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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-02-06

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:24 sivoais joined #dataverse
07:35 juancorr joined #dataverse
08:11 jri joined #dataverse
08:25 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
09:04 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
10:22 pkiraly joined #dataverse
10:23 pkiraly Hi, it seems is down
10:26 pkiraly it blocks the external viewers
10:54 pdurbin pkiraly: yuck, you're right
10:58 pkiraly pdurbin: If you know them could you please notify the responsible persons?
11:01 pdurbin I'm creating an issue.
11:07 pkiraly Thanks a lot!
11:07 pdurbin pkiraly: how does this look?
11:11 poikilotherm Morning pdurbin
11:11 poikilotherm I had no chance to look into the multi storage things
11:11 poikilotherm Just saw Slavas comment at
11:12 poikilotherm What do you think - would you grant me temporary admin access to dataverse-sample-data on Github till the webhook to Jenkins is in place?
11:12 pkiraly at they still use URLs in the installation guide.
11:12 poikilotherm Can be revoked after that
11:12 pdurbin pkiraly: yes, can you please open an issue about that?
11:12 pkiraly pdurbin: the ticket you created is fine, I just do not know what would be the good URL
11:13 poikilotherm I'd do this now then because it's good for my testing for production upgrade
11:13 pkiraly pdurbin: yes, I'll create a ticket
11:13 pdurbin poikilotherm: sorry, pkiraly and I are dealing with a production outage
11:13 pdurbin I mean, it's just file preview, but you know. :)
11:13 poikilotherm Yeah, saw that :-(
11:13 poikilotherm Sorry to hear
11:14 pdurbin more SLOPI, please
11:14 poikilotherm Take your time, I'll be around doing other testing for now
11:14 pdurbin poikilotherm: I'm fine with giving you admin access but do you promise not to break sample data in dataverse-ansible?
11:15 poikilotherm It will break, but we only need to add a fix. Do you want me create a PR for dataverse-ansible?
11:16 poikilotherm We don't have to merge into dataverse-sample-data until we fixed dataverse-ansible
11:16 poikilotherm I could just do all of this on my feature branch
11:16 poikilotherm So no one gets shoot
11:16 poikilotherm s/shoot/shot/
11:17 pdurbin poikilotherm: yes, if you could create a pull request for dataverse-ansible, that would be much appreciated!
11:18 poikilotherm Aye Aye Captain :-)
11:19 pkiraly joined #dataverse
11:19 pdurbin poikilotherm: I just made you admin by adding you to
11:19 poikilotherm Thank you!
11:23 pdurbin sure
11:24 pkiraly pdurbin:
11:25 pdurbin pkiraly: thanks! Is your production Dataverse installation also affected?
11:25 pdurbin Yes, it looks like:
11:26 pdurbin pkiraly: you should do this:
11:26 pdurbin and then change the URL
11:26 pdurbin and then add the tool back in
11:29 pkiraly pdurbin: yes, production is affected
11:30 pkiraly for me it is not clear what is the good URL
11:32 pdurbin I'm not sure but I assume should change to ... for "toolUrl" in the external tool manifest (the JSON).
11:36 pkiraly I try it and report when done
11:37 pdurbin great!
11:38 poikilotherm pdurbin: to allow the image build on Jenkins from my PR, dataversebot needs to see collab rights. Therefore he needs push access. See
11:38 pdurbin but not admin
11:38 poikilotherm Nope.
11:38 poikilotherm Push seems to be ok
11:39 poikilotherm Does that make sense for you?
11:39 pdurbin Dataverse Robot Kitten
11:39 poikilotherm I could of course move my feature branch to the project
11:40 poikilotherm
11:40 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: I blame you for the kittens
11:41 poikilotherm What do you prefer?
11:41 pdurbin poikilotherm: ok, the invitation is pending. I think you need to click something.
11:41 pdurbin I like kittens. I'm just kidding.
11:42 pdurbin My cats are no longer kittens. They are big and bad.
11:43 poikilotherm Everyone likes kittens.
11:43 pdurbin especially Alf
11:43 pkiraly pdurbin: done. And it works as well
11:43 pdurbin from Melmac
11:44 pdurbin pkiraly: great!
11:44 pdurbin pkiraly: can I give you ssh access to Harvard Dataverse so you can fix it there? ;)
11:45 poikilotherm PR-14 is building :-)
11:46 pdurbin \o/
11:46 pkiraly pkiraly: if you brave enough to let me enter, I'll do that. I add a comment to the ticket how to solve it.
