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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-12-17

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
08:22 jri joined #dataverse
09:03 JonathanNeal_ joined #dataverse
09:17 bjonnh joined #dataverse
09:37 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
09:43 MrK joined #dataverse
11:05 Youssef_Ouahalou joined #dataverse
11:06 Youssef_Ouahalou Hello everybody ☺
11:06 poikilotherm Hi Youssef_Ouahalou
12:05 MrK Hi
12:07 poikilotherm Hi MrK
12:09 pdurbin Youssef_Ouahalou: did you see that people from UCLouvain are coming to FOSDEM?
12:19 Youssef_Ouahalou I had absolutely no idea it's good to know
12:23 pdurbin Sounds like they plan to go into production with Dataverse in January.
12:23 pdurbin just like poikilotherm
12:24 pdurbin poikilotherm: this was a very nice tweet:
12:24 poikilotherm :-)
12:24 poikilotherm Thank you
12:24 poikilotherm Yours was very nice, too
12:25 pdurbin Did you see Oracle replied? That was unexpected. :)
12:25 Youssef_Ouahalou It is really interesting what you tell me there, I hope that we will all have the opportunity to meet. Why are you not on this list?
12:26 poikilotherm Oh I didn't see that yet... Must have happened after my comment :-)
12:26 poikilotherm Youssef_Ouahalou pdurbin I do hope to come to FOSDEM, too
12:27 pdurbin Youssef_Ouahalou: uh oh. I guess that means my lightning talk wasn't accepted. :(
12:29 pdurbin poikilotherm: when will you know for sure?
12:29 Youssef_Ouahalou oooh :(, I hope you would still be here @poikilotherm @pdurbin
12:30 poikilotherm pdurbin: Maybe when I return from Norway :-D
12:30 poikilotherm It all depends on construction site, kids and most importantly: wife ;-)
12:31 pdurbin Youssef_Ouahalou: my flights are booked. I'll be there. Three nights.
12:32 pdurbin I guess I can go ahead and email the dataverse-community list about it.
12:33 pdurbin I was hoping to announce that my lightning talk was accepted. But again, it looks like it wasn't. I mean, I didn't get an email that it wasn't accepted but it doesn't seem to be on the schedule.
12:34 pdurbin Oh! It says " Lightning talks have not been scheduled yet. " at
12:34 pdurbin so maybe there is still hope :)
12:35 Youssef_Ouahalou @poikilotherm haha yes i understand , @pdurbin Ah okay it's cool then,but I think they have yet to display everything
12:36 Youssef_Ouahalou @pdurbin haha yes i also think
12:36 * pdurbin crosses fingers
12:38 pdurbin poikilotherm: I'm feeling pretty blocked on getting off Glassfish 4. I can easily confirm the reported bugs but I have no idea how to fix them. I'm not very strong with JSF.
12:38 pdurbin MrK: are you interested in upgrading from Glassfish 4?
12:39 MrK pdurbin: in our fork we went to 4.1.2 since there were issues with eclipse-link, using streams for collections in entities to be exact.
12:41 pdurbin MrK: interesting. Have you tried going to Payara 5?
12:42 MrK pdurbin: no, personally if I wanted to switch I would try switching to Spring.
12:43 MrK but there are more problems than container, so we are just focusing on code quality.
12:43 pdurbin Oh. Spring. What about Quarkus?
12:46 pdurbin MrK: would you stay with JSF?
12:47 MrK pdurbin: Quarkus? Big no from me. Last time when I was at Devoxx there were Red Hat guys promoting it and they were saying that it's not production ready back then. The only benefit I saw was startup time, but that's not the issue in dataverse since I don't think there will be a situation where someone will want 1k instances to boot in 1s. It's just not that kind of a system. I don't see how it is any better than spring, spring is mature, a
12:47 MrK lot of "add-ons" security/reactive etc., completely different approach to integration testing (better, we have problems with arquillian atm.).
12:49 MrK pdurbin: I hate JSF so no :P, there is a reason it was abandoned.
12:49 pdurbin Would you use SpringMVC instead? Or something else?
12:50 MrK pdurbin: Just classic Spring REST + Angular/React + Typescript
12:51 pdurbin Ok, I think I'd be a bit more eager to learn React than Angular.
12:52 MrK pdurbin: I don't know either but we are using both atm at our company.
12:52 pdurbin MrK: did you see that TypeScript is supported by ?
12:52 MrK pdurbin: Oh didn't know that :P
12:55 pdurbin Would it make sense to combine dataverse-client-javascript with React?
13:08 MrK pdurbin: Hard to answer, since I'm not into frontend yet, but probably.
13:16 pdurbin MrK: I guess I'm wondering if we can at least use the same front end code. :)
13:17 MrK pdurbin: Well frontend without jsf is just a dream for me now, so I don't treat it like it's gonna happen during my lifetime :D
13:18 pdurbin I feel the same way.
13:51 poikilotherm Oi pdurbin: community call today?
14:32 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:33 pdurbin poikilotherm: yes, in half an hour, all are welcome. Call in information at
14:33 pdurbin andrewSC bjonnh bricas donsizemore jri juancorr pmauduit Youssef_Ouahalou ^^
14:34 poikilotherm Did you attend the (yesterday) call?
14:34 donsizemore @pdurbin I'll call in but I'm delighted to have to drop off for our CoRe2 meeting at 1030 =)
14:36 pdurbin poikilotherm: sort of. I forgot about it until half an hour in. I heard Steve McE talk about Binder at the end when he saw me join. The new Dataverse/Binder integration. CoRe2 uses Binder, I believe. Cool that you're calling in, donsizemore :)
14:36 poikilotherm pdurbin: someone had questions about K8s...
14:37 pdurbin Yeah, I wish it was recorded. No idea what those questions were. Can you please ask during the call today?
14:37 pdurbin Actually, for everyone, it's best to go ahead and add your questions to the google doc now.
14:37 poikilotherm Sure
16:11 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
16:15 nightowl313 hi my continuing saga of trying to get shibboleth working behind an AWS ELB, I have since found out that the issue that I'm experienced is being caused by shibboleth dropping the session when both the ALB cookie and application cookie is returned by the ALB. It is only expecting the application cookie and not identifying the current session (per AWS tech support). I believe that I need to add elements to my Sessions element i
16:15 nightowl313 has anyone come across this issue with Dataverse as the web app?
16:15 nightowl313 any suggestions as to how to format the directives?
16:52 nightowl313 left #dataverse
16:58 pdurbin Huh. Add elements to the Sessions element. I have no idea.
17:03 MrK joined #dataverse
17:55 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
19:16 poikilotherm pdurbin: you might take a look at
19:17 pdurbin Thanks. In a bit. I'm in a call about and then tech hours.
19:17 poikilotherm Nice
19:17 poikilotherm I'm off for today! Read you all tomorrow guys :-)
21:25 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
21:26 nightowl313 pdurbin: i finally got it working. In case anyone else struggles with this, I had the target group in AWS configured to route on port 80 instead of port 443...that was all. I thought the listeners redirected that, but apparently not. I will update the ticket that I added in github to reflect this as well.
21:26 nightowl313 left #dataverse
21:57 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
21:58 nightowl313 left #dataverse
22:20 pdurbin Awesome! And thanks for updating !

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.