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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-03-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
08:01 jri joined #dataverse
09:08 jri_ joined #dataverse
10:44 poikilotherm donsizemore when you have a minute, please poke me with a stick...
11:27 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
11:28 Benjamin_Peuch Hello everybody.
11:28 Benjamin_Peuch Hi poikilotherm. How are things?
11:29 poikilotherm Hi Benjamin_Peuch
11:30 poikilotherm Getting my head f****d up. I can't find why Dataverse Jenkins is picking up the RESTassured tests.
11:33 Benjamin_Peuch Why, he picked them up because they were all scattered on the ground and it was a mess. Jenkins is an excellent butler.
11:33 Benjamin_Peuch More seriously, I can't help you there. Sorry. :( But good luck!
11:34 poikilotherm I think I found it
11:34 poikilotherm Hidden in the deep dungeons of ansible playbooks
11:37 poikilotherm So glad I'm not getting crazy. Using a shovel helps. As always.
11:37 poikilotherm But I'm really scared by the complexity of test dependencies
12:06 Benjamin_Peuch I'm looking up test dependency and the FIRST principle. It's quite fascinating
12:07 Benjamin_Peuch Reminds me of that Dilbert strip:D: We haven't tested our software. Users are going to run into countless bugs."
12:07 Benjamin_Peuch His boss: "Let them. They'll message us about them, and then we will sell the solution to them."
12:10 poikilotherm LOL
12:18 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:19 Benjamin_Peuch
12:19 donsizemore @Benjamin_Peuch phil wanted jenkins to run all the tests
12:19 Benjamin_Peuch Jülich FZ is lucky to have you, poikilotherm.
12:20 donsizemore @poikilotherm the deep dungeons of ansible? i thought you knew the katacombs of kubernetes
12:20 poikilotherm That's another board game :-D
12:20 Benjamin_Peuch donsizemore: To be honest I don't really know what Jenkins is about. I understand it's a technology that was recently introduced to manage certain tasks with Dataverse?
12:21 poikilotherm Well I took me ~ hour to dig to the point where I found the * tests where triggered to run.
12:21 poikilotherm s/where/were/
12:21 donsizemore @Benjamin_Peuch it can do a lot, but for Dataverse it's just automated testing
12:21 Benjamin_Peuch At least poikilotherm doesn't have to navigate the Shallow Swamps of Shibboleth. That's Philip's charge.
12:22 Benjamin_Peuch Okay. Thanks, donsizemore :)
12:22 donsizemore @poikilotherm I knew the integration tests first as the "API Test Suite" (hence the title of the task)
12:22 poikilotherm Benjamin_Peuch: why are they lucky? Because I owe a pile of shovels?
12:23 Benjamin_Peuch You owe a pile of shovels? :D
12:23 Benjamin_Peuch To whom?
12:23 poikilotherm Sure. I think what makes it complex is that the tests are run indirect, just by adding a api test var to the group vars
12:23 poikilotherm s/owe/own/
12:24 donsizemore @poikilotherm they're in EC2 because they'd consistently fall over on (older) local storage...
12:24 poikilotherm Yeah
12:24 poikilotherm And that's perfect
12:24 poikilotherm Don't get me wrong
12:24 poikilotherm I totally understand
12:25 poikilotherm And it's fine to run it on EC2
12:25 poikilotherm And it's totally fine to use Ansible
12:25 poikilotherm It's totally cool to have the api tests as a task
12:25 poikilotherm Just one, hopefully small, thing
12:26 poikilotherm Any chance it could be more explicit in Jenkins?
12:26 poikilotherm Like "here I setup the env, ec2, ..." and "now I run those tests".
12:26 poikilotherm I had to dig inside the logs to find the threads what goes where and what happens.
12:26 donsizemore on-the-fly documentation? =) i do like that
12:26 poikilotherm No fun :-D
12:28 donsizemore I used Ansible because it already did most of the things, and it allowed flexibility through group_vars rather than wrangling with Jenkins' sometimes screwy syntax
12:28 poikilotherm tail -f is documentation enough!
12:28 poikilotherm ROFL
12:28 donsizemore but tail -f breaks when the logfile rotates
12:33 poikilotherm Sure. Ansible seems like a perfect things for this.
12:34 poikilotherm Maybe the test suite can be run from a second playbook on EC2, which is triggered from Jenkins?
12:47 donsizemore for starters i can just make it say API/Integration tests run here. there's an "apitestsuite" tag in place, it just needs an api token parameter
12:49 poikilotherm OK
12:49 donsizemore what's your preferred marker format? a bunch of ###### and all caps, or ...
12:49 poikilotherm Whatever works for you :-)
12:50 poikilotherm BTW donsizemore I'm looking into testcontainers + maven failsafe right now... I do hope to get some things done with that for integration testing.
12:51 donsizemore excellent! you also have to finish your house... which i hope is going well
12:55 poikilotherm Heh more or less. Corona...
12:55 poikilotherm (And time)
12:55 poikilotherm If someone could lay a hand on one of those De Loreans...
13:24 donsizemore joined #dataverse
16:58 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
20:00 djbrooke joined #dataverse
23:06 djbrooke joined #dataverse
23:27 djbrooke joined #dataverse

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