11:47 pkiraly pdurbin: if you brave enough to let me enter, I'll do that. I add a comment to the ticket how to solve it.
11:47 pdurbin pkiraly: if you want, you can create an issue at
11:48 pdurbin that's where we put production issues for Harvard Dataverse
11:51 poikilotherm Our lovely kitten just pushed to
11:53 pdurbin I'm seeing a login screen there.
11:53 pdurbin Here I can see it:
11:53 pdurbin poikilotherm: thanks!
12:05 pkiraly pdurbin:
12:11 pdurbin pkiraly: thanks!!
12:14 pdurbin pkiraly: I guess if you really want to... you could create a pull request to fix those URLs in the README. :)
12:32 pkiraly pdurbin:
12:33 pdurbin pkiraly: awesome! If you put "closes #38" in the description of your pull request that issue will be automatically closed when the pull request is merged.
12:37 pdurbin See also
12:37 pkiraly pdurbin: in #38 I suggested some other changes as well, which I did not touched.
12:37 pdurbin Ah, ok
12:37 pdurbin big chunks :)
12:39 pkiraly pdurbin: yes, there are more things, and I should have created an atomic issue, but I failed
12:41 pdurbin heh, it's all good
12:42 pdurbin poor Davis was getting called "Big Chunks" at sprint planning yesterday
12:43 pdurbin
12:47 pdurbin pkiraly: if you really want to, you could create a pull request for to fix those two URLs in the guides. :)
13:22 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:26 donsizemore @pkiraly @pdurbin you're welcome to point to in the mean time
13:27 donsizemore I just did a 'git pull' so we should be current
13:34 donsizemore @poikilotherm at a glance I don't see much in that should break dataverse-ansible, give me a minute and i'll run through with that branch?
13:35 poikilotherm Sure. Most likely that config variable will break it unless you already changed the taks
13:35 poikilotherm See also the comment from pdurbin
13:35 donsizemore ain't no thing. i'll open an issue and test against the branch.
13:36 poikilotherm Thx!
13:43 donsizemore @poikilotherm what's that saying? if you're not breaking things, you're not doing work?
13:44 poikilotherm LOL
13:47 pkiraly pdurbin:
14:25 Benjamin_Peuch pdurbin: Kittens was solely poikilotherm's decision!
14:26 Benjamin_Peuch (Although I definitely approve of it.)
14:26 Benjamin_Peuch (Because kittens.)
14:26 pdurbin me too :)
14:26 Benjamin_Peuch Davis definitely looks less chunky now.
14:26 pdurbin pkiraly: thanks! Do you know how to move your pull request to code review? If not, I can explain.
14:27 pdurbin Only a few of us are allowed to give Davis treats. I am not authorized.
14:33 pkiraly pdurbin: no, but now I am in a meeting. I'll ping you after
14:34 pdurbin pkiraly: ok, in short you should be able to drag your pull request to the code review column from if you click "Add cards"
14:39 pdurbin poikilotherm: it turns out we can translate that PDF I mentioned from German to English using Google Translate. Phew.
14:40 poikilotherm pdurbin: nice!
15:03 pdurbin now we just need a PHP developer :)
15:06 Benjamin_Peuch pdurbin: I bet it's a daily challenge. Those imploring eyes (Davies's) are really heart-wrenching.
15:07 pdurbin you'd be surprised how much of his day is spent sleeping
15:11 Benjamin_Peuch Does he have room to move around tho?
15:18 poikilotherm pdurbin: should we use Davis for @dataversebot?
15:39 pdurbin poikilotherm: hmm, you'd better ask Danny
15:43 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks for ! Can you please try moving it to code review?
15:45 donsizemore @pdurbin done!
15:45 pdurbin thank you!
15:45 pdurbin looks like pkiraly was able to move his as well. awesome
15:46 pdurbin standup is in half an hour so it's good to have them in the code review column so they can be discussed
16:04 donsizemore @poikilotherm @pdurbin rite. it broke. me fix in branch
16:04 pdurbin :)
16:31 poikilotherm donsizemore: broke jdbc or sample-data?
16:31 jri joined #dataverse
18:04 jri joined #dataverse
19:03 pdurbin poikilotherm: sample data, I assume
19:59 pdurbin "Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY" ... you gotta love Jenkins.

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