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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-02-28

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:05 pdurbin whoops! missed her. from
00:06 pdurbin who do we know in other timezones? :)
00:15 skasberger joined #dataverse
08:15 jri joined #dataverse
08:28 pkiraly joined #dataverse
08:35 Youssef_Ouahalou joined #dataverse
09:03 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
09:04 Benjamin_Peuch Great things, everybody.
09:05 Benjamin_Peuch Hey poikilotherm, thanks a lot for pinpointing the moment in the second video pdurbin mentioned (thanks a lot to you, too!). I started watching the larger vid yesterday but I did not have enough time to find the exact spot.
09:05 poikilotherm Benjamin_Peuch: sure! You're most welcome
09:05 Benjamin_Peuch I'll make sure to pass the message to our own legal expert. It certainly sounds like a thing whose implications we must get right, but also like you said something we must inform your users about.
09:06 poikilotherm Well as you folks are an archive yourself, you definitely should take care of that... ;-)
09:06 poikilotherm Jülich DATA as an institutional repo is unlikely to be in trouble
09:07 Benjamin_Peuch Very true poikilotherm, hahaha.
09:07 Benjamin_Peuch We archivists take pride in being aware of the legal remit of our work.
09:08 Benjamin_Peuch But it's all become so much more complex to navigate in the world of open access, open science, open data, with the arrival of the FAIR principles, the PSI directives, and so on and so on (Zizek sniff).
09:10 poikilotherm Yeah, life doesn't get easier.
09:13 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: you're welcome.
09:15 pdurbin pkiraly: hi! poikilotherm and I were talking about some of your ideas the other day:
09:16 poikilotherm pdurbin!
09:16 poikilotherm What happened? Did our chatter wake you up?
09:17 Benjamin_Peuch I did tag him. :p
09:18 pdurbin I think I'm still over caffeinated from yesterday. Had lunch with a friend. Then he bought me a coffee. How could I say no.
09:18 poikilotherm Poor pdurbin
09:18 poikilotherm Should we send you some sheeps to count?
09:18 Benjamin_Peuch Was it good coffee?
09:19 Benjamin_Peuch We have a new research project here about the history of coffee. It was soberly baptized "the Robusta project".
09:19 pdurbin There's so much cool stuff going on. Did you watch the two new videos on DataverseTV about controlled vocabulary proposals? Did you see the new DataverseTV redesign?
09:21 poikilotherm That design is indeed looking good :-)
09:22 pdurbin Please feel free to leave a comment. This is Erik's first pull request ever.
09:22 pdurbin I told him you sometimes have to be patient when you make a pull request.
09:22 pdurbin Even when you share an office with one of the maintainers (me).
09:22 Benjamin_Peuch Oooh CVs
09:24 poikilotherm I really hope that IQSS doesn't get overloaded by the sheer amount of stuff going on...
09:24 pdurbin It's definitely a challenge.
09:25 pdurbin Should you focus on grant deliverables? Yes!
09:25 poikilotherm Having the impression that the community is ramping up contributions, but that might be a false positive
09:25 pdurbin Should you be responsive to your open source community? Yes!
09:25 pdurbin Should you sleep? Yes!
09:25 poikilotherm pdurbin go get some more of it!
09:26 pdurbin poikilotherm: hmm, that sounds like my crazy idea of "Outsiders" (but for pull requests): ... "Outsiders would allow you easily filter your GitHub issues down to the ones that weren't created by members of the project. An example query would be is:open repo:pdurbin/addressbookmvc -author:pdurbin -author:dhutty."
09:29 pdurbin poikilotherm: before going to sleep I wrote this: ... I was thinking about adding a quote or two from yesterdays IRC log. There were some classic moments. :)
09:30 poikilotherm
09:30 pkiraly pdurbin: He and thanks! I was off for some days, I'll check it this morning, now I am busy with other parts of Dataverse
09:30 pdurbin poikilotherm: check out the Jan 2020 post at :)
09:31 pdurbin pkiraly: great! Oh, I noticed a typo in the guides if you'd like to make another pull request. Thanks for all the PRs while I was on vacation!!
