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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-01-10

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:27 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
05:09 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
05:29 nightowl313 anyone know how I would point to a solr installed on a separate aws ec2 instance instead of the local dv web server? do I just install solr the same on the new instance and then point dv to the new instance (via public dns)? where in dv is that configuration?
05:30 nightowl313 figuring this all out one piece at a time =)
08:16 jri joined #dataverse
08:43 MrK joined #dataverse
08:49 jri_ joined #dataverse
09:09 jri joined #dataverse
09:52 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
09:52 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
10:03 Benjamin_Peuch Hello world.
10:40 MrK Hi
11:46 pdurbin whoops, missed nightowl
11:55 Benjamin_Peuch Why were you shooting at them? Don't hunt owls!
12:03 pdurbin Heh. Just checking the backlog:
12:04 pdurbin The answer is :SolrHostColonPort -
12:05 pdurbin Of course, we have a load of new Solr security notices in our latest release about running Solr over a network. It needs to be locked down as much as possible.
12:58 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:05 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: I announced the fringe event here. Hope it looks ok:
13:06 Benjamin_Peuch Wonderful. Thanks a lot pdurbin. :)
13:07 pdurbin Sure! Any guesses on how many people will be there?
13:07 Benjamin_Peuch69 joined #dataverse
13:07 Benjamin_Peuch69 (Just for the record, the Dataverse chat assigned me the number 69.)
13:08 pdurbin Yeah, disconnects are a known issue. :( Please see
13:17 Benjamin_Peuch69 No biggie. Thanks for the link.
13:22 pdurbin sure
14:36 poikilotherm Hi pdurbin, I saw your mail yesterday. I haven't been able to look deeper, because I switched desks today and continue to configure my new laptop
14:37 poikilotherm Maybe I find some time this evening
14:37 poikilotherm When are you about to head out of office?
14:38 pdurbin I should be here another 7 hours or so.
14:44 pdurbin donsizemore: mornin'. Want me to see if Slava has time to join us in here to talk about a cert for ? Sometimes I message him on Skype.
14:44 donsizemore @pdurbin that sounds fine with me
14:45 pdurbin I just sent him a text in Skype and noticed that yesterday he sent me some good news about Selenium tests.
14:46 pdurbin donsizemore: do you have ssh access to the weblate server?
14:48 donsizemore @pdurbin let me check
14:50 pdurbin thanks
14:50 donsizemore i don't think i have the pem
14:51 pdurbin Ok. I haven't heard from Slava on Skype yet. I'll keep you posted.
14:51 donsizemore (as in, i intentionally didn't keep it? maybe i should've)
14:51 pdurbin did it bring you joy?
14:55 donsizemore @pdurbin guess not. i didn't even keep the attachment in my e-mail
14:59 pdurbin ok :)
15:00 pdurbin donsizemore: oh, I wanted to ask you what you think about the new Python installer? It looks like you were able to remove so code from dataverse-ansible in your branch, which seems like a win to me.
15:05 donsizemore it's great so far. i was going to whine about a combination of two options but it's... whiny
15:05 pdurbin once we get it merged you can make it awesome :)
15:06 donsizemore specifying --config_file doesn't implicitly specify --noninteractive
15:06 donsizemore but that separation was likely on purpose
15:06 pdurbin Hmm. Might be worth asking about if you feel like it.
15:07 donsizemore i was going to try --noninteractive without specifying --default_config next
15:10 nightowl313 joined #dataverse
15:13 nightowl313 pdurbin: thank you! re: solr ... not sure how I missed that!
15:14 donsizemore @nightowl313 not to ask the obvious, but you did firewall the stuffins out of solr?
15:14 pdurbin nightowl313: no worries. That's why we're here. :)
15:17 nightowl313 i haven't installed it all yet...but I will. We are using aws and security groups, so will specify port and IP...what else should I do?
15:19 donsizemore @nightowl313 just verify that only dataverse may talk to solr
15:20 donsizemore @nightowl313 and i'm poking around re: Dataverse in AWS, I'd be interested in your setup and your experience
15:26 nightowl313 well, i'm just trying to figure it out...should I follow the same procedure (SolrHostColnPort)?
15:27 nightowl313 i'm pretty much just installing solr as usual (per the installation instructions) on the new ec2, and then using SolrHostColnPort to point to it, right?
15:28 pdurbin yep
15:28 nightowl313 and then locking it down? in aws I can create a security group to lock traffic to only that coming from the DV security group
15:28 pdurbin yes, please lock it down
15:29 pdurbin we've had both servers and laptops hacked that were running Solr without a firewall
15:30 nightowl313 will definitely install a firewall, add a rule for it, AND use a security group!
15:30 nightowl313 thank you so much
15:30 nightowl313 with all of the of these days maybe I can help someone!
15:34 pdurbin nightowl313: out of curiosity, why put Solr on a separate server?
15:35 nightowl313 just separating out the main components for performance (and it looked like that's "standard") ... is it better to keep it on the same server?
15:35 nightowl313 does harvard have it on the same server? I was looking at the diagram in the docs
15:40 pdurbin I think either way is fine. Performance seems like a good reason. I forget what we do for Harvard Dataverse. I know we have two Glassfish servers, which adds some complexity.
15:41 pdurbin That diagram is from back when we were on physical hardware.
15:42 pdurbin And now we use RDS instead of running Postgres ourselves.
15:44 pdurbin nightowl313: have you seen our new map? Do you want to be on it?
15:45 nightowl313 I am using RDS, too...
15:45 pdurbin cool
15:45 nightowl313 we are just in a pilot phase at this point, but I know we will want to be on the map once we actually get a live public dataverse
15:46 nightowl313 does running RDS eliminate the need/benefit of running Solr separately?
15:48 pdurbin No, it's unrelated. I just thought to mention it because I looked at that old diagram. :)
15:50 nightowl313 oh ha! Okay...thanks
15:50 nightowl313 will there be any january community meetings? I really want to start attending those
15:51 pdurbin nightowl313: there's nothing listed at right now but in our internal calendar I see the first one should be on Tuesday at 10am Boston time. Or I guess you could attend the one the night before for the folks mostly on the other side of the world.
15:53 pdurbin Or both. :)
15:53 nightowl313 okay, sounds good...thanks!
16:13 pdurbin sure
16:13 pdurbin standup time
16:22 nightowl31378 joined #dataverse
16:22 nightowl31378 left #dataverse
16:51 pdurbin was just updated to show all the community calls in January, by the way.
17:20 jri joined #dataverse
17:51 jri joined #dataverse
19:50 donsizemore joined #dataverse
21:26 pdurbin I'm heading out. Have a great weekend, everyone!
21:26 pdurbin left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.