the question is, would it make sense to use the board we created?
12:06 poikilotherm Actually the plan sounds a lot like what we discussed back in the day
12:06 pdurbin Or should we just close that board?
12:06 poikilotherm I dunno how Gustavo is going to communicate
12:06 pdurbin He communicates at standup.
12:06 poikilotherm Does he want the stuff to flow through the regular processes
12:06 poikilotherm Etc
12:07 pdurbin No, like I said, we will be merging pull requests into the 6230-glassfish-upgrade branch rather than the develop branch.
12:07 pdurbin These pull requests will not go through QA.
12:07 poikilotherm Yeah
12:07 poikilotherm IIRC we named the branch payara5 - that's just naming
12:07 poikilotherm I'm fine with any branch name ;-)
12:08 pdurbin me too
12:09 poikilotherm What confuses me is how communication is flowing. It's very comfortable and SLOPI with you, but Gustavo is more or less firewalled for me. I have no idea if this is good or bad for trying to work together on this.
12:09 pdurbin You can email him if you want.
12:09 poikilotherm Same for the board. If things have different flows, it might be a good idea to keep things separated
12:10 poikilotherm That's not the same ;-)
12:10 pdurbin Sorry, what do you mean about the board?
12:10 poikilotherm The project board #16
12:10 pdurbin Right, what about it? Should we close it? Use it?
12:11 pdurbin I'm fine with either decision.
12:11 poikilotherm It could be usefull to use it for all these issues and get an overview of what happens. The note cards might be usefull too, since you can quickly take a note about a possible issue without opening oe
12:12 poikilotherm So if you ask about votes, I'll vote for keep open and use it. But I don't think I do have a vote... :-D
12:12 pdurbin Yeah, I agree. Do you want me to advocate for the board at standup?
12:12 pdurbin It's a representative democracy.
12:12 poikilotherm :-D
12:13 poikilotherm I would be glad if the Chief Community Officer would advocate for me and express my view :-)
12:13 pdurbin Of course. I've got your back.
12:13 poikilotherm You're such a good CCO :-)
12:13 pdurbin :)
12:14 pdurbin So do you want to help? Want to build that branch as part of dataverse-kubernetes? Or try to fix one of the known issues?
12:15 poikilotherm Count me in
12:15 poikilotherm For all of it
12:15 pdurbin Do you want to check in with Slava? Summarize this conversation for him?
12:15 poikilotherm What about if Gustavo as the lead of this would create a post to the dev mailing list?
12:16 poikilotherm That way we might reach all relevant people...
12:16 pdurbin You could email him and suggest that.
12:16 poikilotherm Once you guys sorted out the details, communicate them
12:16 pdurbin I just told you the details. :)
12:19 poikilotherm I do hope my comment shed s some light on the pesky details of auth...
12:21 pdurbin Yes, that helps a lot. Thanks!
12:30 MrK pdurbin: I'm not sure what other open source project use, I was in 1 before and they just used Slack.
12:31 pdurbin Yeah, Slack is fine for companies. I think it's terrible for open source.
12:36 MrK Yeah,I agree
12:37 stefankasberger @pdurbin: Another API question :) When was the restrict datafiles attribute added? Seems like the 4.6.2 does not take the argument, but our test instance (4.8.x) works with it.
12:37 MrK I heard something about rocket chat
12:37 MrK Maybe this is something to checkout
12:42 pdurbin Inkscape seems to use Rocket Chat in a SLOPI way at
12:44 pdurbin stefankasberger: added in 4.8 in
12:53 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
13:04 juancorr joined #dataverse
13:22 stefankasberger Merci!
13:29 MrK joined #dataverse
13:30 MrK pdurbin: Btw there are a lot of outdated links in
14:23 MrK191 joined #dataverse
14:45 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
14:46 poikilotherm Hey guys, I'm back :-)
14:47 poikilotherm Talked a bit about RDM and Dataverse at an institute of ours
14:47 poikilotherm pdurbin: do you know from the top of your head if File PIDs are versioned, too?
14:57 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
15:03 nightowl313 hi all...sorry for the late-night freakout last night. I ended up restoring the volume on AWS to my EC2 instance and viola! Everything was back to last week. I don't know what happened...I was making changes to the settings in AWS ... added a network load balancer to see if that would allow shib to work...but I didn't actually change anything on the instance. However, when I went to the site URL glassfish was not running. Then, I went into th
15:04 nightowl313 I learned a lot though!