09:31 poikilotherm
09:33 poikilotherm pdurbin: oh yeah! nice! :-D
09:33 pdurbin poikilotherm: devstats is new to me. Thanks! Did you see the sciencehealth link at ?
09:34 poikilotherm Yes, I tried it, but the app isn't loading :-(
09:35 pdurbin Hmm. What if you start at ?
09:36 pdurbin Oh, cool. is at
09:36 pdurbin Just like I asked for. :)
09:36 poikilotherm Ah there you go!
09:37 pdurbin poikilotherm: check out your awesome project (and thanks again, as always!!)
09:37 poikilotherm pdurbin: in the view of Dataverse I doubt the numbers...
09:38 poikilotherm Victoria Lubitch has a major contribution in 2019 with ~970k lines of code
09:38 pdurbin yeah
09:38 pdurbin I've been meaning to tell Sean about that.
09:39 pdurbin poikilotherm Benjamin_Peuch if you had hung out with me and Youssef_Ouahalou at FOSDEM, you could have met Sean (and Matt):
09:40 pdurbin and yoh:
09:41 poikilotherm :-D
09:41 poikilotherm Better luck next time
09:41 poikilotherm Thx for the shoutout at
09:42 pdurbin Sure! I still haven't tried logging into your installation of Dataverse with HarvardKey, GitHub, and ORCID and still being "me" in Dataverse. Should I try it now?
09:43 Benjamin_Peuch pdurbin: I missed the beer, too! (What do you mean, priorities?)
09:43 poikilotherm What kind of classic moment did you want to share?
09:43 poikilotherm Didn't you want to get some sleep?
09:43 pdurbin Yeah, I should sleep. But I'm pretty wound up.
09:43 pdurbin I'm like my kids. Won't go to bed.
09:43 pdurbin Or my kids are like me, I guess.
09:43 poikilotherm LOL
09:44 poikilotherm If you feel like it, go ahead and try :-)
09:44 pdurbin Benjamin_Peuch: it's legal to drink on the street in Belgium! I blogged about this at
09:45 poikilotherm pdurbin: same in Germany ;-)
09:45 pdurbin poikilotherm: why didn't you tell me in Berlin?!?
09:45 poikilotherm Maybe because I don't drink any alcohol?
09:46 pdurbin ah
09:46 pdurbin but at least you drink coffee
09:47 poikilotherm In Berlin drinking alcohol was prohibited from 1999 till 2006
09:47 poikilotherm Some other cities have rules for this, too
09:48 pdurbin It was worse in the US:
09:48 poikilotherm But you can sue them and chances are that the prohibition will be sacked
09:49 pdurbin this makes me want to cry:
09:50 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
09:51 pdurbin Oh, here's something new and Dataverse-y. It's apparently technically possible to go ahead and list yourself as an attendee of the Dataverse Community Meeting in June:
10:04 poikilotherm pdurbin I just created in the hope that we get a discussion going on your side...
10:08 poikilotherm I hope djbrooke doesn't mind that I took the liberty of assigning scolapasta
10:09 pdurbin poikilotherm: thanks! I was thinking of creating a similar issue but it's always better for it to come from the community.
10:15 poikilotherm I just tested this wirth ORCID...
10:16 poikilotherm You want pictures?
10:19 pdurbin I want pictures for every step, like I did. I can do it. I don't mind. Or others can. I just re-opened "Permit multiple login options to the same Dataverse account" and left this comment:
10:21 pdurbin If I go back to bed and Jérémy Garniaux shows up here (I just invited him), please tell him hi for me. For context, please see
10:35 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
10:36 dataverse-user Hello
10:36 pdurbin dataverse-user: hi!
10:39 pdurbin Is there anything we can help you with?
10:44 dataverse-user I installed and Dataverse and deployed it to Glassfish. When I access locahost:80 I can not see dataverse page. I see glassfish page.
