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IRC log for #dataverse, 2020-04-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:51 jri joined #dataverse
08:18 Youssef_Ouahalou joined #dataverse
08:40 jri_ joined #dataverse
10:04 Benjamin_Peuch joined #dataverse
11:48 donsizemore joined #dataverse
11:57 donsizemore @pdurbin Shib-3.1 ahoy,2020)
12:53 donsizemore @pdurbin also:
14:16 pdurbin donsizemore: thanks for keeping an eye on shib releases
14:16 donsizemore I got a non-answer from UNC's Identity Management so Odum will sit tight at 3.0.4 until there's a security release
14:19 pdurbin ok
14:20 pdurbin I'm confused by that testReport. No failures is good but it looks like the API tests didn't run.
14:20 donsizemore oh, poop. let me look.
14:22 donsizemore it's pulling from vagrant.yml, where they are indeed false. part of #6817 switches that to jenkins to match the -develop job.
14:22 donsizemore in the mean time i can turn the suite back on in vagrant and re-run that job.
14:24 donsizemore re-running.
14:26 pdurbin Oh, it was set to false? Sounds like an easy fix. Here's an example that makes me happy. No test failures *and* the API test took 2 min 57 seconds (see ""):
14:29 donsizemore I created a jenkins.yml to pare back some of the stuff in vagrant.yml
14:30 donsizemore speaking of, i was going to turn off prometheus and grafana in jenkins to save the CPU cost, if that's cool by you. we can turn it back on once we get the configs mapped out?
14:32 pdurbin Sure, that sounds fine. For production installations I think Prometheus and friends are awesome but for testing via Jenkins I don't see a need for it, especially if it's expensive.
14:33 donsizemore it's tracking basic system usage now (cpu/heap) but i thought we might do more with it than we have.
14:36 donsizemore p.s. what i'm doing this morning, in case you want to redirect me: i've stood up payara5 with @poikilotherm's proposed s3 change to pom.xml, and am using that instance to step through localstack installation for dataverse-ansible #140
14:37 pdurbin Oh sure. There's a MicroProfile Metrics API we can tap into for more Prometheus goodness once we get onto an app server that supports it, like Payara 5.
14:38 pdurbin donsizemore: what you're doing sounds absolutely fantastic. Thank you!
14:39 pdurbin I'm trying to listen to the design meeting so apologies if I'm a little scattered.
14:42 donsizemore wooden-paneled vaulted ceilings are in now, i hear.
15:12 donsizemore i'm 'bout to kick to the curb [dataverse : download and unzip solr] ************************************* An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: SSLError: ('The read operation timed out',)
15:17 pdurbin bah
15:18 pdurbin The design meeting is over. No discussion of wood paneling.
15:26 pdurbin poikilotherm: typo: "Chosse" in docs/day1/init-deploy.rst
15:26 pdurbin is looking great!
15:29 poikilotherm Heh. Good catch. Can you add a comment?
15:29 poikilotherm Maybe one of those nice +- again?
15:30 poikilotherm I'm trying to get a Dev flavor for payara, too
15:32 poikilotherm But I can't figure out how to enable JDWP via preboot script...
15:32 poikilotherm And trying to change the default JMX config is also driving me nuts. Nothing works...
15:32 pdurbin I don't think I can add a comment because it isn't a pull request.
15:33 poikilotherm Hu? But I opened one...
15:33 poikilotherm #118 sth?
15:33 poikilotherm IIRC
15:34 poikilotherm Or you could leave a comment on the commit...
15:34 poikilotherm Hmm. On or at the commit?
15:39 pdurbin Oh, you're right, there is a pull request.
15:42 pdurbin ok, done
15:42 poikilotherm Thx!!
15:42 poikilotherm Maybe you can take a look at and leave a comment there, too?
15:44 pdurbin Yeah, I saw that. No objections but I'd wait to see what the reviewer says. We can always change it later.