15:04 nightowl313 haha
15:05 poikilotherm nightowl313: for me this wasn't late night :-D
15:05 poikilotherm 7am UTC is ~8am here ;-)
15:05 poikilotherm Glad to hear it worked out for you so well
15:06 poikilotherm Have you seen my latest contribution got merged for OpenID Connect support?
15:06 poikilotherm Maybe that could be an alternative to complicated Shib setups :-D
15:08 nightowl313 oh ha! I worked on it until 1am Phx time then finally got it working and shut off the computer! I will check out OpenID Connect! Can I find it in github?
15:08 poikilotherm It has been just merged into Dataverse
15:09 poikilotherm The standard itself can be found at
15:09 poikilotherm The basic support will be released with Dataverse 4.19
15:10 nightowl313 oh great! looking forward to it...shib is killing me! reading about it now... thanks!
15:11 poikilotherm Docs for Dataverse can be found here for now:
15:13 nightowl313 this looks very promising, even has a shib extension! will share with my security team
15:29 pdurbin poikilotherm: file PIDs are not versioned
15:34 poikilotherm pdurbin: good to know!
15:35 poikilotherm We might have an interesting use case :-)
15:35 poikilotherm Neuroscience guys have HUGE metadata...
15:35 poikilotherm ~11k key-value pairs
15:35 poikilotherm I'm pretty sure Dataverse can't handle this OOB
15:36 poikilotherm Some people even have ~2MB of metadata
15:37 nightowl313 left #dataverse
15:43 pdurbin cool
15:43 pdurbin sorry, in my second meeting already
15:43 pdurbin save me
15:45 pdurbin MrK191: I fixed some links in but do you mean other links?
15:47 MrK191 pdurbin: Yeah I just found that :D
15:54 pdurbin I even tested it. :)
15:55 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
15:56 pdurbin nightowl313: how's your pilot going? :)
15:57 nightowl313 we are working on getting folks from the org to volunteer for testing; we have a couple of big players in the org that are involved and will probably start that in January...
15:58 nightowl313 which is why I'm kind of desperate to get the authentication working! Thanks for your help on that!
15:58 pdurbin Nice! Sure! Should I check the ticket or is the latest information here?
15:59 nightowl313 just can't get shib working when it is behind a load balancer...i still don't know what is going on ... probably something very simple that I'm just missing
15:59 nightowl313 I have a ticket in with the main ASU IT ... they said to install a NLB instead of an ALB ... that's what I tried last night that crashed my site
16:00 pdurbin Ok. Can you please open an issue about this at ?
16:01 nightowl313 oh sure! will do now ... I'll take any help I can get!
16:15 pdurbin nightowl313: looks great. Thanks!
16:17 nightowl313 =)
16:18 nightowl313 probably some tiny line of code that I am missing in a config file somewhere
16:29 nightowl313 left #dataverse
16:35 pdurbin it is ever thus
19:35 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
19:48 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
20:23 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
22:18 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
22:23 nightowl313 pdurbin: thank you for sharing my ticket with the community! Just had a meeting with our working group here at ASU that is going to help with designing and testing our pilot for Dataverse. They were wondering if someone who has already implemented it at their institution and worked with it a lot would be willing to share some insights with the folks here participatng in the pilot. Insights into how it "developed", how it is practically
22:24 nightowl313 I can tell them about the technical architecture =) But no one here has any experience with actually using the product.
22:24 pdurbin TDL did a nice report a few years ago. Lots has changed since then. It sounds like you've already found DataverseTV.
22:25 nightowl313 I have watched almost all of the videos ... however not all of the data management ones
22:25 nightowl313 =)
22:26 nightowl313 I think they are hoping for someone who is in the midst of working with it, that they can ask questions of, etc.
22:31 pdurbin Would they like to call into a community call? We have them every other Tuesday. There's one next week.
22:39 pdurbin Or they could post to the Google group and ask if anyone is willing to do a phone call.
22:43 nightowl313 well, I will for sure (I missed the last one). I'll check and see if anyone else is able to. The google group is a good idea, too.Thanks.
23:08 nightowl313 left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.