10:44 dataverse-user I do not know if you have any suggetion to fix it quicly
10:45 pdurbin This sounds very similiar to "glassfish web page instead of dataverse web page" at
10:47 dataverse-user Yes, I posted this question on forum yesterday
10:48 skasberger joined #dataverse
10:48 pdurbin Ok. Thanks for the detailed output! Did you see my reply about dataverse-ansible?
10:49 skasberger Oh my god, what a horrible day it was. But finally, the problem was, that the signature of the metadata providers for shibboleth took around 90minutes.
10:49 Benjamin_Peuch Shibboleth really seems to make everyone happy (nudge nudge poikilotherm).
10:50 dataverse-user Yes, actually I saw your answer right now. Thank you
10:51 pdurbin dataverse-user: great! It's early for Don (and me) but he might show up in an hour or two.
10:53 dataverse-user I want to fix the solution I have right know. I do not want to install dataverse again.
10:53 pdurbin dataverse-user: I was afraid you'd say that. :)
10:59 pdurbin dataverse-user: are you trying to install Dataverse 4.19 on CentOS 7?
11:01 pdurbin poikilotherm:
11:03 poikilotherm pdurbin: yeah, I saw :-D
11:03 poikilotherm You were a quicker notification than the Twitter App :-D
11:03 pdurbin I've got TweetDeck open.
11:04 pdurbin The sun's coming up. I can decide if I should recaffinate or not. :)
11:04 poikilotherm Don't give Mr. Shib more coffee....
11:04 poikilotherm If you're already faster than Twitter :-D
11:04 pdurbin poikilotherm: would you be able to help dataverse-user if she comes back?
11:06 poikilotherm Maybe... Depends on how many people want things from me over here
11:06 pdurbin that's enough of a yes for me :) thanks!
11:15 pdurbin poikilotherm: I just added this comment:
11:22 poikilotherm pdurbin please hold your glas...
11:22 poikilotherm (or better coffee pot)
11:23 poikilotherm pdurbin: thanks for the shout out :-D
11:33 * pdurbin spits coffee everywhere
11:33 pdurbin poikilotherm: awesome screenshots! Thanks!!
11:34 pdurbin I can hear my family waking up so I'd better get away from this computer for a bit.
11:34 poikilotherm LOL
11:35 poikilotherm Have fun Mr Shib :-D
12:53 pdurbin poikilotherm: ok, the kids are off to school. Another shout out for you:
13:02 poikilotherm RE :-D
13:03 pdurbin poikilotherm: please see the first bullet at
13:04 poikilotherm That's why exists :-D
13:05 pdurbin poikilotherm: ah ha! Can you please link that up from the "docker in production" issue and mention Peter Portante? And invite him here?
13:09 poikilotherm Sure.
13:12 pdurbin Heh, thanks for linking to a more stable IRC web client than the one I stood up. :)
13:13 poikilotherm ;-)
13:13 pdurbin He's local. I should go have lunch with him again.
13:13 pdurbin poikilotherm: YOU should come to the Dataverse Community Meeting and have lunch with him. :)
13:14 poikilotherm :-D
13:15 pdurbin Maybe we could even talk about Quarkus. :)
13:15 poikilotherm My wife might kill me. My construction site needs me. I don't think someone has any money for this. But maybe I can give a talk remotely.
13:19 pdurbin Have you heard of DataverseTV? It's a thing. :)
13:20 poikilotherm LOL
13:20 poikilotherm No, never heard of it.
13:20 poikilotherm Oh wait, now that you mention it. Wasn't it that ugly website? ;-)
13:21 poikilotherm Heard someone made a nice UI for it
13:24 pdurbin Yeah, the original "designer" was some old Perl hacker who hasn't heard of HTML5.
13:25 pdurbin sivoais: I do have fond memories of Perl, especially the community.
13:30 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:36 pdurbin donsizemore: wow, CentOS 8: ... awesome. Good morning!
13:38 donsizemore @pdurbin I'm waiting on to make CentOS 8 the default in the Ansible role
13:42 poikilotherm While we speak, a Payara 5.201 based Docker image is building.