15:44 pdurbin What would be a neat change some day is changing all the code from to org.dataverse. :)
15:45 poikilotherm There is no reviewer yet. Scolapasta sent me a mail that this looks good to him and moved it from a draft to a normal pr
15:45 poikilotherm And djbrooke didn't say anything about a release note... :-/
15:46 pdurbin Ah we use "assignee" to mean reviewer.
15:46 pdurbin Assigned to leave a review.
15:46 poikilotherm That namespace change would be a good candidate for the formatting cleanup, wouldn't it?
15:47 poikilotherm Ah right, djbrooke assigned Gustavo
15:47 poikilotherm But Gustavo did a non slopi reply :-D
15:47 pdurbin Woof. I dunno. We need tooling in place before we do the formatting cleanup. Otherwise, it will drift back into chaos.
15:55 pdurbin poikilotherm: oh, are you still there? Question about the containers page in the dev guide.
16:01 poikilotherm I'm here, following you while building drywalls
16:03 pdurbin Ok, I just wanted to put on your radar that in I put a line at the top of the containers page in the dev guide that we are open to someone deleting what's on that page and the associated openshift file in order to start over with a clean slate.
16:08 poikilotherm Oh yeah I saw that :-)
16:11 poikilotherm Here's a crazy idea. What about creating a PR at dataverse-k8s with the old content added to the current docs. Then delete it from the main guide, pointing to the project, the openshift issue (can't remember bthe number from the top of my head) and the PR, adding a statement about this content has been moved? The PR could even reference the already existing issue as related.
16:12 poikilotherm I don't have capacity to work on this NOW, but that way nothing is lost.
16:14 pdurbin Oh. Well, all that openshift content is in lots of old versions of the guides and in the git history. So I'm not worried about anything being lost. I would just point someone who wants to work on openshift stuff at the 4.20 guides or whatever.
16:15 pdurbin That said, if you *want* all that content in the dataverse-k8s guides you are welcome to have it. It's on my mind because it references Glassfish 4 and as you well know, lots it changing (finally!) in that area. So the openshift stuff is out of date.
16:16 donsizemore @pdurbin
16:24 pdurbin donsizemore: now *that* brings me joy. Even if there are a couple test failures. :) Thanks!!
16:27 pdurbin Oh, by the way, I've switched to Payara for dev. I hope I don't have to switch back to Glassfish 4. :)
16:28 donsizemore oh, it sounds like i should make arrangements to implement gustavo's patch in dataverse ansible? he said he was going to submit the PR to put it beneath installer/ correct
16:30 pdurbin He committed it to the installer branch yesterday:
16:32 donsizemore coo
16:45 poikilotherm Maybe scolapasta could ask Payara people to include his Mojarra patch
16:46 poikilotherm They already ship a patched version, 2.3.14.payara-p1
16:46 poikilotherm Looks like it didn't go into an upstream release yet...
17:23 donsizemore @poikilotherm gustavo has been keeping a keen eye on it
17:33 pdurbin Yeah, it would be nice not to have to patch Payara ourselves.
17:49 donsizemore I went ahead and added it to the dataverse-ansible files/ dir. an easy switch to throw and I'm ready for Payara now
17:49 pdurbin nice
17:50 pdurbin all my ec2 scripts are broken on my mac, all the stuff that shells out to aws, python woes basically, not sure how to fix it
17:59 donsizemore @pdurbin weren't they going to get you a new Mac? ;)
17:59 pdurbin yeah, it's being ordered :)
18:00 donsizemore @pdurbin also, just ran the API test suite on Payara 5 with Gustavo's patched JSF: Results:", "[INFO] ", "[WARNING] Tests run: 117, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 4"
18:00 pdurbin Are you joining us for sprint planning?
18:00 donsizemore @pdurbin but that's stock 4.20, not develop.
18:00 donsizemore we're sprint planning?
18:01 pdurbin see #dv-standup
18:01 donsizemore @pdurbin private channel, no link preview
19:02 pdurbin donsizemore: weird. #dv-standup doesn't have a lock next to it
21:22 pdurbin left #dataverse

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