13:45 pdurbin donsizemore: wow, phpBB. Gross. Anything we can do to help?
13:45 pdurbin poikilotherm: cool but doesn't Payara provide Docker images?
13:45 donsizemore @pdurbin oh, that belongs to CentOS itself. i'm just waiting on an official AMI
13:46 poikilotherm Yes they do. Building upon them.
13:46 pdurbin poikilotherm: you're sticking the Dataverse war file in there?
13:46 poikilotherm (Need to add a few binaries, add Dataverse files etc)
13:50 pdurbin Ok. You make it sounds easy. :) Is there a branch I can look at?
13:52 poikilotherm Not yet.
13:52 poikilotherm There is that old branch
13:52 poikilotherm I merged master
13:52 poikilotherm But I think I'll create a fresh branch
14:04 pdurbin Awesome. Can't wait to see it.
14:11 alex-dv joined #dataverse
14:26 Alexandre-FGV joined #dataverse
14:36 Alexandre-FGV Good morning,   I'm working at FGV.  We have a Dataverse with Handle installed.  After we have installed and configured Handle, we are not able to create datasets.  When we try to do this, an error rises and we find the following log report:   [#|2020-02-28T08:26:46.138-0300|SEVERE|glassfish 4.1|​an|_ThreadID=50;_ThreadName=jk-connector(4);_Ti​meMillis=1582889206138;_6138;_LevelValue=1000;|   Can't l
14:39 poikilotherm pdurbin: I'm off to construction site now. Sorry for not being available for the RSpace guy :-(
14:40 poikilotherm You could catch up Monday morning (which is afternoon for me)
14:40 poikilotherm Hi Alexandre-FGV I'm sure pdurbin will help you in a minute :-)
14:41 poikilotherm But I fear that log message is not complete :-(
14:43 Alexandre-FGV Indeed, there are more messages in Log file, but it seems that the other ones came from the first error...
14:55 donsizemore @Alexandre-GFV what's the rest of that error?
14:59 donsizemore @Alexandre-GFV saw your note to Dataverse-Users as well. The manual says "created for the administrator during the installation process."
15:00 donsizemore @Alexandre-GFV I'm looking at
15:04 pdurbin Alexandre-FGV: hi! was biking in. Cold out!
15:05 Alexandre-FGV [#|2020-02-28T08:26:42.209-0300|SEVERE|glassfish 4.1|edu.harvard.hul.ois.jhove|_ThreadID​=47;_ThreadName=jk-connector(1);_TimeMi​llis=1582889202209;_LevelValue=1000;|   Testing SEVERE level|#]  [#|2020-02-28T08:26:46.138-0300|SEVERE|glassfish 4.1|​rviceBean|_ThreadID=50;_ThreadName=jk-co​nnector(4);_TimeMillis=1582889206138;_$   Can't load private key in /hs/svr_1/admpriv.bin: java.lang.NullPointerException|#
15:05 Alexandre-FGV at net.handle.hdllib.HandleResolver.sendR​equestToSite(         at net.handle.hdllib.HandleResolver.sendRe​questToService(         at net.handle.hdllib.HandleResolver.process​RequestGlobally(         at​cessRequest(         at​cessRequest(         at edu.
15:05 Alexandre-FGV etc...
15:05 Alexandre-FGV it is too long
15:05 pdurbin Alexandre-FGV: what version of Dataverse, please?
15:07 pdurbin Alexandre-FGV: you can get the version here (for example):
15:16 donsizemore @pdurbin the problem is in the server
15:23 pdurbin donsizemore: oh. Do you know how to fix it? I've never set up Handle. And you're right, those line numbers aren't from Dataverse code. So I guess the version doesn't matter. Do we know if that Handle code is on GitHub?
15:28 donsizemore @pdurbin somebody put it in docker
15:29 donsizemore their manual doesn't describe key generation
15:30 donsizemore @pdurbin 4.19 deploys cleanly on stock payara-5.201
15:30 donsizemore @pdurbin
15:40 pdurbin donsizemore: nice! I just let folks in Slack know!
15:52 pdurbin donsizemore: and thanks for replying to dataverse-user!
16:00 donsizemore @pdurbin I never make that mistake... ever.
16:01 pdurbin I'm not seeing source code in
16:01 pdurbin Which I found linked from
16:01 pdurbin which you linked to :)
16:05 donsizemore @pdurbin in fact, the permissions problem above may or may not have caused yesterday's blank homepage =)
16:06 pdurbin I saw you mention glassfish user in your reply.
16:06 donsizemore i'm bad about leaving detritus in my homedir
16:09 Alexandre-FGV joined #dataverse
16:17 Alexandre-FGV hi, I just came back
16:17 Alexandre-FGV the version is 4.10.1
16:19 pdurbin Alexandre-FGV: hi! I think donsizemore and I determined that the version of Dataverse doesn't matter but thank you anyway. At the very least, it should allow me to check which version of the Handle code Dataverse 4.10.1 used, which I'll go do now. Is it safe to assume that this is not a new installation of Dataverse? :) Are you moving to another server or something?
16:23 Alexandre-FGV pdurbin: I received the task to install Handle in an existing Dataverse here... so yeah, it isn't a new installation
16:24 Alexandre-FGV after having Handle working well, my next move is update it =)
16:25 pdurbin :)
16:25 pdurbin What are you using right now instead of Handle?
16:26 Alexandre-FGV This came to me configured to use DOI
16:26 pdurbin I see. So you are switching from DOI to Handle.
16:28 Alexandre-FGV Yes =)
16:28 pdurbin Can I ask why? :)
16:29 Alexandre-FGV btw, the permission to /hs/svr_1/admpriv.bin is root.root ...
16:29 Alexandre-FGV haha my boss asked me to do this
16:31 pdurbin Heh. Ok. DOIs cost more than Handles but who knows why. Just a heads up that only DOI users get all the features of Make Data Count. Please see
16:33 Alexandre-FGV hmmm... I'll send this info to my boss...
16:33 Alexandre-FGV thanks pdurbin =)
16:34 pdurbin Alexandre-FGV: sure. So do you think it's a permission problem? The files are owned by root. What user is the Handle service running as?
16:37 Alexandre-FGV pdurbin: I'm checking right now
16:40 pdurbin cool
16:40 Alexandre-FGV hmmmit is root
16:41 pdurbin Alexandre-FGV: is FGV on ?
16:42 jri_ joined #dataverse
16:42 pdurbin and does this help at all?
16:42 Alexandre-FGV in this map we aren't appearing yet...
16:42 Alexandre-FGV but we should...
16:43 Alexandre-FGV let me check this guide, thanks again
16:44 pdurbin Alexandre-FGV: great! When you get a chance, please follow
16:44 Alexandre-FGV pdurbin: Nice, I'll do asap
16:46 pdurbin thanks!!
17:59 Alexandre-FGV left #dataverse
18:30 donsizemore @pdurbin well, payara5 has _some_ sample data (it died when DataCite went away)
18:55 jri joined #dataverse
19:10 skasberger joined #dataverse
19:17 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
19:47 poikilotherm pdurbin, did you see ?
19:48 poikilotherm Do you want to add some other issue references from IQSS/dataverse?
20:11 pdurbin poikilotherm: "contributing to dataverse project is very difficult" makes me want to cry. T-T T-T I know it's difficult! I'm sorry!
20:12 pdurbin donsizemore: DataCite went away? Where did it go? :)
20:25 pdurbin Should we call the police?
20:56 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
21:01 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
21:30 donsizemore joined #dataverse
21:31 donsizemore @pdurbin yeah, i was going to include some example settings, but the contents of the citationdatefieldtype table didn't match up with what I expected, so I just picked one for the example
21:44 pdurbin donsizemore: should I just move it to QA? I think QA is out until Tuesday.
21:53 donsizemore @pdurbin if you wanna enumerate a list i'm happy to provide examples, i just didn't see much in the DB and depositDate was what our lady here wanted to use, so I picked it

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